1 LA Checkpoint 3A

Standards & Guidelines for Language Arts

Checkpoint 3A

QCC standards met:

Language Arts

15 Applies phonetic strategies to read: Word families

21 Recognizes EXPLICIT main ideas, details, sequence of events, and cause-effect relationships in fiction and nonfiction.

22 Recognizes IMPLICIT main ideas, details, sequence of events, and cause-effect relationships in fiction and nonfiction. (simple riddles)

28 Recognizes and reads compound words, contractions, possessives, and words containing the suffixes “ing,” “ed,” “s,” “es”


v  Listening (Cause/Effect): The students will listen as the teacher reads the stories. *Stories are attached. The students will identify the correct answer.

v  Contractions: The teacher will read each contraction and the student will identify the two words used to create the contraction.

v  Compound Words: The student will read independently each word choice and identify the compound word in each set.

v  Reading Comprehension: The student will read independently each riddle and identify the correct response.

v  Decoding Word Families: This set is done one on one with each student. The student is to decode each word and read to the teacher. The teacher checks each correct response.

v  Poetry: The teacher will introduce poem by reading the title. Students will read the poem independently. The teacher will read question and answers aloud for students.

v  Checklist of skills: The teacher will re-assess students’ progress of skills for: Oral Communication, Written Communication, Reading, Writing, Literature, and Reference and Study checking for mastery of skills not mastered during 1st and 2nd nine weeks.

Name ______

Grade Sheet for Language Arts

Checkpoint 3A

points points

earned possible


(E) Listening (Cause & Effect) ____ 10

2 points each

(E) Contractions ____ 12

2 points each

(E) Compound words ____ 12

2 points each

(E) Reading Comprehension ____ 8

2 points each

(E) Decoding Word Families ____ 48

(E) Poetry ____ 10

2 points

Total points ____ 100

____% master

is 80%

Checklist of skills:

Areas of Concern: ______


Cause & Effect

Teacher page: The teacher reads the following to the students:

1. Marion’s umbrella is broken. Marion is getting soaking wet. Color the circle under the picture that shows why Marion is getting wet.

2. Kurt is reading a very funny book. Kurt is laughing and laughing. Color the circle under the picture that shows why Kurt is laughing.

3. Roger is sick in bed. Roger cannot go to school today. Color the circle under the picture that shows why Roger cannot go to school.

4. Helen won the swimming race. Helen is very happy. Color the circle under the picture that shows why Helen is very happy.

5. The car cannot move. The car has a flat tire. Color the circle under the picture that shows why the car cannot move.

Reading Comprehension

Drawing conclusions – test 3A

1. I can fly at night. I look like a mouse. What am I?

a bird a bat a kite

2. You can eat me. I am yellow and long. What am I?

an apple a lemon a banana

3. I am home to turtles, frogs and fish. I am always wet. What

am I?

a pond a garden a cave

4. I am flat and made of paper. I help you find your way when you are lost. What am I?

a game a map a road

Contractions – test 3A


1. it’s

/ it is she is it will

2. can’t

/ can so can not will not
3. don’t / am not do to do not

4. I’m

/ I can I am I will
5. let’s / let him he is let us
6. won’t / will not we will do not

Compound words – test 3 A

giraffe / 2.
horsefly / 4.
/ 6.

Decoding word families – 3A

_____will _____ran _____run _____got

_____fill _____man _____sun _____spot

_____still _____plan _____fun _____hot

_____chill _____van _____bun _____blot

_____luck _____bell _____cat _____win

_____truck _____fell _____that _____tin

_____cluck _____sell _____hat _____chin

_____duck _____shell _____chat _____fin

_____sock _____bet _____pick _____hen

_____block _____wet _____sick _____when

_____clock _____set _____quick _____then

_____rock _____get _____trick _____den



Jack Be Nimble

Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jumped over
The candlestick.

1. This passage is a

A. poem.

B. letter.

C. story.

2. Who jumped over the candlestick?

A. Jill

B. Jack

C. Nimble

3. Which word is the OPPOSITE of the word over?

A. in

B. on

C. under

4. Which word can be made into two words?

A. over

B. nimble

C. candlestick

5. Who is the main character?

A. nimble

B. candlestick

C. Jack