WCPA Executive Board Meeting
Wednesday, October 10, 2014
12:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Lake Delton Board Room
Glacier Canyon Lodge Conference Center
Wisconsin Dells, WI
Wednesday, October 10, 2014
Rosana Godinez
Tanya Hartwig
Jason Bertrand
Joe Haferman
Sarah Tweedale
Stephanie Salazar Kann
Sheila Keaton
Maggie Higgins
Lindsay Gustin
2:10 p.m.
First impressions of the conference
- Past Presidents felt it was going well, and were enjoying their time
- The main speaker selections were all very good, spot on
- Pleasantly surprised about the wellness initiative
- People were really engaged!
- We did not miss the Silent Auction or the Raffle
- Felt like there were no lulls in the conference
- Potentially because we got behind schedule?
- Lunch was super-short on Thursday though, maybe because of the getting behind schedule
- Partnership with ASCA went well, it seems like a good start of a strong partnership. It has the potential to grow over time.
- Social at Monk’s went really well, it started at 8pm, instead of 9pm, and that was huge
- Easy to eat dinner there, or just have a drunk, or appetizer
- The Emcee-Scorekeeper combo was really great (Lindsay & Tanya)
- Monk’s was pleased with the turnout, so this could be a good continued partnership for the future.
- They do have a larger room in the basement, so we could grow into that space
- Having a computer at the registration table was good
- We added 21 new members!
- Mentor-Match
- It was not huge, or super formal, and that seemed to work for folks
- It would be nice to have images so you know who to look for
- Maybe a symbol on the nametag?
- Tanya will send a follow-up to all of them, encouraging them to touch base with their mentees (if they want)
- We need more laptops. Some presenters didn’t bring them, or their laptops from home died and they needed to borrow one
- We don’t have an HDMI cord?
- We may have one, but we didn’t have the crate with all the electronic cords and such (from Chris)
- We need clickers for presenters
- And a mic would be good (for trivia and other things)
- Larger font of the nametags
- Wellness initiative:
- Morning workout seems like a good idea, but no one came?
- Do we need a more specific thing? Like, let’s do yoga tomorrow at 7am, or go for a walk, or meet in the weight room?
- Maybe just share how many steps makeup a mile, and other wellness ideas throughout the conference?
- Move the vendor tables into the banquet room
- We should have some WCPA logos printed up and available for need (for door signs, or the breakfast table)
- Involvement breakfast:
- Could we just do a 30 minute session instead of the breakfast?
- Maybe do it on the second day, so people have a feel for what WCPA is before they decide to go to an involvement session
- We used to do this, and it was the current president and a past president. It was suggested to do a past president and current board member
- Love guidebook- maybe call the sessions what they are, like general session, breakout, flash, etc. Seemed like the board knew this language but participants did not
- Maybe email the paper copy before and if folks want it they can print it themselves to continue to cut costs and encourage the use of the guidebook?
- Evaluations
- We had very few paper copies, which is good, and we want to move toward electronic evaluations
- It will ever be worth it for us to purchase guidebook
- We had exactly 100 evaluations submitted
- Food
- Can we get different lunch options?
- Can we get a better (warm breakfast) option?
Share suggestions to Christin or Lindsay via email in the next 1-2 weeks (everyone)
Everything depends on what we do with ACPA, since this will impact our money flow.
ACPA Chapter Affiliate Agreement
Past Presidents gave some history
- Long history- years ago (1970s) ACPA tried to get states to affiliate, but they did not
- At this point, it is unanimous with Past Presidents that they want to unaffiliated
- They were uninterested in talking about Pros & Cons, and were more focused on the history
- Long term, past presidents think that this is not a good move. ACPA may not make it.
- ACPA Conference this year:
- Some of our board members really enjoyed it but some of our past presidents said that it was a “party for millennials” and there was no benefit for them to go there
- Seems like there is some bad blood based on the history
- If we have to choose, we don’t want to lose the support of our past presidents
- Last time this conversation came up was when the NASPA/ACPA merger was on the table
- Some graduate programs in the state are requiring students to present at NASPA
- So some faculty don’t send their students here because they see us as ACPA
- What value do we get from the summer meetings?
- Jason said- getting to know the other states, what they were doing, and learn best practices. But to be honest, most of the best practices are coming from us and other states like us
- ACPA Connections might be lost
- The scholarship, and other options, for example
- This is true, but maybe something logistical to figure out once we vote
- It would be hard to transition without an additional transition committee, so some past presidents have volunteered to help us out with the transition.
- Cross-functional, state-org., that is not functional area, may create confusion
- People may assume we are affiliated
- We may be moving away from growing a membership, because people may be looking to their functional area orgs.
- Even though we don’t have members that are in both, we may have members who look for both
- Next Steps:
- We believe that we have to take a position. It’s our role as board members to educate our members on options
- Next Friday: we will review the position piece that Joe & Jason will write and give feedback (everyone)
- Call to Question
- In favor of Affiliating- Tanya, Stephanie
- Not in favor of affiliating- Maggie, Lindsay, Sarah, Sheila, Rosana
- We need a vote from Joe, Christin, Mandy, Patrick, Chris (Jason)
- This conversation will continue via email. (everyone)
- Next week check-in:
- Friday morning, 10/17 at 8am
- We need to be able to track who voted, and make sure people only vote once
- Review the proposed language to send to members
Winter Board meeting
- UW La Crosse it is!
- In early January- January 8, 1pm –January 9 around dinner time
PDI Location
- Milwaukee- is it too close to Madison, where we were last year?
- Could we go farther, north for example! Eau Claire, River Falls, etc.
- Maybe try to get to two year campus or technical college?
- River Falls
- We could potentially invite folks from the Twin Cities. Maybe see how MN votes on the ACPA thing and work to establish a strong partnership and relationship with them?
- Eau Claire- would draw from Barron County, Technical College, UW-Stout
Monthly Check-ins (everyone)
- We all agree that we have a monthly check in
- 3rd Friday of the month, at 10am, starting in November
- Additional check-ins, October 17th at 8am and October 24th at 10am
- We are still looking for a conference chair, but we have 1-2 people who are interested (Jason & Lindsay)
Note taking
- Maggie will continue to send them minutes, but include action items in the body of the email. (Maggie)
3:30 p.m. Adjourn