War Between the States
Expanded Weekly Turn Sequence
With Rule Reminders
Compiled by Don B.Johnson
A.Determination of First Player
1.South player can either:
a.pick chit value in parentheses ([5.13] for campaign game, [19.35] for scenarios), or
b.randomly pick chit from pool.
2.North player randomly picks chit from pool.
3.Player with the higher valued chit is the First Player; other player is the Second Player.
B.First Player Turn
1.Movement Phase
a.Depot Creation: exchange depot for any twoground combat strength points.
b.Movement Command Allocation Phase (recursive up to picked chit number)
1)At a depot, load up to 10 supply points into a supply train or 2 into Army.
2)Activate leader or land unit in chain of supply to move, up to number on chit.
3)Command Span Definition
a)Assign leader's additional non-HQ units.
b)Infantry Corps commander cannot command cavalry, Army commander can.
c)Cavalry Corps can only contain cavalry.
c. Individual Leader Initiative Phase (recursive for unmoved leaders)
1)Pick a leader, roll for initiative to move, leader's force moves immediately if he activates.
2)If leader not on chain of supply, subtract 1 from all numbers.
3)If 3-star infantry leader commands an army, subtract 1 from all #'s.
4)If non-cavalry leader commands a cavalry corps, subtract 1 from all #'s.
2.Combat Phase
a.Combat Initiative Segment
1)Define command span (assign leaders additional non-HQ units).
2)Roll one die for each leader; less than or equal to leader's initiative to attack.
b.Battle Segment (recursive)
1)Select attacking units under 1 active leader in at most 2 adjacent hexes to attack 1 hex.
a)Attacking units can attack once per movement phase and once per combat phase.
Exception: [26.1].
b)Defending units may be attacked more than once per turn.
2)Reveal attacking units and determine total attacking strength.
a)Attacker halved if defender is across river.
b)Parenthesized strength may not attack.
3)Defending cavalry may retreat if no attacking cavalry.
4)Determine commanding defending leader.
a)Army commander over corps commander over leader without HQ.
b)If not set by a) above, 5-star over 4-star over 3 star.
c)If not set by b) above, defender's choice.
d)If no leader, must pick battle intensity chit of 0.
5)Reveal defending units and determine total defending strength.
a)Entrained units detrain and are 1/2 strength.
b)Adjacent Naval Flotilla/River Flotilla/Ironclad may assist but then take losses.
c)Can withhold depots and/or supply trains; if withheld,they do not add strength and do
not get allocated losses.
i)Fort: Max 10 SPs, defending strength is x2, attacker losses are x2.
ii)Fortress: Max 100 SPs, defending strength is x3, attacker losses are x2.
iii)Entrenchment 1GT: defending strength is x3, can ignore retreat.
iv)Entrenchment 2GT: defending strength is x4, can ignore retreat,attacker's losses
are x2.
6)Both players secretly and simultaneously pick battle intensity chit. Chit value must be less
than or equal to initiative rating of commanding leader.
a)Reveal chits. Ground combat is resolved using table [8.14]; table used is sum of chits
(maximum of 4).
b)Naval battle is on resolved on the Naval Combat Results Table [11.12].
7)Combat supply ([12.24]) on map from same hex or adjacent hexto which unit being
supplied could move. Supply cannot be withheld.
a)If unsupplied:
i)1/2 strength, rounded down
ii)Losses x2
iii)No advance after combat
8)Roll one die to obtain combat result ([8.14]).
9)Apply loss results, if any, one loss point at a time:
a)Each unit in battle must be assigned 1 loss point before one gets assigned 2 losses.
b)All Garrison points = 1 unit.
c)Losses assigned to a naval unit may be reallocated to another naval unit up to its strength, if any points remain assigned to a naval unit, it is lost.
10)Apply mandatory retreat results, if any.
a)Owner retreats units one hex or into fort.
b)Defender is not required to retreat from city, big town, rough, fort, fortress, or
c)Cannot retreat across a prohibited hexside (mountain, unbridged TidalRiver or
blocked hexside), enemy occupied hex, or across a river into enemy ZOC. Can
retreat into enemy ZOC.
d)Supply Train and Siege Gun cannot enter forest or rough withoutroad.
e)In Winter, cannot retreat across unbridged river hexside.
f)Units unable to retreat are destroyed. Exception: [26.1].
11)Defender may choose to retreat (if not required by combat results).
12)Attacker may choose to retreat (if not required by combat results).
14)If defender's hex is empty, attacker may choose to advance.Supply trains can advance
with attackers.
c.Supply Point Destruction: Voluntarily destroy supply in occupied hex
C. Second Player Turn
The Second player repeats the sequence shown above.
Movement and Combat Rule Reminders
1.Force march allows one or two extra MP. Possible attrition loss; see table [6.32].
2.Attack from march if attackers could enter enemy hex
a.Cannot attack from march a fort/fortress.
b.Follow combat routine
c.No initiative roll needed
d.No supply cost
e.Non-cavalry strength is ½; cavalry is full strength
f.Maximum battle intensity chit is 1 for both attacker and defender
g.Advance after combat allowed, but otherwise not allowed to move further this phase.
3.Entrench: In 1864/65, 10SP non-moving infantry can entrench.
4.Must stop movement when entering enemy ZOC unless executing an attack from march.
5.No ZOC if entrained.
6.Must stop on entering enemy ZOC; can always leave enemy ZOC.
7.Ground units can enter/leave a hex containing enemy naval units without stopping.
1. Same as infantry, plus Cavalry can ignore enemy infantry ZOC.
C.Other Ground Units
1.Supply train spends one (1) supply for each rough, forest, or swamp hex it enters.
2.No ZOC if unit is garrison, supply train, depot, base, siege train, railroad repair unit, across
river/mountain hexside, or if entrained.
3.During Winter turns, supply trains and siege guns may move only on road or rail.
D.Rail Movement
1.Train gets 5 Rail MP; 1 Rail MP = 10 hexes.
2.Entrain/detrain: unit pays 1MP, train pays 1 Rail MP.
3.Write down destination hex to avoid initiative use to detrain.
4.Maximum rail points given per month
5.Maximum of 10SPs on common path per turn.
6.Rail transport can cross river at ferry crossing point for 1 Rail MP.
7.Each supply train, siege train, railway repair unit, and supply pointweighs one SP.
D.Naval Units
a.Naval units do not need movement commands.
b.River Transport/River Flotilla/Ironcladmay move on coastal hex or river hexside up to head of
c.Naval Transport/Naval Flotillamove on all sea hex, around Florida, coastal hex, tidal river.
d.River Transport/Naval Transport create a "ferry" across a river hex/hexside by not moving.
e.River Transport/Naval Transport cannot enter hexes/hexsides with enemy River
Flotilla/Naval Flotilla/Ironclad.
f.Naval Flotilla/River Flotilla/Ironclad entering hex/hexside with enemy naval unit must stop.
g.Naval Flotilla/Naval Transport can round Florida, moving from all sea hex to all sea hex on
South map edge. This takes one whole turn.
h.Naval units can enter/leave a hex containing enemy ground units (except forts/fortresses)
without stopping.
a.River Transport/Naval Transport can carry 10 SPs/supply points, must pay MP cost to
embark/debark [7.26].
a.Resolve combat in combat phase using table [11.12].
b.If leave fort hex/hexside, Naval Transit attack ([11.24]).
c.Naval units attack units in forts during movement phase on CRT #1 [8.14].
4.Amphibious Assault
a.Must start movement phase in same hex/adjacent hexside.
b.Not allowed against a fort/fortress.
c.Attacker’s strength is halved.
d.Leader must roll for combat initiative.
e.Combat supply not required.
f.If defenderremains in hex, attacker losses are x3 and survivors remain aboard transports.