THE CIVIL WAR: 1861-1865
Due date: ______(1 daily grade)
1. RE-READ YOUR MAP RULES CAREFULLY BEFORE BEGINNING THE MAP! Make sure you label your map in pencil first to ensure proper spacing, spelling, and legibility of labels. You will not receive another map if you make mistakes. Everything should be labeled horizontally. Cities/battles are labeled in lowercase letters after the first capital letter.
2. Title: Same as above
3. Use the maps on pages 547, 512, 517, 523, and 541 in your textbook to help you with this map.
4. Locate and label the following cities. You do not need to label anything in parentheses.
Washington, DC (Union capital) Richmond, VA (Confederate capital)
Atlanta (Sherman’s March to the Sea) Appomattox (surrender)
5. Locate and label the following battles.
Ft. Sumter Bull Run Shiloh Antietam
Vicksburg Gettysburg Chattanooga
6. Label the states using the 2-letter postal abbreviations (capital letters).
7. Label modern-day Oklahoma as “Indian Territory.”
8. Color the Union states. For the border states, stripe the color you chose with white.
9. Color the Confederate states.
10. Color the Great Lakes blue. Fringe in blue around the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines, as well as around the Gulf of Mexico.
11. Trace the Mississippi River in blue.
12. Create a key, in the lower right corner, explaining each of the 4 colors (Union, Confederacy, border states, water). Also include an explanation of the city, capital, and battle symbols ( , circle with triangle, x).
13. Draw a compass rose with the 4 directions in the lower left corner.