WBS-16-04: Grade Analysis System


In this project, you are required to develop a complete web application to import, calculate, store and analyze the grade results for all the courses. Every end of semester, the faculty members submit the grades for all the students registered in the course. These grades are analyzed by the Academic Affairs Office to make actions to improve the course. The grade results are exported as an excel sheet for analysis at the end of the semester. Your main requirement is to take this excel sheet, import it into the system, perform some basic calculations and store the results in the database. Next, you need to provide a summary of the grade results to the user and provide him an option to export the results as a PDF file.

Todevelop the application, you will use two external PHP libraries called “PHPExcel” and “FPDF”. ThePHPExcellibrary provides you with ability to read and write excel files from a PHP application. The FPDF library provides you with the ability to compose a PDF file using PHP.


Login/Logout – The system should allow the user to login and logout of the system. Each user has a unique username and a password. Users can logout of the system as well when finished using the system.

Import Grade Data – The system should allow the user to upload the grade results (as an excel .xlsx file). The structure of the file and the sample data will be provided to you. The import form should allow the user to provide the following information

Year (Should be like 2016-17)

Semester (1st or 2nd)

Grade File

Once the grade data is imported, you will need to summarize the results which is explained later in this document. This summarized data is then added to the database.

List Courses –The user can request the summary of the course results for each course. A form is presented to the user to select the year and the semester. Based on the selection, the list of courses in that year and semester is shown to the user. The user can then select one course from the list.

Grade Summary – The user, after selection of the course, is presented with a summary. Please note that a single course can have multiple sections and multiple instructors. You are required to present the following summary for all the sections in the course.

Course Section

Number of A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, W, DN and F

Completion Rate (Total of A+, A, B+, C+, C, D+, D, F divided by the total number of students)

Pass Percentage (Total of A+, A, B+, C+, C, D+, D divided by the total number of students)

Export Results – The Grade Summary page can be exported as a PDF file by using the export button on the grade summary page. This will use the DOMPDF library to export the results and allow the user the download the results.


  1. Login Page
  2. Import Grade Data Page
  3. Course Selection Page
  4. Grade Summary Page


Each page should have a header and a footer except the login page. The login page is just the form to login to the system. The header provides access to two options for the user (Import and Summary). The header also includes the logout option. The footer on the page includes the copyright information along with the team name.


Database Requirement: The system needs to have a table for user, and survey results. The table for users should be filled directly inside the database management system (PHPMyAdmin). Other tables are added from the system directly using the import function described earlier.

Excel File Structure: The excel file provided by the user has the following columns

Course Code

Course Name



Letter Grade

The letter gradescan have values such as A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, W, DN and F

Course Results Structure: Once the user uploads the grade data, you will need to merge the results for each unique course and section. The data that needs to be uploaded in the database is as follows

Course ID (This is a combination of the year-sem-coursecode-sec)

Course Year

Course Semester

Course Title

Course Section

Total Students

No. of A+

No. of A

No. of B+

No. of B

No. of C+

No. of C

No. of D+

No. of D

No. of Withdrawn

No. of Failed

No. of DN


Validation should be provided for the Import Grade Data form only. All the fields in this form are required and appropriate error message should be provided if the user does not enter the information. The following check are required

  • All fields are required
  • The file uploaded should only be an excel file with an .xlsx extension
  • The year should not be in the future
  • The semester should only be 1 and 2