Waynesville High School—Course Syllabus—2013-2014
- Course Title:AP StatisticsDepartment: Mathematics
Course Duration: 2 semesters Credits: 1 (also College Board AP credit can be earned)
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 (B or higher)Conference Hour: 5thHour
Instructor: Mrs. Christina Wadley Phone:573-842-2400 ext 3118
Email:Powergrade: Updated Weekly
Academic Assistance: Thursday 2:45-4:00
- Required books and class materials: Textbook (The Practice of Statistics, 4e, Yates) will be assigned to each student and must be brought to class each day. The students will be responsible for any lost or damaged text.
- Student Supply Requirements: notebook or binder, paper, pencils, red or colored grading pen (not blue or black), graphing calculatorTI-83, TI-84 or TI-84 Pluspreferred, (TI-89 or TI-nSpire are allowed but not recommended, unless you purchase the TI-nSpire with a TI-84 faceplate).
- Rationale for the course: AP Statistics is the high school equivalent of a one semester, introductory college statistics course. College-level statistics credit can be earned through a qualifying score on the AP Statistics test in May.
- Course Description:In this course, students develop strategies for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students design, administer, and tabulate results from surveys and experiments. Probability and simulations aid students in constructing models for chance behavior. Sampling distributions provide the logical structure for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. Students use a TI graphing calculator, Statcato statistical software, and Web-based java applets to investigate statistical concepts. To develop effective statistical communication skills, students are required to prepare frequent written and oral analyses of real data.
In AP Statistics, students are expected to learn
- To produce convincing oral and written statistical arguments, using appropriate terminology, in a variety of applied settings.
- When and how to use technology to aid them in solving statistical problems
- Essential techniques for producing data (surveys, experiments, observational studies), analyzing data (graphical & numerical summaries), modeling data (probability, random variables, sampling distributions), and drawing conclusions from data (inference procedures – confidence intervals and significance tests)
Habits of mind
To become critical consumers of published statistical results by heightening their awareness of ways in which statistics can be improperly used to mislead, confuse, or distort the truth.
- Grading:
Tests: 75% of total grade
Homework & Quizzes: 15% of total grade
Final/EOC Exam: 10% of total grade
- Homework will be given and completed daily and will be turned in weekly. Credit will be given for notes taken during class time. Credit may not be given if appropriate work is not shown.
- Late work will be accepted according to the WHS late work policy with the understanding that the grade will not be for full credit.
- In the case of absence(s), students will be allowed the number of days absent to complete any missed assignments. It is the students’ responsibility to pick up, complete, and return the make-up work to me when completed within the allowed time.
- We will use our online text for applets and online quizzes:
- We will use online statistics software at statcato.org
- Notes and classroom discussions can be accessed through under Wadley AP Statistics 2013-2014
- Classroom Behavior Expectations:
- Respect is expected for all persons and property.
- Cooperation is essential and expected.
- Come to class prepared and on time with all necessary supplies.
- Water is allowed, otherwise, no food or drink in the classroom.
- All handbook rules are expected to be followed.
Positive Rewards: Students can earn 'tiger points' that can be attached to assignments and some assessments.
Grading Scale:
100-90%A / 89-80% B / 79-70% C / 69-60% D / Below 60% FPlease return this page to Mrs. Wadley
Student Name(please print legibly)GradePeriod
Parent email address for optional parent mailing list (please print as clearly as possible)
- I have read and understand the policies and guidelines in the previous document and will do my best to do my part in Mrs. Wadley’s class.
Signature of StudentDate
- I have read and understand the previous document and will do my best to ensure my student's success in Mrs. Wadley’s class.
Signature of Parent/GuardianDate
Any general comments or concerns about your student: