FOR THE YEAR 2012-2013



Superintending Engineer,
Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran
Water Management circle
M.R.No. Date
e-Tender for supply of Alumina Ferric Grade-1 for the year 2012-2013
1) Price of tender form :-
2) Date of receipt :-
3) Tender issued by :- Superintending Engineer,
Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran
Water Management circle,
Fax No.




FOR THE YEAR 2012-2013






e-TENDER NOTICE NO. 2 for 2012 -2013

Sealed Tender are invited in the form in two envelopes system from the Manufacturer.

Sr.No. / Name of work / Estimated cost in Rs. / E.M.D. (in Rs. 3%) / Cost of blank form (in Rs) including 4% Vat
1. / Supply of Alumina Ferric Grade-1 conforming to IS 299/1989 Fourth Addition in Bricks to the various W.S. S. under MJP W.M. Nagpur
Forwarding charges, excise duty sale tax (Central & State) loading & unloading, stacking & transportation at consignee water works etc. complete Estimated Qty – 1420 MT / 1,11,61,200/- / 3,34,836/- / 5,200/-

Schedule of date is as follows (on working day only)

(A)General terms & Conditions :-

1) a) Sale of blank tender form 27/07/2012 17:00 to 21/08/2012 17:00

b) Submission of filled tender form on 27/07/2012 17:00 to 21/08/2012 17:00 upto 17.00 Hrs

c) Opening of tender forms on 27/08/2012 10:00 to 28/07/2012 18:00

any suitable date fixed by the undersigned.

Schedule :-

Release Tender :- 27/07/2012 10:00 to 27/07/2012 17:00

Tender Download :-27/07/2012 17:00 to 21/08/2012 17:00

Bid Preparation :-27/07/2012 17:00 to 21/08/2012 17:00

Close For Technical Bid& Price Bid:-21/08/2012 17:00 to 22/08/2012 17:00

Bid Submission:-22/08/2012 17:00 to 26/08/2012 17:00

Technical Bid Opening:-27/08/2012 10:00 to 28/07/2012 18:00

Price Bid Opening:-27/08/2012 10:00 to 28/07/2012 18:00

2) Validity period - 120 days

3)Blank tender form will be issued in the office of Superintending Engineer,

MJP Water Management Circle, Nagpur to the Manufacturer.

4)The detailed tender notice and terms and conditions will be available in the office

of Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management Circle, Nagpur during office hours.

5) The tenders should be submitted in prescribed tender form which is issued by

Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management Circle, Nagpur

6) The blank tender forms will not be supplied by post.

7)The blank tender forms will be issued after production of necessary documents as maintioned in (B)

8)Even tendered is certified by MSSIDC the deposition of earnest money in the form of FDR for the validity period is compulsory with the tender.

9)The earnest money deposited for one year period of Nationalised bank / Schedule Bank in favour of Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management Circle, Nagpur.

10)If the supplier misguide the department regarding previous experience of supplier for the supply of Alumina Ferric& after proper inquiry the facts are proved in this case Superintending Engineer reserves the right to reject the application for issue of blank tender form of any tenderers.

11)Superintending Engineer, MJP W.M. Circle, Nagpur reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof or to accept any offer in the interest of MJP.

B)Documents to be provided with application for blank tender forms.

i)Registration of Factory and certificate of manufacturing capacity Grade -1

2000 MT per year.

ii)Sales tax register certificate & clearance certificate.

iii)ISI certificate for the material certified by the Indian Standard Beauro.

iv)PAN Card Xerox.

v)The name of the firms to which Alumina FerricGrade-1 (ISI Mark) supplied with quantity during last two years. The performance certificate from competent authority.

vi)In case of partnership / company the attested copy of registered partnership deed certificate of Registration and power of attorney to sign the tender documents and other proceeding pertaining to this Firm / Company.

vii)Advertisement will be seen in MJP www.

Superintending Engineer






1)Alumina Ferric manufacturers only can offer the tender.

2)The rates should be quoted in variable including all charges consisting of.

3) The Alumina Ferric should be supplied in superior quality in Bricks.

4)The Alumina Ferric should be supplied in superior quality Bricks as per IS specification. Inspected from Regional Public Health Laboratory at supplier’s cost.

5)The supply will have to be made at respective consignee store at Nagpur / Gondia / Wardha/ Amravati / Yavatmal / Akot/ Anjangaon (Shahanoor), and other.water Works with In Vidharbha RegionThe Alumina Ferric must be conforming to I.S. specification No. IS-299/1989 (Revised) as per IS specification Grade-1.

6)The rates which will be accepted by the undersigned will valid for a period of 12 calendar month from the date of acceptance letter. No price increase on any account will be allowed.

7)The rates shall be FOR delivery at various places i.e. Nagpur,Bhandara, Wardha, Gondia ,Amravati, Yavatmal, Akola, Anjangaon (Shahanoor), or as directed by the competent authority where the material are required. Inclusive of all Taxes. Local taxes (Octroi) shall be against Board Account against production of octroi receipts.

8)The arrangement to delivery the material safely to the consignee shall be the responsibility of the supplier.

9)The agreement will have to be executed by the successful Tenderer on a stamp paper of Rs. 100/- and no payment will be released till such time the agreement is executed. Cost of stamp paper shall be borne by the Tenderer 3% stamp duty of total Security Deposit will be paid by successful Tenderer.

10)The successful Tenderer shall have to pay the Security Deposit at 5% of the amount of the probable total supply order likely to be placed with him.

11)The security deposit shall be paid in the form of Terms Deposit Receipt valid for a period of one year obtained from Nationalized Bank or Schedule Bank in the name of Superintending Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran Water Management Circle, Nagpur within a period of 10 days after receipt of the intimation of acceptance of tender.

12)3%(Three percent)earnestmoneyof Rs.3,34836/- shall be paid in the form of terms deposit receipt obtained from the Nationalized Bank or Schedule Bank valid for a period of one year in favour of Superintending Engineer, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran Water Management Circle, Nagpur.

13)Earnest money deposit shall be forfeited if the Tenderer withdraws his offer before the validity of tender expiry.

If the successful Tenderer fails to deposit the security deposit in accordance with the condition mentioned under security deposit clause vide 11.12

14)The earnest money of the successful Tenderer will be returned as far as possible after the tender have been finalized and on discharge of the E.M.D. receipt.

15)The tender shall be remain valid for 120 days from the date of opening of price offer.

16)The tender should be submitted in two envelopes system.

A) ENVELOPE NO. (1) Clearly marked as “Envelope No. 1 should contain the following documents.

  1. Earnest Money deposit in proper form
  2. Valid SSI Unit registration certificate.
  3. Current Income Tax Clearance Certificate. (PAN Card.)
  4. Valid Sales Tax Registration and sales Tax Clearance Certificate.
  5. Details of the supplies of the similar type of magnitude carried out by the supplier.
  6. The certificate from the head of the officer under whom the supplies are in progress not below the rank of Executive Engineer.
  7. Manufacturer Certificate and yearly production capacity as per tender notice.
  8. In case of partnership firm / company the attested copy of registered partnership deed power of attorney to sign the tender documents and other proceeding pertaining to the firm / company.
  9. ISO certificate if awarded.
  10. ISI certificate.

(B)ENVELOPE NO.2 The second envelope marked as “envelope no.2” should mentioned only the cost of the tender in schedule “B” and nothing else. The supplier should note this procedure carefully.

18) The tender documents will be supplied on cash payment of Rs.5,200/- only (in words Rs.Five thousand two hundred) These charges are not refundable on any account. Tender forms will be issued from the office of Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management circle, Nagpur on receipt of cash from during office working hours.

19) If possible the tender will be opened on the date précised in the tender notice. If not on any suitable date as decided by the Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management circle, Nagpur in presence of the in-tendering bidder or their authorized representative who may choose the remain present.

20) The sealed tender should reach in the office of Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management circle, Nagpur on date upto 15.00 Hours.

21) Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management circle, Nagpur reserve the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

22) The Manufacturer will have to supply Alumina Ferricas per the supply order issued by the Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management circle, Nagpur to the consignee noted in the order. supply order will placed by the concerned Superintending Engineer only subject to the requirement.

23) Quantity given in the schedule are approximate and many vary by 50% either way.

24) Octroi charges will be paid extra if applicable. The supplier will pay the octroi charges and get reimbursement from consignee through bills on proof of documents.

25) The manufacturer will have to submit a test report of his product alongwith each supply. Random samples will be sent for testing with Regional Public Health Laboratory or nearly District Public Health Laboratory from the supplies received by the consignee. When the test reports are satisfactory as per I.S. specification then only the 10% payment will be released.

26) Any other conditions except that mentioned in the contract shall not be entertained.

27) Penalty regarding late delivery of materials will be charged @ 1% of the cost of undelivered stores per week subject to ceiling of 5% the value of delayed undelivered stores.

28) If any legal proceeding arise out of the contract it will have to be lodged in the court situated in Nagpur.

29) The packages shall be securely closed and marked with following information.

a. Name and Grade for materials

b. Name of the manufacturer and recognized trade mark any

c. Mass weight of materials in packages

d. Month and year of the manufacturer and Batch No.

30) Delivery period for each set of supply well be maximum 7 days. After expiry of one week after period of 7 days the consignee will be free to place the order. With other supplier at the riskand cost of original supplier in the event of this failure to supply the materials within total period of 14 days from the date of placing from supply order.

31) The date of receipt of materials and consignees store / site shall be treated as the date of supply for purpose of delivery period.

32) Conditional tender will not be entertained.

33) Payment will be normally released by cross cheque if required by Demand Draft Bank Commission charges will have to borne by the supplier. 90% payment will be released within 8 days or on availability of funds for the specific work. On receipt of the materials at site in good condition and correct quantity alongwith the manufacturer test certificate and balance 10% released within 30 days after the testing of materials from the laboratory and if the results are found satisfactory.

34) No price escalation on any account shall be entertained.

35) Offer must be valid for 120 days from the date of opening of tender.

36) The quantity of Alumina Ferricshall be as per IS/299/1989/(Fourth Edition)

37) All other terms and conditions as per the form ”D” are applicable.

38) Tenderer shall furnish his full address including Telephone NO. to the enable the staff of water works to contact them for urgent need of materials and for any other problems.


  1. The tender shall be submitted in an envelope called as main envelope of the tender. The main envelope shall be duly super scribed as “Offer for supply of Alumina FerricGrade-1” Full name and address of the manufacturing shall be written at the bottom left corner of the envelope. This main envelope shall contain two separate envelopes each duly sealed.
  2. ENVELOPE NO.(1)

Envelope No. 1 clearly marked as “ENVELOPE NO.1’ contains the following documents.

i)Covering letter for offer.

ii)Earnest Money deposit in proper form.

iii)Current income Tax clearance certificate. Valid on the date of submission of tender.

iv)Valid Sales Tax clearance certificate and sales tax registration certificate.

v)Details of the supplies of the similar type and magnitude carried out by the supplier.

vi)Details of other supplies in hand with the value of the supplies furnished on the last date of submission of the tender.

vii)The certificate from the Head of the offices under whom the supply are in progress.

viii)ISI certificate.

ix)ISO certificate if awarded.

x)Manufacturer certificate and yearly production capacity.

xi)performance certificate regarding test certificate to whom the materials supplied previously. All Xerox certificates should be attested by Notary or competent authority.

xii)Authorized dealership certificate from the manufacturer for the specific products as mentioned in the tender notice.

xiii)Partnership deed registered copy.

xiv)First of all Envelope No. 1 of the tenders will be opened to verify its contents as per requirement. If the earnest money deposit is not strictly in the proper form that offer will not be considered further and then verify the required documents as mentioned in the tender notice.


The second envelope marked as “ENVELOPE NO. II “ should mention only the cost of offer of the tender in schedule “B” and nothing else. The manufacture should note this procedure carefully.


On the date specified for opening of tender envelope No. 1 shall be opened first and if the documents there is are as per the condition mentioned then only 2nd envelope will be opened.


Envelope No. ll shall opened in the presence of the manufacturer.

i)Conditional tenders shall be out rightly rejected and envelope No. ll will not be opened in case of conditional tender.

ii)No subsequent variation will be allowed on the grounds such as mistakes, misunderstanding etc. any offer of rebate or reductions in the rates made while submitting or offer submission of this tender will not be considered.

iii)The tender form shall be strictly in accordance with conditions laid down in these documents. All corrections in the tender form shall be attested by the Tenderers.

iv)Envelope No. 2 of the tenderer whose 1st envelope proceed satisfactory will be opened. Documents of eligibility of required documents as per tender notice will be verified. If the document found satisfactory then envelope No. 2 of the tender will be opened. If prices are quoted directly or in directly in the documents submitted on the envelope No.2 of the tender will not be opened and tenderer of his representative cannot participate in the opening of envelope ll.

v)Acceptance of tender.

  1. The pradhikaran does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender nor will be at assign any reason for rejection of any tender of part thereof.
  2. The tender or on his part will bind himself to supply the store selected from his offer in part or whole at discretion of the Pradhikaran.
  3. Superintending Engineer, MJP Water Management Circle, Nagpur reserves the right to or amend the tender documents upto the date notified.
  4. The arrangement will have to executed by the successful tenderer on a stamp paper of Rs. 100/- and no payment will released till such time the agreement is executed. Cost of stamp paper shall borne by the tenderer % stamp duty will be paid by successful tenderer. This shall be calculated on the amount of S.D. fixed.

Security Deposit :

1)The successful tenderer shall have to pay. the security deposit at 5% of the amount of the probable total supply order likely to be placed with him i.e. on estimated cost or accepted cost which ever is more.

2)The security deposit shall be paid in cash or in the form of fixed deposit receipts or schedules bank pledge in the name of Superintending Engineer, MJP Circle, Nagpur within a period of 10 days after the receipt of the intimation of acceptance of tender.

3)The security deposit shall be refunded after 12 months on the expiry of the contract or the satisfactory completion of contract on the expiry or guarantee period mentioned in the special conditions which ever is later.

4)In case of breach of any terms and conditions of contract the amount of security deposit shall be liable to be forfeited in full or part by the Pradhikaran and decision of the Superintending Engineer, MJPWater Management Circle, Nagpur shall be final and binding on the tenderer.

The rates shall be written in Rupees and Paise only. The rates in words should be written in single line only not admitting any interpolation.

Superintending Engineer,

Maharashtra Jeevan pradhikaran,

Water Management Circle,






In respect of Sales Tax, supplier will append the following certificate in the bills.

“Certified that, the goods on which sales tax has been charged have not been exempted from the Central of States Sales Tax act, or rules made thereunder and the amount of Sales Tax is not more than what is payable under the provisions of the relevant act or the rules made thereunder”.

Certified that We

are registered as dealers in the state

______under local registration No.

______in the State of

______for Central Sales Tax

______Registration No. ______

for purpose of Sales Tax.

The prices quoted shall remain firm for the order accepted under this agreement andin any case no escalation will be admissible.

Period of contract shall remain in force for 12 months from the date of finalization of this contract.

The Department will try to clear the payments as early as possible; however, no interest will be paid for delay in payment on any reason.

SUPPLIER Superintending Engineer,

Maharashtra Jeevan pradhikaran,

