Those Present: Cllr Dickinson (Chair), Cllr S Appleyard (V. Chair), Cllr Birch, Cllr Hutchinson, Cllr Jennison and Miss Gawthorpe Clerk to Parish Council,

PC Ainley & 9Member of the public.

88Apologies for Absence

PCSO Bainton, Cllr Beaumont and & Cllr Oliver

89Declaration of Interest

Cllr Birch - Wawne Festival.

90Open Forum

  • One member of the public asked for support in addressing the condition of the ‘building plot’ at 56 Main Street. The land is overgrown and a health hazard.
  • The Wawne Festival Committee has had its AGM and Martin Benge read out a statemen on their behalf. A grant application is on the agenda asking the parish council for a donation, Martin asked if this application could be postponed until discussions with potential partners had taken place.

Cllr Appleyard clarified a point made and said that the P/Council have never taken a decision to prevent the Festival Committee give monies to other groups and reminded the meeting that the P/Council does not have the authority to do so.

  • A member of the public expressed his concerns around the ‘open forum site’ on social media. There has been a lot of talk about speeding and parking and some upsetting/unhelpful responses have been made.
  • A member of the public mentioned the bridge on the road to Sutton and that it would be safer with a give way sign.

Cllr Dickerson stated that the council are looking into solutions around the bridge.

91Police Issues

PC Ainley informed the meeting that there were 3 crimes and 9 ASB incidents in the village in September. He spoke about speeding motor bikes along the riverbank and that the police have no authority to pursue drivers on motorbike etc. A car has been seen doing doughnuts in the village and if we can get the registration number the police will write to them, and give them a warning, if they continue they get a ASB and two ASB against the vehicle or drivers means the vehicle can be seized.

PC Ainley informed the meeting that an additional 300 officers will begin training for Humberside police over the next few years

Continuing with speeding, the parish council could get the ERYC to put speed strips down to see how fast vehicles are going. Cllr Appleyard stated we have already had strips. PC Ainley informed the meeting that the ERYC will look at incidents and the police log and encouraged everyone in the village to report issues/concerns to the police.

92Minutes of 7th September 2017

Resolved: Accept as a true record.

Matters Arising/Outstanding Issues

a)Ongoing Action – Website: Cllr Hutchinson to complete the ‘History of Wawne’ page of the website.

b)Ongoing Action – Picnic Bench Cllr Appleyard is still looking into having a picnic bench made.

c)Closed Action - Police Issues. Clerk wrote to the police. PC Wigglesworth called today and left a message, Clerk to phone him back.

d)Ongoing Action – Sign. Clerk contacted ERYC about the signs and the price. Cllr Appleyard has raised the possibility of a sign being designed with the school.

e)Ongoing Action – Lorries going over bridge Cllr Appleyard had been contacted by members of the village regarding 40-ton lorries using Meaux Road as a ‘rat run’ to the development on Bransholme and going over the bridge on Sutton Road. The EYRC have stated that only the police have the authority to stop them.

Action: Clerk to write to Sgt Neil Taylor and Hull City Council, highways.


Lights switch on, Friday 1st December.

Closed Action: Cllr Appleyard to talk to the school about the boxes (Presents)

Closed Action: Clerk to ask the PO if the parish council can put a post box up.

Ongoing Action: Cllr Appleyard to arrange the tree

Ongoing Action: Cllr Birch to get quotes for new lights and once approved give them to AMJO for installation.

Ongoing Action: Clerk to apply for the gifts.

Closed Action: Cllr Birch to arrange the music.

Closed Action: Cllr Appleyard to write a piece for the gazette.

Ongoing Action: Cllr Oliver to see about getting a paper post box made

Closed Action: Clerk to liaise with the village hall and the church.

g)New Year Dance

31st December 8.30 to 1am, Village hall

Ongoing Action: Clerk and Cllr Birch to arrange a Doorman.

Closed Action: Clerk will ask the village hall to see if a balloon/net could be installed.

Closed Action: Clerk to liaise with the village hall.

h)Yellow Line:

Mr Lyons has contacted Cllr Birch about the yellow lines outside of his property.

Close Action: Clerk to write to EYRC supporting the changes to the yellow lines near Mr Lyons property

i)Path Ferry Road to the Park

Cllr Birch expressed his concerns with the footpath to the park

Ongoing Action: Clerk to look into the possibility of a path on Ferry Road to the park.

j) An email from a resident after the clerk sent a letter, the resident advised he is going to cut his hedge.

Closed Action: The Cllrs to do a tour around the village to see what hedges have been cut back after the clerk has written the owner.

k) An email from a resident about parking at the top/corner of Windham Crescent.

Ongoing Action: Clerk to write to Style Studio to see what can be done. They could apply for a dropdown kerb.

Ongoing Action: Clerk to ask ERYC how much a dropped kerb might cost.

l) Member of Public mentioned the tennis court and the basketball court and asked if they could be cleared/repaired.

Closed Action: Clerk to contact ERYC about the Sweeper going to the basketball court.

m) Cllr Jennison asked Cllr Birch about the possibility of a CCTV camera at the bottom of Greens Lane. Cllr Birch said he was talking to a PSCO and planned to apply for a grant from the police crimes commissioner

Ongoing Action: Clerk to add the CCTV camera to the next agenda.


Resolved: All to be paid.


  • Variation of Conditions 5 (landscaping) and 9 (approved plans) of planning permission 16/03423/VAR for the erection of two dwellings - at Land West Of 37, Windham Crescent,Wawne- Variation of Condition(s)
  • Variation of Condition 9 (approved plans) to allow removal of a tree of planning permission 16/03423/VAR - Variation of Conditions 4 (drainage) and 8 (approved plans) of planning permission ref. 15/01466/PLF for the erection of 2 dwellings -Land West Of 37 Windham Crescent Wawne - Variation of Condition(s)

Resolved:Refuse - on drainage simply revert to the original plans and on the fence, enquire what action will be taken on the removal of the hedge.


Cllr Birch is still looking into the lights, the parish council want 3m square x 2 of green wire light.

96New Year Dance

Clerk to email Viv about an extension. Cllr Hutchinson said we need a doorman, if we can’t get a doorman we have to abandon the dance.

97Wawne Festival Letter:

The Festival committee asked to put the letter on hold, see open forum.


Cllr Birch raise concerns about speeding, several members of the public had asked questions on the forum site.

Can we get the speed watch going?

Action: Clerk to ask PSCO Bainton about the speed watch.

What is the speed limit down Meaux Road, 40mph and national speed limit?

Action: Clerk to contact PCSO Bainton and ask him about the speed limit.

What do the lines on Meaux Road mean?.

Cllr Appleyard said the lines were put down as a trial to check if they impacted on speeding. The trial ended 3 years ago and the EYRC will simply allow the lines to fade over time

Can the village speed limit go back to 30mph?. The EYRC plan to retain the 20mph limit as it does have a benefit.


  • Cllr Birch asked if we could write a letter to the village hall and the church about parking. The Clerk stated that this had already been completed.
  • Cllr Birch mentioned the dog fouling and that this will be included in the P/Council’s input to the Gazette.

100Councillors' reports any items for future agenda:

Cllr Jennison asked if there was a possibility of more litter bins

Action – Clerk to get a price for litter bins.

Cllr Jennison also said the trees and bushes are overgrown between Hill Top and the village. Cllr Appleyard reminded the meeting that the local farmers undertake this task

101Issues for communications.

No urgent issues were highlighted

102Date and time of next meeting

Next meeting is to be held at Wawne Village Hall, on Thursday 2nd November 2017.

Chairs Signature and Date......

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