Waverley Ratepayers Association

Executive Meeting

Minutes – May 9, 2011


Dave MacDonald Paul Hudson Ian Andrew Lee Moore Tim Rand

Jane Rathbun Isaac Smith Trish Polley Sandra McKenzie

Marilyn Clarke Jim Brimicombe Frank Steele

Steve Saunders Cynthia Webber Barry Dalrymple


Dave MacDonald called the meeting to order and thanked the members attending. Our meeting date was changed to be able to start preparing the agenda for our Annual General Meeting.


Dave MacDonald asked members for any errors or omissions. Isaac Smith moved to accept the minutes. Marilyn Clarke seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Isaac Smith informed members there is a business plan and budget form that is required to be filled out. Information is to be itemized.
  • Isaac went over the Business Plan and Budget for 2011-2012. This was previously sent out to all members. The amount requested was over what we had asked for last year. Dave MacDonald felt we should lower the amount requested.
  • Members went over the budget and revised some amounts. Isaac will send the updated version out to members and submit the completed form to HRM.
  • The books have been closed for last year’s expenses. Isaac completed all our submissions

Property Purchase

  • Paul Hudson wrote to Barry Dalrymple and Chad Renof asking about the status of our ownership. Paul read the response he received from Chad Renof.
  • Paul will send out the letter to members. Jane Rathbun will include a copy with the minutes.
  • Paul will reply to Chad Renof and have our lawyer, Janet Conrad, look over HRM’s proposal. The agreement of purchase of sale has to be revised.
  • Motion - Paul Hudson motioned: “To send a letter/email to Chad Renof to ask for the amended Agreement of Purchase of Sale. Ian Andrew seconded the motion. Motion was carried unanimously.

Traffic Calming

  • Barry Dalrymple forwarded us an email from David Hubley.
  • Four sections on the Waverley Road will get new guardrail. They are:
  1. #2350 - #2356 – 50 metres
  2. #26 - #46 Waverley Road (Dartmouth)
  3. #2578 - #2608 – 150 metres
  4. #2704 - #2742
  • Members felt that this work to be done is regular road maintenance and our Traffic Calming Report has not been addressed.
  • Dave MacDonald will write a letter to Barry Dalrymple asking why our report has not been included in the budget.


  • Motion – Jane Rathbun motioned: “To put our Traffic Calming Report on our website so that members of the community can read the work that the Waverley Ratepayers has done. Marilyn Clarke seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  • Barry Dalrymple had previously asked us to wait to put it on our website. It is now time for residents to be able to read it before our annual general meeting.

Sidewalk Funds Letter

Paul Hudson and Jane Rathbun wrote a letter to Gordon Rousel, Taxation Branch, HRM. Barry Dalrymple suggested the letter should be addressed to him, copying Mayor Peter Kelly. Jane Rathbun read the letter to members. Members were copied before the meeting.

Village Green Interest Group

  • Jane Rathbun reported that the first meeting would be May 18, 2011 at 7:00 pm.
  • Marilyn Clarke informed members that the Fall River Garden Club has offered to do something on the Village Green. Jane will discuss this with the interest group.


  • Ian Andrew stated that they are interested in being a good corporate citizen. Dexter would like to hear about any concerns that residents have.
  • Blasting will start mid May.
  • Crushing commences the last week in May.
  • They run 5 days a week, 24 hours a day. Production ends at 4:00 am on Saturdays.
  • Paul Hudson will put information about the Sovereign Resources Community Liaison Committee on our website.

Boat Launch

Ian Andrew informed members that the boat launch on the Village Green is completed.



  • Dave MacDonald stated that we should have an audit done, as this has not been done for a while.
  • Paul Hudson will call some contacts to see if they are interested and what they would charge.

Annual General Meeting Agenda

  • Members went over the agenda started at our last meeting. Additional reports will include: Heritage Society/Museum, Cap Sites, Shubie Canal, and WAAA. Election of Officers also needs to be added. We will probably need another meeting before the AGM to finalize everything.
  • Jane Rathbun stated that our members should indicate if they wish to remain another year.

Summer C@P Student

Paul Hudson told members that he has not heard yet if we will be funded for a summer student.


  • Dave MacDonald stated that we would order a granite plaque to honour Bill Lockhart for the Village Green. This was previously agreed on at our meeting in October 2010. He will take care of this. We will also get regular plaques for Charles Wagner and Charles Schafer to honour their many years of service to WRA.


  • Jane Rathbun asked members if they wish her to continue as the secretary. Members stated yes. Jane showed members a new “Motion” form to be used at meetings. The person making the motion will write the motion down. It will require that person’s signature, as well as the person seconding the motion. This page will be attached to the minutes on file.
  • Jane Rathbun asked to be copied on all correspondence and reports. Members have not been doing this. This documentation must be included with the minutes in the office binder.
  • Dave MacDonald stated that he would like to step down as Chair and continue being a member.

NEXT MEETING: - The next scheduled meeting is a holiday so our next meeting date will be decided later on, as we continue to prepare for our annual general meeting.



Jane Rathbun- Secretary Dave MacDonald - Chair