Waveney Valley Partnership

Parent’s guide

  • Introduction

All children in Seedlings class have a personal online Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments in line with the early years Foundation Stage. This enables us to build up a record of each child’s learning and achievements during their time with us.

We use the ‘Tapestry’ system, which is hosted on secure, dedicated servers based in the UK. You will have password protected access to your child’s online learning Journey and we encourage you to contribute by uploading photos, videos and comments of their learning development and experiences at home. You are also able to comment on observations made by staff.

If you do not have access to the internet at home, work or via a smartphone then we are able to download your child’s learning journey as a pdf file that can be printed or put onto a CD or USB stick.

Please complete and return the attached permission slip, as soon as possible, to let us know if you are able to use the online system and which preferences we need to observe for your child.

  • Where do I start?

Once your permission slip has been signed and returned your child’s learning journey will be set up, as well as your parent accounts. You will be emailed, using the email addresses provided, with a link to the Tapestry log on page, where you can set up your login details.

Tapestry can be accessed on-line at or through the free android or IOS apps available to download. When you access Tapestry through mobile phone or tablet, please set a unique PIN when you log in for the first time. This will be required whenever you return to the application or after the screen has locked.

  • Changing your settings

On the computer

At the top right of your screen you will see your name, and selecting this will give you the option to ‘Edit Preferences’. Choose this option and you will be presented with a screen giving you the option to change your email address and password.

You also have the option to receive an email whenever a new observation is added to your child’s Learning Journey – just tick or un-tick the relevant box if you would like to change this setting.

On the app

To change your settings on the app, click the 'cog' button on the bottom right hand side of the application. This enables you to change password and/or email address.

  • Viewing my child’s Learning Journey

Once logged in, you will see your child’s observations on your home screen in a list – selecting any one of these will open up the observation for you to look at. You may add comments in the box at the bottom of the observation if you would like to - and we would love to receive such comments!

Because children play in close proximity with their friends it does not reflect a true picture of their time at school if photographs are only of a single child. Therefore photographs of your child may appear on their friends learning journeys.

  • Adding an entry to my child’s Learning Journey

Choose the ‘Add Observation’ option (or the 'plus' icon on the app) and add the relevant information in the boxes on screen. Photos and videos may be uploaded by choosing the ‘add media’ option. When you have saved your observation, you may go back to the home screen at any time by choosing ‘home’.

Tapestry Permission slip

I give permission for Waveney Valley Partnerships schools to create an online Tapestry Learning Journey for______(name of child).

I understand that I can have 2 email addresses linked to my child’s account. The details of these addresses and who they are registered to are listed below;

Name / Email / Relationship to child

If you do not have an email address please tick here _____

Your account password can be set by your child’s class teacher to allow initial access to your child’s learning journey.

If you do not have internet access please tick here____

Access to your child’s learning journey can be arranged as a paper copy or through school equipment at specific times throughout the year.

By signing this form I acknowledge that as a parent I will…

  • Not publish any of the videos or photos from my child’s Tapestry account on any social media site.
  • Keep the login details within my trusted family.
  • I accept that videos and photographs of my child may appear on their friends learning journal account and I may see pictures of my child’s friends on my child’s personal account.

Parent’s name: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______