Wausau Tile, Inc. Credit Application

Wausau Tile, Inc. Credit Application

Wausau Tile, Inc. Credit Application

Return completed Credit Application by e-mail to:

Dear Customer: Thank you for choosing Wausau Tile, Inc. and its Tectura Designs® or Wausau Made® brands

Customer Name:

Entity Status (check one) / Corporation / Partnership / LLC / Sole Proprietor
Years in Business / Federal Tax ID # / Estimated Annual Sales
Billing Information:
Billing Address / / City / State / Zip
Physical Address / / City / State / Zip
Telephone # / Website
Accts Payable Contact / A/P Telephone #
Accts Payable Email
Bank Reference:
Bank Name / City / State / Zip
Telephone # / E-mail / Contact Person
Checking Account Number / Loan Account Number
Trade References:
Company Name / City / State / Zip
Telephone # / E-mail / Contact Person
Company Name / City / State / Zip
Telephone # / E-mail / Contact Person
Company Name / City / State / Zip
Telephone # / E-mail / Contact Person
Interest Accrues on Past Due Balances: In submitting this application, the applicant agrees to pay the full invoice amount no later than 30 days after invoice date; and any balance past due incurs interest at the rate of 1.5% per month or the highest applicable interest rate, whichever is higher.
Corporate & Personal Guarantee and Payment of Interest, Collection Costs and Attorney Fees: The applicant agrees to corporately and personally guarantee the payment of any outstanding debts; in the event of non-payment of outstanding debts, the applicant will be personally and corporately liable for all balances plus interest, collection costs and legal fees incurred in collection of past due amount.
The undersigned Officer/Owner represents that he/she is an individual who is either a corporate officer of the credit applicant or a sole proprietor of the credit applicant and authorizes Wausau Tile, Inc. to access and review corporate credit history plus his/her individual credit history in the evaluation for the credit history of the corporate credit applicant. The undersigned authorizes Wausau Tile, Inc. to obtain and use a consumer credit report on the personal guarantor below as may be needed in the credit evaluation process or if the corporate account becomes past due. Any corporate or consumer credit report will be retained at Wausau Tile, Inc. accounting department, with the credit report destroyed or erased as required by applicable law. The corporate and personal guarantor may request a copy of corporate or consumer credit report obtained by Wausau Tile, Inc. by emailing the request to: .
I certify that the information on this form is true and correct, and authorize Wausau Tile, Inc. to contact the above financial institution and references for credit references.
Signature of Officer / Owner: / Date:
Please type or print name and title of Officer / Owner:

Form Revision 7-2017A

Questions or comments regarding this form should be directed to: