Waterworks District No. 1
Business Office - Conference Room
May 30, 2017
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Vermilion Parish Waterworks District No. 1 held on May 30, 2017 with Mr. Hubert Faulk presiding as Chairman.
Chairman Mr. Hubert Faulk called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and immediately following,Mr. Kendrick Trahanled with the Pledge of Allegiance and then a moment of silence was observed.
The following members were present:Absent:
Mr. Hubert FaulkMr. Danny Richard
Mr. Kendrick Trahan Mr. Norman Duhon
Mr. Glenn Duhon
Employee Personnel Present:Guest Present:
Ms. Marla Rose
Mr. Dale Stelly
Ms. Fayetta Dupre’
Resource Persons Present:
Mr. Gene Sellers
Mr. Willis Hebert
Upon a motion by Mr. Glenn Duhon, duly seconded by Mr. Norman Duhon, and unanimously carried, the minutes of April 24, 2017 were approved as presented.
Upon a motion by Mr. Kendrick Trahan, duly seconded by Mr. Norman Duhon, and unanimously carried, to ratify PPE#5 for the 2012-2013 USDA Project IV Phase VIto R.J. Broussard General Contractors for $46,020.30.
Upon a motion by Mr. Glenn Duhon, duly seconded by Mr. Kendrick Trahan, and unanimously carried, toratifypayment for the 2012-2013 USDA Phase Project IV Phase VI to Sellers & Associates for $2,573.97
Upon a motion by Mr. Norman Duhon, duly seconded by Mr. Glenn Duhon, and unanimously carried, to approvePPE#2 to Teche Construction Company Inc. for the Water Line Relocation along La Highway 14 (10 inch) for $37,548.91.
Upon a motion by Mr. Kendrick Trahan, duly seconded by Mr. Norman Duhon, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Sellers & Associates, Inc. for the Water Line Relocation along La Highway 14 (10 inch) for $6,932.21.
Upon a motion by Mr. Glenn Duhon, duly seconded by Mr. Norman Duhon, and unanimously carried, to approve PPE#4 to Janco Water Division Company, Inc. for the Water Line Relocation along La Highway 82 Bridges near Esther for $16,584.87.
Upon a motion by Mr. Kendrick Trahan, duly seconded by Mr. Glenn Duhon, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Sellers & Associates, Inc. for the LA 82 Bridges near Esther in the amount of $2,094.00.
The April 2017 Accounting reports were presented.
Upon a motion by Mr.Kendrick Trahan, duly seconded by Mr. Glenn Duhon, and unanimously carried, the invoices due forMay in the amount of $252,640.27 were approved as presented.
The April 2017 Operations Summary Reports were presented.
Upon a motion by Mr. Norman Duhon, duly seconded by Mr. Glenn Duhon, and unanimously carried, to authorize Vermilion Parish Waterworks District No. 1 to advertise a 2012 F150 truck with a minimum bid of $3,000.00.
Upon a motion by Mr.Kendrick Trahan,duly seconded by Mr.Glenn Duhon, and unanimously carried, there being no further business, the meeting is adjourned.
Glenn DuhonHubert Faulk
Vermilion ParishVermilion Parish
Waterworks District No. 1Waterworks District No. 1