Student beneficiary
Surname, First name:
Le Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
represented by…
represented by….
(Having sighted the ministerial order of 30 March 1992in relation to doctoral studies
Having sighted the ministerial order of 18 January 1994, relating to the creation of a procedure for thesis co-supervision, in particular articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 10 of that order.)
Article 1
The subject of the present agreement is the implementation of a procedure for co-supervision between the two higher education institutions mentioned above defining the conditions and modes of preparation by M……
Of a Doctor of Philosophy in …..
entitled: ……
It takes effect dating from……………….., day of formal acceptance of the thesis subject by the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle(according to the current regulations, until the day of the defence of the thesis, which must take place between ….and…)
Article 2
The period of work in each of the two Institutions will be set down by common agreement by the co-supervisors.
Article 3
M…… will be enrolled at each of the two institutions. Enrolment fees will be paid in turn to one of the institutions
The other institution will exempt the candidate from all enrolment fees.
Article 4
must have health and accident insurance cover in her country of origin for the whole period of the thesis
is entitled to supplementary coverage during the stays in Franceunder French social security provisions or to a supplement on insurance obtained in the country of origin.
Article 5
The thesis will be prepared under the joint supervision of:
Article 6
The viva voce examination, unique to the two Institutions, will take place in
The examiningcommittee will be formed by the two Institutions in partnership, with equal scientific representation from the two countries, in conformance with the regulations specific to each of the two countries, which will be attached by annex.
Article 7
The thesis, will be written in …, the summary in ….. and will give rise to oral communication in …. at the viva voce.
—The regulations specific to each of the two countries regarding submission and reproduction of the thesis are attached by annex.
- No
Article 8
Following a favourable report by the examining committee, each of the two Institutions undertakes to issue the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
- Variation 1: The two Institutions award a joint doctoral degree certificate.
This satisfies the provisions of the two Institutions and offers the holder all rights pertaining in each of the two Institutions.
- Variation 2: The two Institutions each award a doctoral degree certificate for the same thesis. The text of the degree certificate must specify that it concerns a doctoral degree under co-supervision (with the Institution the University of Tasmania, Australia).
Article 9
The present agreement takes effect the moment it is signed by both parties.
Made in Paris, the...... in duplicate, in the French language.
For theMuséum national d’histoire naturelle
Thesis Supervisors
Surname and first name:
Date and Signature
………………………… / Surname and first name:
Date and Signature
Heads of Research division:
Surname and first name:
Date and Signature
………………………….. / Surname and first name:
Date and Signature
Head of graduate research unit or post graduate education
Name and first name :
Date and Signature
……………………………. / Name and first name :
Date and Signature
Head of Institution
Surname, first name and office :
Date and Signature
……………………………. / Surname, first name and office:
Date and Signature
regarding modes of viva voce examination of doctoral theses by the MNHN
1. Authorisation for examination of the thesisby viva voce:
The authorisation to present the thesis for viva voce examination is given by the head of institution, after advice from the graduate research unit director, on the suggestion of the thesis supervisor. The work is first examined by at least two examiners authorized to supervise research designated by the head of institution on the suggestion of the graduate research unit director, and after advice from the thesis supervisor. The examiners must be external to the graduate research unit and the candidate’s institution. Examiners belonging to higher education or foreign research institutions may be called upon. The examiners make their advice known via written reports on the basis of which the head of institution authorizes the viva voce thesis examination, upon advice from the graduate research unit director. These reports are communicated to the examining committee and to the candidate before the viva voce.
2.Composition of the examining committee:
The viva voce examining committee is designated by the head of institution on advice from the director of the graduate research unit and the thesis supervisor.
The examining committee comprises between 3 and 8 members including the thesis supervisor; at least half of the members shall be French persons or persons external to the graduate research unit and the candidate’s institution of enrolment, and such persons shall be chosen because of their scientific competence. At least half the members of the examining committee must be University professors or similar or graduate teachers of a similar rank not answerable to the ministry of national education.
Where several institutions agree to jointly issue the doctorate, the examining committee is designated jointly by the heads of institution concerned.
3.Regulation regarding thesis submission:
Submission of the thesis forcataloguing at the Museum’s library must be conducted as soon as possible after viva voce examination and following any corrections made on the request of the examining committee at the time of the viva voce.
4. Other:
For any other information relating to modes of thesis examination refer to the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle’s website: page: «enseignement supérieur [higher education]», «école doctorale [graduate research unit]», «modalités de soutenance de thèse de doctorat[modes of doctoral thesis examination].»