A card will be issued free of charge to each lot owned by homeowners in good standing (Good standing includes being current in dues.) A second card will be made available for a small fee of $20.00 for those lot owners wishing to have two cards. No more than two active cards will be allowed per lot. Any lost or stolen card can be replaced for a fee of $20.00, however, the lost or stolen card will be deactivated. Please call LS Management at 678-272-2038 to request an access card. A listing of access rules and gate card information follows below.

Association members may use the facilities for large group activities and obtain a temporary number code access for their guests by request. These requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the event to arrange the temporary code to be entered. You may also schedule this event on our website at on the Events page.


•Gate access limited to Waters Edge Homeowners Association members and guests.

•All Lake Tobesofkee Park District Rules and Regulations must be followed at all times.

•All vehicles and watercraft require either a daily or annual Lake Tobesofkee Park Permit (available at Arrowhead, Claystone, or Sandy Peach areas)

•Waters Edge Homeowners Association members must accompany their guests and are responsible for their actions.

•No wheeled vehicles are allowed on the beach area.

•No glass containers are allowed on the beach, parking area, or docks.

•No fires are allowed on the beach, parking area, or docks.

•Non-member(s) not accompanied by a Waters Edge Homeowners Association member are trespassing and in violation of private and public property.

Gate Card Issuance

•Cards will be issued to Association members in good standing. (Good standing includes being current in dues.)

•No more than two gate access cards are allowed per residence.

•The first card is issued at no charge. The second card will require a $20.00 fee.

•Any lost card can be replaced with a $20.00 fee and the original card will be de-activated. Lost/Stolen cards should be reported immediately to the HOA.

•Association members may use the facilities for large group activities and obtain a temporary number code access for the guests by calling 678-272-2038. The member will be responsible for any rule violations that occur.

•Cards may be obtained by calling 678-272-2038.

•Member(s) risk losing gate access privileges for a period of 90 days for non-compliance of access rules.