Name of OccupierOwnerSection No's

AHRNS CarlC. Ahrns1884-1885 Nos. 26 (78acres)

27 (79 acres), 28 (80 acres)

29 (80 acres)30 (78½acres)

Waterloo Ward31 (78½), 48 (126), 3 (118)

882 acres4 (40), 7 (79), 102 6 rooms

stone (45).

AHRNS ChristianC Ahrns1886-87-88 Sections 27, 28, 29,

Pt. 48, pt.3, pt.4, 102 (6 rms. stone)

AHRNS ChristopherC Ahrns1889-90-91-92 As above.

AHRNS FrederickF Ahrns1886-87-88-89-90-91-92 Sections

26, 30, 31, 7, pt. 48, pt. 4, pt.3

APPELINE J.J. Kinsey102 Town lot 4 rooms-stone

Waterloo 1885

ARMES JohnJ. Armes1884-85-86-87-88-89 section

Waterloo Ward116 (80 acres) 2 stone rooms

" " Thos. DoddSection 116 1890-91

Glen Osmond


ManooraThos DoddSection 116 1892

Glen Osmond

AUGHEY WilliamW. Aughey1884-85-86-87 Sections357 (75a),

Tothill's Belt363 (69a.), 365 (86a.& 3rooms pine)

In 1886 added sect. 297 (125 a.)

Owned these sections 1887-88-89-90-


BEAUMONT MrsMrs Beaumont1884-85-88 Sections 96 (66 acres

Tothill's creek& 2 rooms slab), 189 (4 stone rms &

148 acres), 258 (60 a.), 256 (68),

R Beaumont1886-87-88 Sect. 257 (80)

1889 I WilliamsC. Beaumont All above lots to Israel Williams in


BEHN GottliebG Behn1884 to 1892 Sects. 352 (52 acres &

Steelton2 rms stone), 58(118ac.-2 rooms stone

&2 rms cob.) 1014 (80), 1015 (80),

40 (80), 1022 (76-2 rms stone),

1009 (80-3rms st.) pt. 1018 (40),

pt.1022 (2ac.town lot-7 rms stone)

Tothill's BeltSection 319 (130 acres)

Steelton 1888-89-90327 (94),

1889323 (70)

1891D,&W. McFeatSect.1011 (80), pt. 55 (70)

BEHN Joachim J. BehnSect. 1018 (40 acres & house)

Steelton 1892

BEHN WilliamW. BehnSect. 325 (52 acres & house)

Steelton 1892

BERTRAM EugeneTown lots 32 (House & shop),

Waterloo 1884-8534 & 31

1886Matthew GoodeAs above

BIDGOOD RichardR. BidgoodPart sect. 92 (120 acres)

Light Ward


BLAKE WalterD. MurphyPart sect. 1046 (10 acres & house)

Light Ward


BLUCHER CharlesH. Jacobs 371 (97), 372 (91), 373 (135),

Tothill's BeltTanunda374 (80 ac. & 2 rms wood)


BLUCHER TheodoreT. Blucher364 (74), 358 (128 ac. 2rms pine),


Tothill's Belt

1889 UnoccupiedRichardson & Co.358, 364

BRUHN ChristianC. Bruhn1884-1892 Sect. 283 (56 acres)

Tothill's Belt

BRUHN Christian C. Bruhn1884-1892 Sects. 332 (80)

Steelton335 (79), 287 (95 ac. 3rms stone),

328 (133ac. 4rms stone)

BRUHN J. & D.J. & D. BruhnPart sect. 39 (15acres)


1890-1892Diedrich Bruhn


BUSCHE Chas.C. BuscheSect. 202 (249 acres)

Tothill's Belt



BENNETT WilliamW. BennettPart sect. 2031 (1¾ ac. & shop)


BOWMAN EdmundE. BowmanSections 2002 (156ac.), 2003 (126 ac.)

Martindale2013 (109) 2014 (80) 2005 (52)

Mintaro2004 (109) 2006 (105) 2007 (80)

1892 Holm Hill2008 (76) 2009 (70) 2010 (113)

2011 (104) 26 (95) 497 (94)

498 (93) 36 (77) 37 (77) 42 (72)

496 (86) 28 (80) 34 (29) 420 (53)

363 (175) 368 (108)

1892356 (196 acres)

BOWMAN HubertH. Bowman438 (159) 448 (84) 449 (116)

Mount Bryan451 (69) 452 (65) 462 (186)

1891-1892463 (196) 476 (207) Pt. 437 (4¾)

BUCKLEY MichaelM BuckleySect. 235 (91 acres)


CALLAGHAN MaryM. CallaghanBlack Springs Town Lots 4, 5,

189119, 20

CALLAGHAN Thomas J. A. KingSects. 2030 (68) 2021 (93)

Black Springs442 (81)


Black Springs 1892

Unoccupied P CALLAGHANLots 4, 5, 19, 20, (1 acre lots)

CARTER ThomasF.G. RichardsonSections 459 (90) 456 (88)

Black Springs &467 (85) 434 (80) 454 (79) 455 (101)

1891-92F.B. Hancock458 (131) 470 (90) 443 (95)

460 (112) 457 (33) 39 (125) 35 (86)

357 (92) 38 (52) 33 (59) 421 (60)

1892 Not sections 454, 460 Owners

Henry Scott, Pirie Street.-457 R.M. Steele, Liverpool & London

L.A. Co. Grenfell Street 39 to 421

CARTER WilliamW. CarterSections 2025 (77 acres) 2023 (77)

Black Springs2015 (80) 2027 (77) 2028 (80)


Tothill's Belt Mrs CLAXTON378 (101ac.) 366 (74) pt. 380 (65)

Unoccupied376, Pt 381 (35) (In 1890 sect. 381)

J. Mahns Mrs Claxton377 (Waterloo - Scraeder)


CLUAN MichaelJ. White280 (145 acres 2 rooms stone)

Tothill's Belt


COCKSHELL John D.J. Cockshell399 (35 ac.) 391 (94) pt. 108 (91

Waterloo4 rooms stone) 155 (60) 156 (54)


Tothill's Belt208 (43 ac.).


COCKSHELL BenjaminT. Hallett208 (43 )

Tothill's Belt


1886-87 " " B. Cockshell "

1888 John Cockshell "

COCKSHELL Benjamin B. Cockshell367 (147 ac.)

Black Springs


COLEMAN BROS. Messrs ColemanPt 68 (16 ac.) West range



1889-1892Joseph Coleman "

Light Ward 1884-1888Pt. 88 (125) 91 (130)

1889-1892Joseph Coleman "

CUMMINS William F. Goss207 (80 ac. 1 room cob) 117 acres

Tothill's Belt& 2 rooms pine


DAVISON JohnJ. Davison1083 (80 acres)

Light Ward


DAWSON SamuelS. Dawson180 (380 ac. -5rms stone & 2 st.

Waterloohouses) 107 (100) 109 (50 & 217)

1884-1889391 (139)

1890 to Wm. Slattery

Light Ward 1892 seeW.H. Duncan

DEGNER JohnW.B. Rounsevell288 (10ac.) 295 (20) 294 (30)

Waterloo 1884-1888

John DegnerW.B. Rounsevell292 (72ac.) 290 (120) 291 (144)

Tothill's Belt294 (98) 295 (103) 288(112) 286(115)

1887-88300 (72ac.2rms. stone-2rms. Pine)

pt, 293 (63¼ ac.)

John DegnerA. Parr362 (114ac.) 369 (82ac. 3rms. Pine)

Tothill's Belt


1888-89H. Rymill360 (70ac.)

1891Mrs Claxton377

UnoccupiedW.B. Rounsevell 286, Pt.288, 290, 291, pt. 294,

pt. 295.

(Thom Pritchard jun.)Lyons & Leederpt. 293

DISHER JamesJ. DisherTown Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

Tothill's Creek12 house and shop


1887Only 2, 3, & 1079 House and shop

1888-1889Only part 1079 house, shop & land

1892 Unoccupied J. DisherPart 1079

DORWALD MrsMrs Dorwald35 town lot, 36 town lot 4rms stone

Waterloo 1884-87

DOWD PatrickP. Dowd348(171ac) 586(148) 582(188) 589(126)

Cavandale Ville583 (182) 588 (160) 587 (145) 581 (184)

Farrell's Flat580 (126)

DUNCAN Walter HughesW.H. Duncan1045 (80ac) 1046 (70) 1049 (80)

Light Ward 18841050 (80) 1053 (80) 1058 (80 ac 5 rms st)

1059 (80) 1060 (80) 1061 (80) 1062 (80)

1063 (80ac 4rms st) 1064 (80) 1069 (80)

1070 (80) 1071 (80) 1072 (80ac 8rms st)

304 (80) 307 (79) pt 11 (80ac 2rms st)

Tothill's Creek91 (80ac) 94 (81) 302 (69) 303 (80)


Light ward 18851065 (80ac) 1066 (80ac 3rms st)

1082 (80) 305 (80) Plus above

Light Ward 18871083 (80) Plus above & 1889 90 (321 ac)

All above sections to 18901891-92 not sections 1045, 1046, 1053, 1058,

304, 307

Added sections 305 (80) pt. 304

1892 Samuel DawsonW.H. DuncanAs above


DUNN Arthur Wm.A.W. Dunn431 (43 acres) 432 (73) 433 (65)

Black Springs 1891-9240 (149) 41 (138)

DUNN HenryH. Dunn441 (112) 446 (114) 430 (81) 440 (77)

Black Springs 1891426 (134) 437 (109¼) 447 (116)

439 (100) 435 (83) 445 (69) 427 (94)

18922030 (68) 2021 (93) 442 (81) plus above

ECKERMANN CharlesC. Eckermann49 (80ac) 50 (129) 51 (90) 55(337ac &6rms)

Waterloo 1884-1892

ECKERMANN HenryH. Eckermann47 (223ac.) 46 (221 ac. 3rms st)

Waterloo 1884-1892

ECKERMANN TheodoreT. EckermannPart 112 (110 acres)

Waterloo 1884-1892

ECKERMANN WilliamW. Eckermann408 (89 acres)

Waterloo 1884-1892

Black SpringsW. Eckermann482 (91ac) 480 (101) 486 (13)

1891-1892481 (109) 65 (91) 66(67) 67 (114)

ECKERMANN MrsMrs Eckermann478 (128ac) 479 (112)

Black Springs 1892

EDGELOE Miss A.A. Edgeloe199 (134ac. 3rms slab)

Tothill's Belt


EDGELOE CharlesS.A. Government351 (130 ac)

Tothill's Belt 1884-1892

1890-1892C. Edgeloe199 (134ac) Given up 1892

ELLIS JosephJ. Ellis1068 (80ac) 1086 (80ac)

Light Ward 1891-92W. Plains Hamilton

1892 Walter BlakeJ. Ellis1046 (10ac & house)

EVANS Joel 1884-92J. Evans195 (165ac) 196 (85) 274 (147ac & 4rms st)

Tothill's Creekin 1885 6rms st.

Tothill's Belt 1884-85204 (262ac) 203 (261ac 4rms st)

1888-92292 (72ac) 300 (72)

1889-92 281 (85ac) 210 (106ac)

EVANS Thomas 1886-91J. Evans204 (262) 203 (261ac 4rms st)

Thomas & Edward EvansJ. & H. EvansAs above 1889

Tothill's Belt 1889

Unoccupied (M. Paul?)Mrs Evans201 (193ac & house) 289 (142 ac)

FIEBIG HenryG.J. I'Anson1043 (4rms st) 1044, 1042, 3, 5

Light Ward 1884

Henry Fiebig 1885-90H. Fiebig247 (86ac.) 248 (83ac 2rms cob)

Tothill's Creek

FISHER John 184-92A. Parr359 (63ac.) 361 (70 ac. 1rm cob)

Tothill's Belt

Black Springs 1891-92S.A. Government135 acres

Tothill's Creek 1889 FOTHERINGHAM1079 (39 ac. Land & Hotel)


GEBERT Chas. 1884-91 S.A. Government356 (162 ac.) 1892 to Andrew Reissen

Tothill's Belt

1892 Charles GebertH. Jacobs371 (97ac) 372 (91) 373 (135) 374 (80)

GEIER Richard 1887-90205 (294 ac 4rms cob) to Joseph Webb

Or R. Geyer

1891-92F. Milde299 (75 ac) pt. 296 (43½ ac & house)

Tothill's BeltLyons and Leeder293 (63½ ac.)

GEISLER CharlesWm SandersLots 1, 2, 3, land & store, 4,

Waterloo 1889-9227, 28 (¼ acre lots)

GERHARD ErnestW. SandersTown lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 27,

Waterloo 188428 house & shop

GERKE EdwardE. Gerke250 (2rms cob 188 acres)

Tothill's Creek 1884-92

GIERSCH J.W.J.W Gierschpt. 108 (36ac.) pt. 104 (300 ac & house)

Waterloo 1891-92393 (63ac.)

GILBERT PeterE. Bowman3200 (79¼ ac.) 3201 (78 ac)

Black Springs 1891-92

GILLICK James S.D Murphy1046 (10ac. 4rms st) 1047 (80 ac.)

Light Ward 1884-851052 (80ac.)

1886-87Mrs Murphy1046 only

Waterloo 1887-88M. GOODE & COTown lot 32 (house & shop)


GORDON William ScottW.S. Gordon478 (128ac) 479 (112 ac.)

Black Springs 1891

Tothill's Belt F. GOSS197 (131 ac. 3rms st) 279 (91)

Unoccupied (Simpson)

GRAHAM Chas. D. Reespt 211 (3¾ ac. House & land)

Tothill's Belt 1890-92


A ReissenA. GRAHAM285 (132ac. & house)


GREEN CharlesC. Green pt 2031 (1ac) lots 1, 26, 30, 39, 40, 41,

Black Springs 189142, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,

49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,

58, 59, 60, 61, (1 acre lots)

1892 Owners William McFarling Kadina S.A.

John Powell Broken Hill N.S.W.

GRIFFEN JohnJ. Griffen197 (131 acre 3rm. House) 279 (91 ac.)

Tothill's Belt

HANLEY JamesD. Rees311 (3acre arable ¾ acre town lot

Tothill's Belt 1884-902 rms. Cob 1 rm. pine)

Mrs Hanley in 1889To Chas Graham in 1890

HARRIS WilliamW. Harris191 (160ac. 3rms. st.) 337 (99 ac.)

Tothill's Creek 1884-92338 (139ac.)

William Harris 1884 S.A. Govt.340 (204 ac.) 343 (193) 93 (99)

260 (75) 242 (112 ac.)

William HarrisW. Harris93, 260, 242

HARRIS John H.W. Harris188 (151 ac. 2 rms. st.)

Tothill's Creek 1884-85

1886-89J.H. Harris "

HARRIS Edwin GeorgeE.G. Harris188 (141 ac.)

Tothill's Creek 1890-92

HARRISON JohnJ HarrisonPt 1079 (11 ac. house & shop)

Tothill's Creek 1890-91

HARCUS Mrs FotheringhamPt. 1079 (30 ac. land & hotel)

Tothill's Creek 1890

HARVEY ElizaMrs Harvey23 Town lot 2 rooms stone (2 acres)

Waterloo 1884

HASLER JohnJ. HaslerLot 22 (1 acre Emuville)

Black Springs 1891 Hasler crossed out and following names in his place :-

George WilliamsonThos. Richardson

Waterloo 1884-92 H.B.HAWKE14, 15, 16 town lots

UnoccupiedJ. Small agent 1886-92

HENSCHKE Christian C. Henschke276 (110ac. 2 rms. st.)

Tothill's Creek 1884-92

Tothill's Belt 1884-92275 (97 ac.) 278 (89 ac.)

HENTSCHKE HenryH. Hentschke489 (102 ac.) 488 (105 ac.) pt. 484 (44)

Black Springs 1891469 (95) 468 (83) 495 (26)

1892489, 488, pt. 484 (sections 469, 468 &

495 to J. Leaney)

HODGINS ThomasMrs Hodgins1077 (81 ac. 4 rms. st.) 92 (90 ac.)

Tothill's Creek 1884-9095 (89) 1080 (82) 1081 (80 ac. 1 rm. slab)

80 (252 ac. 3 rms. st.) 1075 (87 ac. 5 rms. st.)

1076 (77 ac.) 259 (91 ac. 2 rms. cob.)

255 (60 ac.) 989 acres all told

HODGINS ThomasMrs Hodgins1077 (81 ac. & house) 80 (252 ac)

Tothill's Creek 1891-921075 (87 ac. & house) 1076 (77 ac.)

HODGINS James 1891Mrs Hodgins92 (90 ac.) 95 (89 ac. & house)

" " 1892 J. Hodgins As above

HODGINS Edward 1891Mrs Hodgins1080 (82 ac.) 1081 (80 ac.)

Tothill's Creek 1892E. Hodgins As above

HODGINS Henry 1891Mrs Hodgins255 (91 ac.) 259 (60 ac. & house)

Tothill's Creek 1892H. HodginsAs above

HOMANNH. Evans211 (2¼ acres 2 rms. slab)

Tothill's Belt 1888

HUPATZ F.W. 100 Town lot - Wellington Hotel

Waterloo 1884

I'ANSON Edwin E. I'Anson177 (269 ac.) 104 (115 ac. 4 rms. st.)

Waterloo 1884-92

1885-86Mrs Claxtonpt. 381 (55 ac.)

Tothill's Belt 1884-86Mrs Claxton 379 (123 ac. )

Waterloo 1885E. I'Anson 393 (63 ac.)

Waterloo 1885-90E. I'Anson108 ( 36 ac. 2 st. houses) In 1890 sections

108, 393 & pt. 104 to Mr Giersch

I'ANSON George john G.J. I'Anson1043 (80 ac.) 1042 (80) 1044 (80)

Light Ward 1885-901054 (80)

18861047 (80) 1052 (80) 1040 (80)

Steelton 1890 G.J.I. W. Rawlins1032 (80 ac. & house) 1034 (80)

308 (79) 310 (80) 311 (79) 315 (80)

G. J. I'Anson 1891Rawlins dec.1892 to Stilling as above

Steelton 1892

G.J. I'Anson Stilling1032 (house), 1034, 308, 310,

311, 315

Light 1892

G.J. I'AnsonG.J. I'Anson1044 (80ac.) 1040 (80ac.)

"Stilling1041 (80)

Light 1891

I'ANSON W.F. G.J. I'Anson1042, 1043, 1054, 1047, 1052

Light 1892(All 80 acres & 1043-house)

William I'Anson G.J. I'AnsonAs above

I'ANSON ThomsT. I'Anson65 (41 ac.) 66 (205 ac 6 rms. st.)

Steelton 1884-92pt. 68 (36 ac.)

Light Ward 1884-9252 (80ac. ) 67 (80 ac. 2rms. slab)

JACOBS HenryH. Jacobs371 (97 ac.) 372 (91) 373 (135) 374 (80

Tothill's Belt 18842 rms. wood)

1885-86 Jacobs & FisherA. ParrAs above

1891 UnoccupiedH. Jacobs -TanundaAs above

1892 Charles GebertAs above

JANSEN JohnJ. JansenTown lot 21 (2 rms. st.)

Waterloo 1884-92

1889S.A. Govt.Town lot 6 (15½ ac.) working men's

or JANSSENblock

1890-92J. JansenTown lots 21, 6, 49, (¼ ac. land & stable)

JONES WilliamW. JonesTown lots 45, 46 (4 rms. stone)

Waterloo 1884-85In 1890 John Poulish

Tothill's Creek 1884-90Laube190 (369 ac. 3 rms. cob.)

JONITZ HenryH. JonitzTown lots 10 (2 rms. st. ), 11

Waterloo 1884-92

KAHL WilliamW. Kahl23 (79 ac.) 24 (80) 25 (79) 34 (156)

Steelton 1884-921001 (79½) 1004 (80) 1006 (80)

1007 ( 80 ac. 5 rms. st. ) section 24

(80 ac. 4 rms. st., 2 rms. cob., 1 rm. cob.)

Steelton 1891 LeasedD. & W. McFeat1008 (80ac.) pt. 35 (70ac.)

KELLY James J. J. KellyPt. 95 (55 acres) West range

Light ward 1884-87

1888 R. TownsendEttrick "

1891 S. KellyS. KellyCumberland farm pt. 95 (1892 to Sargent)

KELLY JamesCatchlove & Co.Pt. 100 (1 acre town lot 49 acres

Waterloo 1885-88arable- Wellington Hotel - Waterloo)

1889 Unoccupied " "

1890 Robinson " "As above

KELLY JeremiahJ. Kelly362 (182 acres)

Black Springs 1891-92

KERR CharlesMrs McGowan36 (¼ acre town lot)

Waterloo 1888-90

KILDERRY RichardR. Kilderry1055 (80ac.) 1056 (80 ac.) 1057 (80 ac.)

Light Ward 1884-911067 (80 ac. 4 rms. st. ) pt. 11 (80 ac. )

100 (80) 53 (80) 54 (80) 87 (80)

1886 R. KilderryMrs Sargent95 (45 ac. ) Total 800 acres

Light 1892 J. Fisher- pt. 11, 53, 54, 87, 100, 1055,

Unoccupied Currie St.1056, 1057, 1067,

Was Richard Kilderry's Agent for A. & J. Ridley

Unoccupied Sargentpt. 95

Was R. Kilderry's Richardson Bros. Agents

KINSEY JosephJ. Kinsey329 (79 ac. 4 rms. st.) 330 (84 ac.)

Steelton 1884-92331 (80 ac. 2 rms. st. ) 1016 (78½ ac. )

J. ApplelineJ. Kinsey102 town lot 1 acre 4 rms. st.

Waterloo 1885-87

1887 H. SchraederJ. Kinseypt. 102 as above

1890 Unoccupied " "

1892 J. Kinsey " "

KINSEY WesleyH. Baillie326 (122 ac. ) 1005 (80 ac. & house)

Steelton 1891-92

KITSON John W. H. Bowman356 (196 acres)

Black Springs 1891

KNOWLING EdwardE. KnowlingPt. 1079 (1¾ acres town lot & 3 rm. house)

Tothill's Creek 1884-91pt. 1079 1 acre & town lot 2 rms. st.

(1886 4 rms. st. )

1887 Edward KnowlingPt. 262 (120½ acres)

1888-92 "C. PfitznerPt. 262

KREIG EdwardE. KreigTown lots 5, 26 House & shop

Waterloo 1885-88Town lot 24

1889-92 All plus lots 6, 7

KRUSE CarlC. SchmidtTown lots 52 ( 3 rms. st. )

Waterloo 1884-86

Carl Kruse 1884C. SchmuckerTown lot 38 (Not 1885 onwards)

1887-92 Carl KruseC. KruseTown lot 52

LASCHKE MartinCatchlove & Co. Pt 100 (49 ac. ) total 50 (2ac. & hotel)

Waterloo 1891-92

LAUBE MrMr Laube190 (369 ac. & house)

Tothill's Creek 1891-92


LAWLOR PatrickP. Lawlor324 ( 1 rm. slab. 2 rms. stone, 60 ac. )

Steelton 1884-92

Tothill's CreekP. Lawlor318 (64½ acres )


LEANEY JohnJ. Leaney400 (116 ac. 2 rms. cob. )

Waterloo 1884-928 (79 ac. 2 stone houses) 390 (70 ac. )

392 (99 ac. ) 157 (68 ac. )

Back Springs 1892J. Leaney469 (95 ac. ) 468 (83) 495 (26 ac. )

LOEHRKE August Samuel S. LoehrkeTown lot 41 2 rms. stone (¼ acre)

Waterloo 1884-871888 to John Schroeder

LOEHRKE JohnJ. LoehrkeTown lots 22 or 29, 9 (2 rms. st.)

Waterloo 1884-901891 to Wehrmann

MAHNS J.Mrs Claxton376 (117 ac. 1 rm. pine ) 377 (136 ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1884-85

1886 Mrs MahnsAs above

1887-90 J. Muller376

1887-90 J. Degner377

MATHIS JacobJ. Mathis33 Town lot-house & shop (½ acre )

Waterloo 1884-911892 Pfitzner-Occupier

MATTHIAS FrederickF. Matthias177 (212 ac. 2 rms. st. ) 107 (161 ac. &

Waterloo 18842 rms. st. ) 115 (138 ac. 2 rms. pine)

1885 sect. 177 to F. Wiech

MATTHIAS LouisL. Matthias 107 (161 ac. 2 rms. st. ) 115 (138 ac. 2 rms.

Waterloo 1886-92pine)

Black Springs 1891-92504 (91 ac. ) 502 (17 ac. )

MCFEAT AlexanderA. McFeatTown lot 1022 (2 ac. house & shop )

Steelton 1884-85

1886-92J. TorrAs above

1891 Leased byD. & W. McFeat1008 (80 ac. ) pt. 35 (70 ac. )

W. Kahl

MCGOWAN MrsMrs McGowanTown lots 35 (3 rms. st. ) 42, 49

Waterloo 1884-85

1886Cotton & OpieLot 49

1887Mrs McGowanLots 35, 42

1888-91 Mrs McGowanLot 35

1892 "Lots 35, 36

MCGOWAN JamesJ. McGowanLot 84 (½ acre & house )

Waterloo 1891

MCGRATH John jun.J. McGrathPt. 1079 Town lot (1 ac. 2 rms. st. )

Tothill's Creek 1884-92

MCINERNEY Thos.McInerney243 (74 ac.) 244 (71 ac.) 252 (78 ac. )

Tothill's Creek 1884-85253 (58 ac. ) 254 (67 ac.)

MCKENZIE Townsend95 (45 acres)

Light ward

MCNAMARA MartinM. McNamara309 (80 ac. 5 rms. st. ) Steelton

1884-91306 (80 ac. ) Light Ward

Tothill's Creek301 (90ac. ) 312 (97 ac. )

MCNAMARA JohnJ. McNamara1033 (80 ac. ) Steelton

1884-91 Light1039 (80 ac. ) 1048 (80 ac. 3 rms. st. )

1892 Steelton309 (80 ac. & house ) 1033

1892 Light 306 (80) 1048 (80 ac. & house) 1039

MCNAMARA MichaelM. McNamara313 (93 ac. ) 273 (81) 277 (144 ac. )

Tothill's Creek 1884-88261 (144) 189 (147 ac. 4 rms. st. & 2 rms. st.)

1889-91189, 261, pt. 262 (Not others)

MENZ AugustA Menz296 (43½ ac. 3 rms. pine) 299 (75 ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1884-85205 (294 ac. 4 rms. cob. )

1886Milde - Geier

MILDE CarolineMrs Milde1019 (80 ac. 3 rms. st. ) 320 (70 ac. )

Steelton 1884-92321 (60 ac. ) 317 (98 ac. ) 322 (79 ac. &

2 rms. cob. ) (317 - 2 rms. st. )

MILDE FerdinandF. MildePt. 296 (43½ ac. 3 rms. pine ) 299 (75 ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1887-881889 to A. Reissen

MICHALANNEY ThomasT. Michalanney254 (67 ac. ) 243 (74 ac. ) 244 (71 ac. )

Tothill's Creek 1886-92252 (78 ac. ) 253 (58 ac. )

1888-92251 (67 ac. )

MOLL FrederickF. Moll32 (139 ac. 2 rms. st. ) 101 (102 ac. )

Waterloo 1884-92

Waterloo 1889-92 Town lots 35, 36

Steelton 1884-9233 (135 ac. ) 1002 (80 ac. 3 rms. st. )

1003 (80 ac. ) (33- 2 rms. st. )

MOLLER FrederickF. Moller104 (182 ac. 2 rms. st. ) 177

Waterloo 1884-90

1891-92Part 177 (288½ ac. & house )

MULLER FranzF. MullerTown lot 41 (2 rms. st. )

Waterloo 1885-92

MULLER John Mrs Claxton376 (117 ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1891-92

1892 John Muller Mrs Claxton377 (136 ac. )

MURPHY JamesFotheringham1079 (Town lot 2, arable 30 ac. pasture

Tothill's Creek 1884-85& Co.8 acres ) Royal Oak Hotel, Horsham

Light ward 1888-89 Mrs MURPHYPart 1046 (10 ac. 4 rms. st. )

1891 UnoccupiedDan Murphy1045, 1046, 1053, 1058, 304

jun. Narridy

1892 UnoccupiedJas. Murphy 307

Gulnare South

NASH WilliamW. Nash506 (92 ac. ) 505 (103 ac. )

Black Springs 1891-92

NELSON FrankF. Nelson364 (74 ac. ) 358 (128 ac. ) 296 (43½ ac.

Tothill's Belt 1884(To White)4 rms. pine )


1888 UnoccupiedF. Nelson-298 (119 ac. )

1889 I. WilliamsBelton

NELSON JohnF. Nelson209 (256 ac. 2 rms. st. ) 297 (125 ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1884298 (119 ac. )

NENKE BertholdB. NenkeTown lot 34 (house and shop)

Waterloo 1884-901892 Unoccupied

NIEUMANN AugustA. Nieumann Town lots 29, 30 (house & shop)

Waterloo 1884-90

1891-92As above plus lot 31 (¼ acre )

UnoccupiedG. OATLEY-Town lot 37

Waterloo 1884-92Callington

O'BRIEN JamesMrs O'Brien1051 (80 ac. ) 90 (80) 1073 (80)

Light Ward 1884-881074 (80 ac. 2 rms. cob.- in 1885 4 rms. st. )

1889-90 PatrickMrs O'Brien90 (80 ac. )

" John "1051 (80 ac. )

" James " 1073 (80 ac. ) 1074 (80 ac. )

O'BRIEN PatrickP. O' Brien90 (80 ac. ) Light 1891-92

O'BRIEN John J. O'Brien1051 (80 ac. ) Light 1891-92

O'BRIEN JamesJ. O'Brien1073 (80 ac. ) 1074 (80 ac. & house)

Light ward 1891-92

OLLEY JosephH. Evans201 (193 ac. 4 rms. st. ) 289 (142 ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1884-88

OLLEY John 1891-92 Mrs H. Evans201, 289 as above

O'LOUGHLIN JohnJ. O'Loughlin 202 (249 ac 2 rms. st. ) 350 (150 ac. )

Tothill's creek 1884-88

Unoccupied in 1889 S.A. Govt.350, 354, 355, 352, 353

O'NEIL MichaelM O'Neil22 (80 ac. ) 27 (68 ac. ) 24 (91 ac. )

Black Springs 1891-9235 (65 ac. ) 307 (93 ac. )

PARBS John G. J. G. Parbs405 (81 ac. ) 406 (108 ac. 2 rms. st. )

Waterloo 1884-92407 (132 ac. )

PARISH AlfredA. ParishPart 1077 Town lot (2 rms. st. )

Tothill's Creek 1884-92

PARKEN Henry MontagueH.M. Parken1023 Town lot (4 acres arable,

Steelton 1884-921 acre house & shop )

PARROT CharlesRoberts (Agent) 1040 (80 ac. )

Light Ward 1886-88

Tothill's Creek 1889-92W. PATRICK-206 (237 ac. ) 280 (145 ac. & house )

Unoccupiedagent367 (70 ac. & house ) 368 (86 ac. )

H. & F. Rymill362 (114 ac. & house ) 369 (82 ac. )

PAUL M.Mrs Evans201 (193 ac. & house ) 289 (142 ac. )

Tothill's belt 1890

1891 John OlleyMrs Evans As above

PFITZNER CharlesC. Pfitzner-262 (120½ ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1885-86Friederickswald

PHILLIPS JosephJ. Phillips Town lots 50 (house & shop ), 40,

Watrloo 1884-92 39 (two- 3 rms. st. )

1884-85 J. PhillipsMrs ClaxtonPt. 381 (35 ac. )

1886 J. Phillips WattsPt. 381

1887-92 J. PhillipsJ. Brown9 (77 ac. 2 rms. st. )

PHILLIPS RobertS.A. Govt.344 (135 ac. )

Tothill's Creek 1884-90

Tothill's Belt 1884-90 R. Phillips199 (132 ac. ) 346 (42 ac. ) 200 (231 ac. &

4 rms. st. ) 348 (150 ac. 1 rm. cob. )

1887 R. PhillipsS.A. Govt347 (168 ac. ) 349 (157 ac. )

PHILLIPS EdwardS.A. Govt344 (155 ac. scrub - range)

Tothill's Creek 1891-92

Tothill's Belt 1891-92E. Phillips199, 200, 346, 348, as above

E. Phillips 1891-92S.A. Govt347, 349 as above

PHILLIPS J. R. S.A. Govt. 98 (16½ ac. working men's block)

Waterloo 1889-92

Phillips 1889-92S.A. Govt. 103 (13 ac. working men's block)

PICKERING SamuelMrs Tallack323 (70 ac. 4 rms. st. ) 327 (94 ac. )

Steelton 1884-86

1887 S. PickeringS. Pickering323, 327

Steelton 1885-88W. McFeat1011 (80 ac. ) 35 (140 ac. ) 1008 (80 ac. )

S. Pickering1005 (80 ac. 5 rms. st. ) 326 (122 ac. )

1889 "D. & W. McFeat35, 326, 1005, 1008, 1011

1890 " J. Kinsey326, 1005

PICKERTJ. KinseyPart 102 ( 1 acre & house )



Waterloo 1891

POLKINGHORNE Wm.Fotheringham1079 (2 ac. - 30 arable, 8 pasture)

Tothill's Creek 1886& Co.Royal Oak Hotel

Not 1887 -Quinlivan

POULISH J. J. PoulishTown Lots 45 (house ), 46

Waterloo 1891-92

PRITCHARD ThomasT. Pritchard285 (132 ac. 4 rms. st. - 2rms. pine )

Tothill's Belt 1884-90206 (237 ac. ) 290 (26 ac. )

1891 T. PritchardArthur Graham285

" "J. White206

1892 " S. A. Govt. 352, 353

PRITCHARD Miss EllenE. PritchardPart 290 (26 ac. house & land )

Tothill's Belt 1888-92

PRITCHARD Thos, Jun.W. B. Rounsevell286 (115 ac. ) pt. 288 (112 ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1890-92pt. 290 (120 ac. ) 291 (144 ac. )

pt. 294 (98 ac. ) pt. 295 (103 ac. )

Waterloo 1889 Thos jun. "pt. 288 (10 ac. ) 294 (30 ac. )

to 1892295 (20 ac. ) Part sections

QUINLIVAN JohnFotheringham1079 (30 acres arable, 10 pasture

Tothill's Creek 1887& Co. & Royal Oak Hotel)

RAWLINS WilliamW. Rawlins1032 (80 ac. 7 rms. st. ) 1034 (80 ac. )

Steelton 1884-89310 (80 ac. ) 315 (80 ac. ) 308 (79 ac. )

311 (79 ac. )

Light Ward1041 (80 ac. )

REICHELT ErnestE Reichelt246 (102 ac. 3 rms. st. ) 241 (93 ac. )

Tothill's creek 1884-92

1891 "247 (86 ac. & house ) 248 (83 ac. ) Plus above

REILLY Matthew JosephM. & M. Reilly576 (209 ac. )

And Michael

Black Springs 1892

REISSEN AndrewA. Reissen211 (76 ac. 3 rms. st. 1 rm. st. ) 282 (83 ac.) Tothill's Belt 1884-87 284 (76 ac. ) 210 (106 ac. ) 281 (85 ac.

2 rms. cob. 1 rm. cob.)

1886-87207 (197 ac. 2 houses)

1892 Andrew ReissenH. & F. Rymill360 (70 ac. )

REISSEN Andrew jun.A. Reissen 207 (197 ac. house & land)

Tothill's Belt 1889-90Part 296 (43½ ac. house & land)

REISSEN HenryReissen211, 282, 284, as before

Tothill's Belt 1890-91

1891 H. reissen F. Milde299, pt. 296 (43½ acres & house )

RICHARDSON F. G. & Co. Richardson466 (32 ac. )

Black Springs 1891& Co.

1892 UnoccupiedThos. RichardsonLot 22 (1 ac. & house)

RICHTER HenryH. RichterTown lot 8 (house & shop)

Waterloo 1884-9238 Town lot

RICHTER WilliamTown lots 47 (house), 48, 43, 44 (¼ acre )

Waterloo 1889

ROBERTS RoystonR. Roberts473 (99 ac. ) 474 (98 ac. ) 453 (75 ac. )

Black Springs 1891465 (113 ac. ) 461 (96 ac. ) 464 (117 ac. )

1892As above plus 454 (79 ac. ) 460 (112)

ROBERTS Richard &R. & W. Roberts474 (98 ac. ) 466 (32 ac. )


Black Springs 1892

ROBINSON Thos.T. Robinson576 (209 ac. )

Black Springs 18911892 to Reilly

ROSS JohnH. & F. Rymill360 (70 ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1884-87

SANDLAND J. C. (Manager) Duffield & Makin578 (182 ac. ) 577 (195 ac. ) 549 (92)

Black Springs 1891579 (182) 545 (91) 547 (87) 546 (74)

548 (76) 543 (120) 544 (76) 560 (76)

561 (14) 562 (95) 589 (73) 564 (92)

563 (88) 566 (101) 565 (94) 538 (132)

537 (128) 550 (88) 539(159) 584 (148)

585 (234) 541 (131) 542 (149) 540 (116)

3065 (52) 3058 (29) 3064 (56) 3060 (35)

3059 (78) 3056 (48) 3055 (48) 531 (70)

532 (105) 533 (93) 536 (71) 534 (60)

535 (88) 512 (81) 529 (116) 528 (98)

523 (100) 530 (121) 525 (73) 524 (115)

511 (84) 527 (140) 570 (110)

1892 Manager W. G. Hawker3050 (47) 519 (19) 526 (61) 516 (106)

514 (93) 54 (86) 515 (61) 517 (83)

518 (83) 31 (95) 32 (37) 3057 (70)

425 (44) 1 (80) 522 (60) 509 (144) 513 (67)

S. A. GovernmentUnoccupied354, 355, 352, 353 (Scrub Julia Range)

Tothill's Belt 1886-90

1890-92 S.A. Govt. "As above plus 350

Tothil's Creek 1889-92

Benjamin WattsS.A. Govt.339 (78 ac. )

William Steele 1884-85 " "354, 355

UNOCCUPIED 1884-88W. SANDERSTown lots 6, 7

1889 " WaterlooW. Sanders Lot 31

Charles Geisler

Waterloo 1889Wm. SANDERSTown lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 27, 28

UNOCCUPIEDMRS. SARGENT95 (45 ac.) West range)

Light Ward 1885

1886 R. Kilderry

SCHAPEL G.F.G. E. Schutz207 (197 ac. & house )

Tothill's Belt 1891 Tanunda

SCHMAAL HenryH. Schmaal42 (80 ac. ) 1028 (80) 1027 (80)

Steelton 1884-921031 (80) 62 (90 ac. 5 rms. st. )

SCHMAAL John J. Shmaal 1023 (74 ac. ) 1024 (80) 1013 (80)

Steelton 1884-9241 (80) 1012 (80 ac. 6 rms. st. )

1887 John SchmaalJ. Schmaal1025 (80 ac. 4 rms. st. ) 316 (75)

Tothill's Creek 1887-88J. Schmaal318 (64½ ac. )

SCHMAAL TheodoreT. Schmaal316 (75 ac. ) 1025 (80 ac. & house)

Steelton 1890-92

Tothill's Creek T. Schmaalpt. 318 (64½ ac. )


SCHMIDT ChristopherC. Schmidt5 (80 ac. ) 384 (80 ac. 1 rm. cob.)

Waterloo 1884-92385 (65) 386 (36) 333 (81 ac. 2 rms. st.)

334 (93) 336 (111) 389 (80) 288 (40)

388 (70)

Tothill's Belt 1884-91 C. SchmidtPt. 293 (42½ ac. 2 rms. cob. )

Tothill's Belt 1892

Christopher SchmidtWright Bros.Pt 293 (20 ac. )

SCHMIDT FrederickF. Schmidt501 (102 ac. ) 511 (111)

Black Springs 1891-92499 (105) 492 (73)

SCHOFF ChristianPritchard1021, 1022 (Town Lot 7 rms. st.)

Steelton 1884

1886 C. SchoffG Behn1022 (Wine Shop)

SCHOFF JohnJ. SchoffTown lots 43, 44, 47, 48, (4 rms st.)

Waterloo 1884-90

SCHOLZ GottliebG. Scholz248 (H. Heibig) 247 (2 rms. cob.)

Tothill's Creek262 (C Pfitzner, Friedrichswald)

SHRAEDER HenryJ. Kinsey102 (1 ac. town lot 4 rms. st. )

Waterloo 1886

1889-91 H. ScraederH. SchraederLot 32 (land & house )

Tothill's Belt 1891

Henry ScraederMrs Claxton381 (140 ac. ) 379 (123 ac. )

SCHROEDER ErnestE. Schroeder154 (69 ac. 2 rms. st. ) 401 (76)

Waterloo 1884-92404 (82) 403 (83 ac. 1 rm. cob. )

Ernest SchroederMrs Claxton383 (132 ac. )


1890 E. SchroederMrs Claxton381 (140 ac. )

SCHROEDER John F. Goss298 (119 ac. )

Waterloo 1888-92(F Nelson 1887)

John Schroeder 1891J. Schroeder41 (town lot 2 rms. st. )

SCHULTZ John H. Evans211 (2¼ ac. 2 rms. slab. )


Steelton 1891 J. SchultzG. BehnPt. 1022 (2 ac. 7 rms st. & shop)

1892 UnoccupiedG. E. Schultz207

SCHUMACKER FrederickF. Shumacker402 (128 ac. 2 rms. cob.) 382 (159)

Tothill's Belt 1884-92397 (122 ac. 4 rms. st.) 398 (83)


C SchumackerRichardson Bros. 358 (128 ac. house) 364 (74 ac. )

SCHWARTZ SamuelS Schwartz1065, 1066, 1068 (80 ac.)

Light 18841086 (80 ac. 3 rms. st. & 2 rms. cob. )

1885-90 S SchwartzS Schwartz1068 (80 ac. ) 1086 " only

SCHWARTZ Henry H. Schwartz45, 46 Town lots - 2 houses

Waterloo 1886-89

SEARS JamesJ. Sears108 (2 st. houses) 104, 393


SEMMLER LudovicL. Semmler1025 (80 ac. 4 rms. st. ) 316 (75)

Steelton 1884-86

Tothill's Creek 1884-86 L. Semmler318 (64½ ac. )

SIMPSONF. Goss197 (131 ac. 3 rm. house ) 279 (91)

Tothill's Belt 1886Ironstone Gap

SLATTERY WilliamW. Slattery107 (100 ac. ) 108 (380 ac. house)

Waterloo 1891-92109 (267 ac. ) 391 (139 ac. )

SMYTHE Dr. T. E. Trusttees of Dr'sTown lots 12, 19, 20 (6 rms. st.)

Waterloo 1884-91residence49 (¼ ac. )

Tothill's Belt 1887-88 Mrs Claxton381 (140 ac. ) 379 (123 ac. )

SOLOMON EliasE. Solomon 240 (77 ac. )

Tothill's Creek 1884-86

1887-88 E. SolomonS.A. Govt240, 263 (147 ac. ) 339 (78)

1889-91S.A. Govt.240, 263

SOLOMON FrederickF. Solomon240 (77 ac. ) 263 (147 ac. scrub )

Tothill's creek 1892(Wurst)

STEELE WilliamW. SteelePt. 1079 (1¼ ac. town lot house & shop)

Tothill's Creek 1884-861078 (4rms. st. 80 ac.) 1079 arable (20 ac.)

187 (102) 257 (88)

Tothill's Belt 1884-85

W. SteeleS.A. Govt. 354 (97) 355(41)

Unoccupied 1886As above

Tothill's Creek 1889-92W. Steele1078, pt.1079, pt. 1079, 188

STRAEKE AnthonyA StraekeTown lots 13, 17, 18, (2 stone houses)

Waterloo 1885-92

STREMPLE Mrs. J. SchoffTown lots 47 (house) 48, 43, 44

Waterloo 1891-92

TOWNSEND Robert Pt. 95 (55 acres)

Light Ward 1889

1890 R. TownsendS. Kelly-Cumberland Farm

TURNER WilliamW. Turner428 (74 ac. ) 429 (98) 436 (91)

Black Springs 1891-92

William Turner John Turner34, 35, 36, 37, 38 (1 acre lots)

Thomas Bath14, 15, 31, 32, 33, 2, 17 (1 acre lots)

6 (5ac. ) 11, 12, 13 (1 acre lots)

TURNER T.H. J. WhellumPt. 2031, pt. 2031, lot 3, 18 (1 acre lots)

Black Springs 1891-92

VANDREI GottliebG. Vandrei363 (69 ac. 2 rms. pine) 370 (79)

Tothill's Belt 1884-92

1886-92 G.VandreiMrs Claxton378 (101 ac.) 366 (74 ac.)

VILLAGE Thos.T. Village189 (147 ac.) pt. 262 (120½ ac. 2 rms. stone)

Tothill's Creek 1884-88

VINGO GeorgeG. Vingo101 (82 ac. 2 rms. st.)

Light Ward 1884-87

1888-90 Mrs Vingo

1891-92 John VingoMrs Vingo 101

WATSON William Lyons and Leeder490 (91 ac.) 491 (93 ac.) 493 (75) 494 (83)

Black Springs 1891

William WatsonF. WeichPt. 487 (51 ac.)

1892 UnoccupoedLyons and Leeder490, 491, 493, 494

WATTS BenjaminB. Watts1026 (80 ac. house & shop)

Steelton 1884-92

Tothill's Creek 1884-85Laube190 (369 ac. 3 rms. cob)

Benjamin Watts

Tothill's Creek 1887-92B. Watts302 (13 ac. range) 188 (7 ac.)

1889-92 "S.A. Govt.339 (78 ac. scrub Julia Range)

Waterloo 1889 B. WattsMrs Claxton381 (140 ac.)

Tothill's Belt B. Watts 1889Mrs Claxton379 (123 ac.) 1890 to Schroeder

WATTS GeorgeC.J. WehrmanLot 22 (¼ ac. & house) Lot 9 (¼ ac.)

Black Springs 1892

WEBB SampsonS.Webb1030 (80 ac. 7 rms. st.) 1029 (80) 1035 (80ac)

Steelton 1884-921036 (80) 61 (60) 314 (110) 1010 (100)

Pt. 1018 (19) 1017 (80) 1020 (80ac. 2rms cob)

Light Ward 1884-92S. Webb1037 (80 ac.) 1038 (80 ac.)

Tothill's Creek 1884-92S. Webb271 (150 ac.) 272 (175 ac. 5 rms.st.& 4 rms.

Wood-Whyte park)

Tothill's Creek 1889-92S. Webb271, 272, 273 (81 ac.) 277 (114 ac.)

313 (93 ac.)

WEBB JosephJ. Webb205 (294 ac & house)

Tothill's Belt 1891-92 S.A. Govt350 (150 ac. scrub-range)

WEGNER HenryH. Wegner8 (79 ac.) 390 (70) 392 (99)

Waterloo 1884157 (68) 396 (70 ac. 2 cob. Houses)

1885398 (83) 397 (122) pt. 381 (50 ac.4 rm house)

1885-91 H Wegner-CaltowieH. Wegner396 (70 ac.) only

WEGNER CharlesC. Wegner387 (71 ac.) 395 (78 ac. 2rms. st.)

Waterloo 1885-91

Tothill's Belt 1886-92Mrs Claxton380 (60 ac.)

Charles Wegner 1892C. Wegner396 (70 ac.)

WEHRMANN C.H.C.H. WehrmannTown lots 22 (house) 9

Waterloo 1891

1892 Occupied George Watts C.H. WehrmannAs above

1892 Mrs WehrmannMrs WehrmannTown lots 12 (house) 19, 20

WEICH FrancisF.W. Matthias177 (212ac. 2rms. st.)

Waterloo 1886-87

1888 Henry WeichF. WeichPt. 177 (212 ac. 2 rms. st.)

1889-92 Francis WeichF. WeichAs above

Black Springs 1891-92Franz Weich477 (171 ac.) 472 (112)

Franz Weichpt. 484 (45) 483 (78) pt. 487 & 485 (145 ac)

WERLICH HenryH. WerlichPt. 102 (2 ac. town lot 2 st. houses)

Waterloo 1886-92

WHELLUM Henry 1891-92H. Whellum2032 (88 ac.) 2033 (100 ac.)

Black Springs

1892 Mrs Henry WhellumMrs H. Whellumpt. 2031 land 1½ ac. & shop at Glendore

WHELLUM John 1891J. Whellum2019 (78 ac.) 2020 (79)

Thomas Whellum3203 (74 ac.) 3202 (76) 29 (73)

Black Springs30 (60 ac.)

1892 Thos. WhellumMrs J. Whellum3203 (74) 3202 (76) 29 (73)

1892 T.H. TurnerMrs J. Whellum2019 (78) 2020 (79) 30 (60)

WHITE HughH. White1085 (80 ac. 2 rms. cob.)

Light Ward 1884-921084 (80 ac. 3 rm. house)

WHITE James 1885-91F. Goss 209 (256 ac. 2 rms. st.)

Tothill's Belt 1885298 (119 ac.)

James White 1887-90F. Nelsonpt. 296 (43½ ac. 4 rms. pine.)

James White 1892J. White209, pt. 296

Tothill's Belt

Unoccupied 1884-87James White352 (130 ac.) 353 (68 ac.)

WHITE JohnMilnePt. 197 (86 ac.) pt. 198 (138½ ac. 2 rms. cob)

Tothill's Belt 1884-92

WILLIAMS IsraelI. Williams192 (509 ac. 5 rms. pine) 342 (129 ac.)

Tothill's Creek 1884-88345 (63) 193 (372) 341 (120 ac. 5 rm. house)

Tothill's Belt 1887-88pt. 197 (84) pt 198 (138½ ac. 2 rms. st.)

279 (91 ac.)

Tothill's Creek 1889-92I. Williams192, 194 (304 ac.) 193, 341,

Israel Williams342, 345

189196 (66 ac.) 189 (148) 256 (88) 257 (67)

258 (60)

Tothill's Belt 1889-92I. Williams197 (131 ac.) 279 (91 ac.)

1890 Israel WilliamsF. Nelson298 (119 ac.)

Tothill's Belt 1890-92I. WilliamsPt. 197 (84 ac.) pt. 198 (138½)

Israel Williams Junior

WILLIAMSON GeorgeG. Williamson2017 (80 ac.) 2016 (77)

Black Springs 1891351 (161) 349 (151) 567 (153) 2026 (80)

2024 (75 ) 350 (111) 2018 (80) 2022 (127)

2029 (107)

WILLIS Edward S.A. Govt.97 (17½ ac. working men's block)

Waterloo 1889-92

Steelton 1889-91S.A. EducationPt. 1023 (1 acre house & school)

Edward WillisDepartment

1892 E. WillisE. WillisPt. 1023 as above

WINTER Carl C. Winter249 (155 ac. 2rms. cob.) 252, 253

Tothill's Creek 1885-87C. Winter249, 251 (67 ac.)

1886 to Michalanney252 &253-1888 251 to Michalanny

1890 To Ernest Wurst249

WOHLFIEL WilliamJas. White367 (79 ac.) 368 (86 ac. 2 rms. cob.)

Tothill's Belt 1884-91

WURST ErnestE. Wurst249 (155 ac. & house)

Tothill's Creek 1890-92

ZIEGART AugustA. Ziegart 245 (89 acres)

Tothill's Creek 1884-92

ZUCKER CarlC. Zucker110 (80 acres)

Waterloo 1884-92