Waterford Township Supervisors Regular Business Meeting March 16, 2016

Waterford Township Supervisors

Regular Business Meeting

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Waterford Township was held on March 16, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Waterford Township Municipal Building. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Coffin presided, with Supervisors Stull and Malinowski in attendance. Also present were Secretary Wendy Burbules, Roadmaster Kevin Cromwell, Harry Rearick, and Larry Thompson.




Motion to approve the March 2, 2016 minutes made by Jack, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

Grader was painted, old construction John Deere yellow.

Covered Bridge - Curt Sonney’s office called about the Covered Bridge. Kevin had checked with the engineer and he said Penn State was working on the mussel study. Sonney’s office stated the PA Game Commission had concluded its study in May last year. The US Fish and Wildlife Department was still working on their study. The engineer is going to look into it further. Sonney’s office is going to keep after them about it.

Cabinets for Records Room - Sharon looked into getting a few less cabinets in the records room. This brought her first estimate down $1000 to $4100. These cabinets are heavy duty, commercial grade and can support the weight and not sag. George paneled the walls, put up a new ceiling, and replaced the lights. It looks a lot better.

Cold Patch - Last year we bid for 500 tons. We used about 247 tons, for $18,550. Russell Standard was $75/ton picked up, Suit Kote was $75/ton but we had to pay to have it delivered from Meadville. This year Suit Kote is $75/ton again and Russell Standard $78/ton. Kevin is going to see if he can get it to $75/ton again. Jack doesn’t think we will need any more than last year. Kevin says we just pick it up as needed. If we stay under $19,000 we can save advertising costs and take phone bids. Bruce thought that was a good idea. Jack agreed.

Number 4 -Mack – The back end of the dump bed is pretty rotten; the tail lights are falling out. The hooks for the chains are hanging by a thread. He had it to Winklebauer’s; he didn’t cut the corners out; he thought it was to the point where it’s going to keep rusting. We already put a new floor in it three years ago. That came up the sides about two feet then above that, the back corners needed patched again. Hopefully it will stay together for the summer. Kevin would like to look into getting a new bed for it. The truck is a 2004 to be rotated out in 2019. We’ve had it a little over 10 years.

Brine Hauling - Kevin talked to a driver from Atlas. We should be able to get some from them; not sure how much yet.

USDA Grant - Kevin sent an email to USDA to apply for a grant for the grader roller. He called back and said that Waterford Township’s average income is too high to get a grant. We could get a 3% loan. He also sent a letter to Curt Sonney’s office and the Conservation Department as well. He hasn’t heard back from them yet.

Uniforms - Carl, George and Brian are interested in getting uniforms instead of the $250 clothing allowance. They’ve spent their money already this year but would be willing to pay the first $200 toward the uniforms. They’ve checked with UniFirst. UniFirst has no upfront charges. They’d get 11 shirts and 11 pants. It’s $7 per week per person ($104/month). There’s also a $5 environmental charge per week. UniFirst also has cheaper carpet runners. Harrington washes them now once a month for $69.27 per month. UniFirst can wash them twice a month for $13 less per month. Bruce thinks it will be tough to get out of the contract. They could also wash other things for $2 if Kevin or Leon had something they didn’t want to wash at home. Harrington would be $8 per person per week, plus a fee for XXL. They would apply a handling fee of $8 per week.

Part-time CDL Driver Wage Increase - Kevin would like to have the rate raised from $14/hour to $16-$17/hour for an experienced part-time CDL driver. Most of the ads he’s seen have been $16-$17/hour.

Surface Treatment - Kevin talked to Russell Standard and Suit Kote. Earl Koon didn’t have a problem with the double coat with the 67’s and the 8’s. He quoted some numbers as to how much should be put down. The State’s range is 25-52 pounds of 67’s. They both suggest at least 40 pounds of 67’s per yard and 25 pounds of the 8’s. The both recommend quite a bit of the glue to stick them down .35-.4 gallons/yard of the MC70 for the base coat and .6 gallons of the CRS2 for the next layer to make sure there is plenty of oil to hold the 67’s and the 8’s. Bruce is concerned about the emulsions versus the MC70. Is the MC70 worth the extra expense? Kevin will check with Mike Hammond. The tar and chip companies say it soaks in better; gets more penetration into the dirt. Bruce is concerned it is easier to dilute the MC70.

Haugh/Old Wattsburg Intersection – Someone from PennDOT was out today to look at the intersection. Kevin thinks they should remove the hump. We could do it through the agility program. Jack thinks you can see both ways between the utility poles. Bruce, looking into it more, would like Old Wattsburg Road lowered. Paul Burroughs looked into it. We would need to have our engineer involved to design and set up a HOP. We would have storm water management to consider. Bruce was also approached by a neighbor that wasn’t invited to the meeting with the other neighbors. He feels the relocation of Haugh Road would cause headlights to shine right into his home. He’s not totally against it but would like to see something different done. Bruce would rather see PennDOT lower the road. We’ll keep following up with them.

Soft Spots Program - Bruce wanted to make sure Kevin was noting any soft spot issues. He’d like him to keep a note if any of them would benefit from tiling and which would be a priority; same with gravel. We’d like to have a priority system to keep improving roads when we’re not here anymore. Kevin stated the frost wasn’t as bad this year so it helped. West Welsh Road and Benson Road are a priority. Strong Road needs some work; the hills are bad. Dorman gets bad by the beavers. Bruce is concerned that gravel will get more expensive. In 2006 the tar and chip didn’t work out well so they stopped using it. We’ve tried to improve on that. The Township has spent a lot of time and money on getting the roads ready. We’d like to have an idea on how much gravel we’ll need for the next 2 years. We have about 6-7 miles of roads to grade. Jack feels if we crush the stone ourselves it would bind better. Bruce doesn’t’ think it is economical to do it ourselves.

Cabinets - Bruce asked if we could get more prices and do the installation ourselves. Kevin stated that Home Depot has cheaper ones but they’ll sag with the weight. We should have something more industrial strength. Jack suggested looking into other cabinet shops. He also suggested metal cabinets. Mr. Thompson suggested Dove Tail. Kevin will get some more quotes and they’ll discuss at next meeting.

See attached.



Kula Farms - ASA Supervisors are not approving Kula’s ASA today just allowing it to go to the next step. It needs to go to Planning Commission.

Motion by Jack to approve Kula Farm’s Agricultural Security Area proposal, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0

Uniforms - Bruce asked if anyone wanted to make a motion for uniforms. There was no comment.

Plaque for Flory

Motion by Jack to purchase a plaque for Flory for his years of service, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

Coal Chute - Bruce askedto install a coal chute and a pan for the F550; similar to the one on the 350. Kevin said it would be about $250 plus installation for a 12 ⅜” x 15 ½”. Tim asked if it would funnel through. He suggested we make the pan the width of the truck. Bruce said it will stick a little but it’s something to get them started. Jack thinks the coal chute is too small but it would work for 411.

Motion by Bruce to purchase a coal chute and a cold patch catch pan for the 550 #6, second by Jack. Motion carried 3/0

ECATO Fireman’s Dinner - Bruce asked if any supervisors would like to attend. Tim and Jack did not. Bruce will go and talk to firemen.

NFG – National Fuel wanted to know if the Township had any upcoming projects . Bruce suggested we contact them in regards to the roads we wanted to tar and chip.

Plank Road – Bruce stated they talked at a work session about some places we’d like to put 2RC on this summer and tar and chip. Bruce would like to recommend no 2RC or 3-4 inches. Plank hasn’t has any soft spots or ruttingin the last two springs. Part of the reason for 2RC is to build a base up out of the mud. Bruce feels it’s ready for tar and chip. Jack feels it's ready. Tim thinks there are certain spots that might need it. The far end may need some. Bruce is concerned with it from Fichthorn’s to the end. Tim agrees. Kevin thinks maybe four inches to Fichthorn’s then the rest eight inches. He talked to Washington Township to figure out what the Five Point is. The State turned it over to the Townships in 1988. In 1990 the agreement of those roads states that Waterford Township receives all of the liquid fuels money from LeBoeuf Township. Waterford Township is to maintain it to Lewis Road. We need to add 3-4 inches to Fichthorn’s then 6-8 inches to the end. It’s still a considerable savings. Tim thinks it’s a bowl in some places.

CDL Part-Time Drivers –

Motion by Tim to raise the part-time driver’s wages from $14/hour to $16, seconded by Jack. Motion carried.

Motion by Jack to pay bills, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

060596 Kevin Cromwell Jury duty reimbursement 42.86
060597 Marilyn Evans Zoning 637.91
060598 Beeman Estates Sewer 63.26
060599 Magisterial District Feb. fines 103.66
060600 County of Erie Tax claims 485.40
556401 Woodland Hills Bill 93.75
556402 Eileen McGahen Feb. Taxes 643.32
556403 Anthony Gomo Feb & March 126.52
556404 McKean Twp 2016 Turnback 360.00
556405 Erie County/Records Realty Transfers 1,561.35
556406 Cass/Dollar General Sewer 63.26

The motion to adjourn at 8:23 p.m. was made by Jack, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

Approved: Respectfully Submitted:

Bruce C. Coffin Date Wendy Burbules

Chairman, Board of Supervisors Secretary