GUARANTEED ANALYSIS:LAND & SEA’S HUMA-K 0-0-4 is an organic soil amendment, which
Soluble Potash (K20)……4%contains Humic Acids. Humic Acids may aid in the uptake of micro-nutrients. The Humic Acids in LAND & SEA’S HUMA K are derived from Leonardite. Leonardite results from the decomposition and compression of organic matter, particularly plants.
Derived from Potassium Hydroxide
65% HUMIC ACIDS (CA Method)
DERIVED FROM LEONARDITEHUMA K may be used on all grain crops, cotton, alfalfa, seed crops,
beans, trees, vines, cole crops, tomatoes, sugar beets, peppers, rice and vegetables and
NOTICE: Seller warrants that thehorticultural crops. PREPLANT: HUMA K may be mixed with
product conforms to its chemicalliquid fertilizers or added directly to dry fertilizer. When using liquid fertilizers, mix
description and is reasonably fit for1-3 lbs. of HUMA K per acre. When used in conjunction with dry
the purpose stated on this label when fertilizers, apply 1-3 lbs. of HUMA K per acre on the dry material. (It
used in accordance with directions is important to mix water with HUMA K to get the best coverage of
under Normal conditions of use. the product.) For best results work into the soil after application. PLANTING: Mix
Since weather, crop and soil condi-1-3 lbs. with a starter fertilizer in the seed bed. SIDE DRESS: HUMA K
tions may vary LAND & SEAcan be pre-diluted and mixed with a liquid fertilizer at the rate of 1 lb. per
ORGANICS, INC., and/or seller,acre, or water run by itself at a rate of 1-3 lbs. per acre. TRANSPLANT: Combine 2
make no warranty of any kind, ex- lbs. of HUMA K with transplant solution before planting.
pressed or implied, concerning the useNURSURY AND GREENHOUSE: Mix 1 lb. of the HUMA K with
or implied concerning the use of this 10 lbs. of liquid soluble fertilizer. To improve seedling survival and increase vigor use
product. The user assumes all risks of10-12 oz. HUMA K in a seed soak program. HUMA K
use of handling whether or not in may also be used in a dilute solution in sprinklers during irrigation. FOLIAR
accordance with directions or APPLICATIONS: Mix 1-3 lbs. of HUMA K together with
suggestions.Recommended fertilizer per sprayed acre. Repeat this application every 2-4 weeks for
best results.
Keep out of reach of children!HORTICULTURAL CROPS: Three applications are recommended. 1. At
Harmful is swallowed.transplanting to help in root development. 2. The second and third applications
Avoid contact with skin, eyes orshould be applied during the vegetative cycle to help during the fruit enlargement.
clothing. In case of contact,Dose: 1-3 lbs. per acre/per treatment. TREES AND VINES: Three applications
immediately flush with running waterare recommended. 1. At budding/flowering stage. 2. Cleaning. 3. Fruit enlarge-
for at 15 minutes and consult yourment. Dose: 1-3 lbs. per acre/per treatment. DRIP IRRIGATION: HUMA
physician.K can be put through the drip line in small quantities over the growing season. HUMA K should be diluted at a minimum 40 parts water
to 1 part HUMA K to help prevent clogging of the lines. Dose:
¼ lb. per week/per acre through irrigation.
204 KERR AVE.1. HUMA K is compatible with most fertilizers, pesticides,
Modesto,CA 95354 herbicides and defoliants, exept those with a low pH. 2. HUMA K
TEL (209)527-0607is incompatible with Calcium Nitrate. DO NOT MIX TOGETHER. 3. Always mix
FAX (209)527-1279HUMA K with materials that have a pH of 6.0 or higher. 4. If there
a question on compatibility, always do a small sample test. This can be done by
taking any small container and mixing the material in question with a small amount of
NET WEIGHT: 50 LBS/ 22.68 KGS HUMA K. If it doesn’t blend up quickly, DO NOT USE IT.