JANUARY 29, 2013
I. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chair Bruce Fisher at the Concordia Community Center at 802 S. Gordon St. Concordia, MO 64020 at 9:00 am.
II. Roll Call: In Attendance: RHSOC voting members
Bruce Fisher Ron Nissen
Jeanne Beas Kevin Bond
Jesse Coslet Russ Donnell
Sam Hafley Gloria Michalski
Jerry Brown Les Boatright
Stacie Smith Liz Lenger
Sara Loar Julie Dill
James Theisen Brandon Wolf
John Gover
Not In Attendance: RHSOC voting members
Dave Clippert John Cline
Kevin Campbell Tony Day
JoAnn Martin Rod Kirchhoff
Marvin Coleman John Marr
Sam Gibbons Justin Brown
Jim Stone Michael Gardner
Jerry Kirchhoff Brett Kirchhoff
Sue Foster Denzel Allen
Diana Bryant
II. Elections: Stacie Smith made a motion for Jesse Coslet to be Chair of the Region A RHSOC.
M/S Stacie Smith / Brandon Wolf Motion Carried
Brandon Wolf made a motion for James Theisen to be V. Chair of the Region A RHSOC
M/S Brandon Wolf / Kevin Bond Motion Carried
IV At this time Brian Kourtney with Department of Public Safety gave an update on the MoSWIN Project. He advised everyone that they would be handing out the radios after the RHSOC meeting along with conducting a training session for anyone that would like to stick around.
V. THIRA: Scott Davis gave an over view of how the THIRA process seems to be going with all 9 of the RHSOC’s. Scott did mention that if we have any mutual aid agreements in place that we should mention those agreements in our THIRA. There was lots of discussion regarding putting together another THIRA meeting where everyone can come and discuss with the THIRA working group the results of the THIRA. Randy said that we would get with the working group and get something out to everyone.
James asks Scott Davis when it comes to putting a dollar amount towards sustainment should that be for just this year or should that be for the lifetime of the project? Scott informed him that is should just be for one year.
VI. Grant Update: Randy and Joni gave the group an update on where we were with FY10, 11, & 12. PTRPC is trying to wrap things up in FY10 and has a few RFPs out for some of the FY11 projects.
Randy also informed the group that in FY12 there was a training grant that was approved but after doing finding out actual cost for the training materials is was going to cost more than the awarded amount. We opened it up for discussion on how we wanted to address the unallocated funds.
Ron Nissen made a motion to purchase another generator with the $36,000 from the FY12 budget. M/S Ron / Russ D. Motion Carried
VII The state provided the group with FY2013 Application date:
Application Review: January 31st, 2013
Release of Application: February 13, 2013
Workshop: February 20, 2013
THIRA Step 3 and 4 Due: March 1, 2013
Applications due to OHS: March 29, 2013
Applications sent to RPC: 2nd wk in April 15, 2013
Final Ranked Applications: May 15, 2013
VIII. Brendon Orth with Midwest Data Card Solutions gave a presentation regarding the capabilities that there software and resources have to offer.
IX. Other business - None
X. Next Meeting April 16, 2013
XI. Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn.