Water, Sewer & Streets Committee Meeting
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Ottertail Meeting Room
Present were Committee Members Lotvedt, Rheault, and Wentz. Also present were Mayor Cichos, City Auditor Hauck and Public Works Supervisor Larson.
Chairman Wentz called the meeting to order at 1:05pm.
Motion by Lotvedt to approve the minutes of October 17, 2012. Second by Wentz, all voting yes, motion carried.
Since Gary Van Sweringen was not present, the agenda item was changed to be discussed after the payloader bid opening.
The committee opened the bids for the city’s payloader. The bids were as follows: Mark Lysne $40,000; Leon Fritel $36,500; Dave Kenner $42,500; RJ Paul $39,260; and Ronald Volk $49,250. The top three bidders were allowed to increase their bid. The second highest bidder, Kenner, declined increasing his bid. The third highest bidder, Lysne, increased his bid to $50,000. Casper Volk was present to represent Ronald Volk and increase his bid to $51,000. Lysne declined an increase in his bid. Ronald Volk was the highest bidder at $51,000 and was awarded the sale of the payloader. Possession arrangements will be made between PWS Larson and Casper Volk.
Discussion was held on Gary Van Sweringen’s meter problem. Gary received two months of high water usage. Before receiving his second bill, Candy Munyer called Gary to warn him that he would receive another high billing and warned him that he may have a leak. Munyer told Gary how to check for a leak. Gary called back 15 minutes later and stated that the meter was moving and he must have a leak. Sometime later, PWS Larson was contacted by Gary and asked to look at the meter because it was defective. Larson replaced the meter. Discussion was held on whether the meter was defective or if Gary had a leak and should be responsible to pay the full amount of both bills. The PW Department checked the old meter by hooking it up to a hose and running five gallons through it. The meter measured the five gallons accurately. Motion by Rheault to ask Gary to pay all of the first billing and pay the minimum billing of $37.86 for the second billing and to also change the meter back to the old one. Second by Lotvedt, all voting yes, motion carried.
A snow removal advertisement will be placed in the paper and on the radio to notify homeowners that snow cannot be shoveled or blown into the street. The fine will be shown in the advertisement.
A short discussion was held regarding the snow removal efforts of the city during the storm which occurred on November 10 and 11, 2012.
The snow pile behind Third Street Station was not placed there by the city. It was placed there by the party that clears the snow for Third Street Station.
A price quote of about $22,000 was received from ND Sewage Pump Company out of West Fargo, for the parts needed to fix the lift station by the fairgrounds. The costs were expected to be much higher so the committee was pleased with the price quote. Motion by Lotvedt to approve the purchase of the parts and request full council approval. Second by Rheault, all voting yes, motion carried.
Truck Route signs for Anhydrous tanks were purchased but permission is needed from the State Highway Department. The signs are not really needed until April, but approval will be requested.
The water main behind the new Cobblestone Hotel has been completed. The laying of the sewer main is currently in process and is almost completed. Mayor Cichos requested a dollar amount for the project and for the extension of water and sewer to the new housing development. The work would be completed to extend the water and sewer along 9th Street Southeast.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:40pm.
Dawn Hauck, City Auditor Date Submitted
Terry Wentz, Chairman Date Approved