Water Quality Field Investigation Summary

Eagle Bluff – Lanesboro, MN

100 points Summary Due:

After completion of our day at Eagle Bluff you will need to turn in a typed summary of your field investigation. Each section has detailed information that must be included to receive full credit.

1st page– Cover page

·  Title – Be as specific as you can

·  Location

·  Your name

·  Date

·  Class

·  Teacher

2nd page – Observations & Questions

Make 8 – 10 observations about the area you tested. Some ideas to think about are: what did the river look like – width, depth, its banks, the bottom? Also describe the shore.

This section should look somewhat like this.

Site #1 – (Location name here)




3rd page – Field Investigation Procedure

You will need to include the question that you investigated here. You can divide this section up in three parts, chemical, biological, and physical. You will need to include the equipment that you used for all three tests performed. You will need to include the formula that you used for the physical test, along with a brief definition. A detailed description on how you performed your experiment is also needed. Please type your procedure in numbered step-by-step order in possible.

4th page – Data Sheet

Insert your Eagle Bluff data sheet here. On a separate sheet, the data from all of the groups should also be tallied and averaged.

5th page – Conclusion

You will need to write a summary of the stream. Include your results in written form. You should compare your results with the class averages. (Don’t rewrite your data sheet. Pick your specific points to explain). What is your opinion on the streams health according to your results; the classes’ results. Be detailed! Also give some possible and logical reasons why results turned out the way they did.

How did your investigation go? Explain what happed during the procedure. Did all go as planned? What were the problems? Were the tests easy to perform? How about the physical tests such as velocity? Did your team find good test results? Did your team work together?

What would your team do differently next time? Are there other methods of testing or equipment that could have worked better to enhance your investigation? What further questions do you have about the stream? You need to list two possible further questions that could be investigated about the stream.

6th page - Reflection

Overall, with all honesty- write a short summary on your field investigation. Did you like it? What did you like? Maybe you didn’t like it. What parts didn’t you care for? What was the most interesting part? What new thing(s) did you learn? Does this data explain why this river attracts a lot of fishermen and women. Do you think this is part of a career that you might pursue someday? As always, explain. We want to walk away with a goal. Lastly, I challenge YOU! How can you improve or protect the quality of water?