Water Policy Advisory Committee (WPAC) Meeting
Set out below is a summary overview of the WPAC meeting on 29 May 2015.
Agricultural Catchments Programme
This meeting was preceded by a visit by the Committee to a farm participating in Teagasc’s Agricultural Catchments Programme in Marshallstown, Co. Wexford.
Presentation by the Sustainable Water Network (SWAN)
At the request of the Committee, SWAN gave a presentation on effective delivery of public participation in WFD. SWAN’s presentation provided an overview of the work undertaken by SWAN and made recommendations on how public participation can be effectively integrated into the WFD administrative structure. SWAN explained how the administration structures need to facilitate public participation at local, regional and national level and that adequate supports need to be put in place. In this regard, they suggest the establishment of the following:
- Stakeholder catchment groups – supported by LA Community Water Officers and operating at a regional level.
- Three regional stakeholder fora and
- One national Stakeholder forum.
SWAN highlighted that behavioural and cultural changes were necessary amongst stakeholders and institutions in order to facilitate this public participation.
SWAN reiterated the importance of public participation in the implementation of the WFD and that the structures put forward by SWAN would ensure that this objective was met and would greatly enhance stakeholder participation. They were of the view that WPAC have a pivotal leadership role and hoped this would be embraced.
The Committee thanked SWAN for their thought provoking presentation.
Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI)
The Committee was updated on the pre-consultation seminar that took place on 5 May in relation to the final consultation document identifying Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) for the next round of RBMPs. The Committee were advised that the formal consultation would be formally launched by the Minister at the EPA National Water Conference on 17 June. The consultation will be open for 6 months. Copies of the consultation document will be available from the Departments website:
Progess at Tier 2 (EPA)
The EPA provided an update on the establishment by the WFD national implementation group which is supporting the technical work required for the RBMPs of a sub-group which is now working on characterisation. It is anticipated that working groups to assist with a range of issues such as characterisation and monitoringwill be established by mid-2015.
Progress at Tier 3 (Local Authority)
The CCMA advised that explainedthat a process is underway to appoint a lead local authority to co-ordinate WFD local authority functions. The outcomes of this process will be announced at the EPA water conference in Galway on June 17-18.
Control of Abstractions
The WPAC noted the progress of the DECLG-led working group on abstractions and impoundments.
Public Reporting of WPAC work
The importance of building awareness of the workings of WPAC was raised in many of the submission received during public consultation. WPAC agreed that it would be appropriate to issue a bulletin after each meeting to create greater awareness of its role.