Buntrock Commons “Set-up” Application 2017-18

You must have a work-award for the 2017-2018 academic year to work in this position. If you have any questions please contact Kris Vatter, <>.

Name Cell phone #


Shirt/uniform size (circle): XS S M L XL XXL XXXL

Graduating Year (circle): 2018 2019 2020 2021

On Campus For: Semester 1 Interim Semester 2

Work Hours per/Week desired _____

1. What is it about the Set-Up position that interests you most?

2. What skills do you possess that will make you a good fit for this position?

3. In your experience, what qualities do a good working team posess?

4. List any ideas you have to make Buntrock Commons a better place:

5. Please list anticipated work, on or off-campus, and co-curricular commitments for the 2017-18 academic year:

_______________________________________________ ______________

Signature Date

Your signature indicates willingness, if hired, to meet all expectations for the Buntrock Commons Student Staff.