Water Greece was a peninsula because it had ______on 3 sides.
Mountains The ______isolated communities by effecting communication.
Traveling The mountains made ______difficult so people avoided traveling by land if possible.
Poseidon The Greeks relied on the sea for trade and travel and as a result worshipped the sea god ______.
Farming The rocky terrain made ______difficult.
Irrigation The Greeks had no ______because they did not have rivers large enough.
OliveTreesWhat crop could be grown in a small space?
Flatland Greeks raised animals like goats and sheep because they did not need ______.
Fight Greek communities all wanted more land and this would sometimes cause them to ______.
Colonies The shortage of farmland was solved by starting ______.
Location When setting up a colony, a good ______would have a natural harbor.
Culture The colonies had the effect of spreading Greek ______far and wide.
Trade Greek colonies would ______to get the goods and supplies they needed.
Exports These are the goods you ship and sell to far away places.
Imports These are the goods you bring in from far away places.
Sailors ______used the stars to help them navigate their ships.
AegeanSea Asea that is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea, east of Greece.
ColonyAn established settlement away from the home country.
GeographyThe physical features of an area.
IsolatedCommunities A settlement that is separated from other settlements by features such as mountains or oceans.
Merchants People who made money by selling goods
Peninsula A body of land that is surrounded on three sides by water.
Settlement A small community or village.
Shelter A place that provides protection from weather, such as a house.
Chapter 25 - Greek Geography
Name: ______
3. Greece was a peninsula because it had ______on 3 sides.
4. Greek colonies would ______to get the goods and supplies they needed.
6. Greek communities all wanted more land and this would sometimes cause them to ______.
8. The shortage of farmland was solved by starting ______.
10. An established settlement away from the home country.
11. The physical features of an area.
15. The mountains made ______difficult so people avoided traveling by land if possible.
18. A settlement that is separated from other settlements by features such as mountains or oceans.
21. Greeks raised animals like goats and sheep because they did not need ______.
22. A place that provides protection from weather, such as a house.
23. A sea that is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea, east of Greece.
24. The ______isolated communities by effecting communication.
1. When setting up a colony, a good ______would have a natural harbor.
2. A small community or village.
5. These are the goods you ship and sell to far away places.
7. The Greeks had no ______because they did not have rivers large enough.
9. The Greeks relied on the sea for trade and travel and as a result worshipped the sea god ______.
12. What crop could be grown in a small space?
13. The rocky terrain made ______difficult.
14. A body of land that is surrounded on three sides by water.
16. People who made money by selling goods
17. These are the goods you bring in from far away places.
19. The colonies had the effect of spreading Greek ______far and wide.
20. ______used the stars to help them navigate their ships.
24 of 24 words were placed into the puzzle.
Word Bank (Use each word only 1 time!)