

Water Cycle Tales

Now that we have studied the water cycle, you will be describing how this process takes place using an example of a water drop. Imagine that you are a droplet of water vapor in the air. What would happen to you? You will need to create a water drop character and using your resources write a well developed paragraph that describes what happens to this character as it goes through the steps of the water cycle. Make sure to: 1) name your water cycle character, 2) use at least 3 steps in the water cycle process and 3) Include an illustration of your character. Your writing will be graded on content and conventions using the following grading rubric. Use the back of this sheet as your rough draft.


Score Description

55or more of the steps of the water cycleare identified and accurate. The writing shows a thorough understanding of the interactions between the Earth’s atmosphere and the Earth’s bodies of water. Writing demonstrates exceptionally strong control of standard conventions and uses them effectively to enhance communication. Errors are so few and so minor that the reader can easily skim right over them.

4At least 4specific steps of the water cycle are identified and include most details, but are missing some information or contain a few errors. The writing shows someunderstanding of the interactions between the Earth’s atmosphere and the Earth’s bodies of water. Writing demonstrates strong control of standards writing conventions and uses them effectively. Errors are few and do not impede readability.

3At least 3specific steps of the water cycle are identified and include some details, but are missing important information or contain a quite a few errors. The writing shows limited understanding of the interactions between the Earth’s atmosphere and the Earth’s bodies of water. Writing demonstrates control of standard writing conventions. Minor errors are present but do not impede readability.

2At least 2specific steps of the water cycle are identified and include very little details, and are missing vital information or contain significant errors. The writing shows deficient understanding of the interactions between the Earth’s atmosphere and the Earth’s bodies of water. Writing demonstrates limited control of standards writing conventions. Errors begin to impede readability

11 or less steps of the water cycle are identified and the writing contains major errors. The writing does not show understanding of the interactions between the Earth’s atmosphere and the Earth’s bodies of water. Writing demonstrates little control of standard writing conventions. Frequent, significant errors impede readability.



Water Cycle Tales- Rough Draft



















