WashingtonState TRiO Association Board
Meeting Minutes
DATE: 3/24/11
TIME: 3:00 P.M.
Present: Marc Coomer, Dean Kelly, Carrie Staloch, Aaron Brown,
Lonni Rodriguez-Funk, Raymond Herrera
Guests: None
Recorder:Lonni Rodriguez-Funk
Review and Approval of Minutes / January/February / January- COE conference dates need to be corrected.
February- Minutes approved.
Treasurer Report / Raymond-
Bills that have cleared: $2,054.90.
Waiting for credit from NASP/Lois Rasmussen for
$3,700. Waiting on this credit so that that the following outstanding balances can be paid:
T-shirts: $2,055.60 & Fact Book: $1,648.
Current balance: Approx. $2,000.
How do we want to spend $2000.00 balance?
Does the WSTA board need to submit taxes? / It was suggested the board look into awarding state scholarships or starting a TRiO media campaign with remaining funds. Further details or suggestions to be covered at next meeting.
Ray will check to see if the Board needs to file a tax return.
Committee Reports
Student Leadership Conference
Policy Seminar / This year was strongest meeting. 288 students participated in Student Leadership Conference exceeding goal of 200. What is the refund process for those programs that registered and did not attend? Where are the extra t-shirts for this event?
Eight (8) staff and three (3) alumni attended conference and were able to meet with eleven (11) offices and four (4) elected officials who were given WA ST. TRiO Fact Books. TRiO alumni found trip to be beneficial and were reminded to continue to advocate for TRiO programs. / Marc will check with Kim Requa regarding refunds for Student Leadership Conference and location of t-shirts. It was suggested Centralia College be recognized for their part in planning event.
Next year: Implement mock panel process with talking points & questions beforehand as Senators do not make decisions regarding TRiO funding. Plan for a place to eat lunch.
Board will send out email thanking those who participated in planning of event. Carrie will write hand written thank you notes on behalf of the Board to Student Leadership event volunteers.
Registration may be handled on site in the future as it was difficult for alumni to register. Senate offices prefer to schedule meetings two (2) weeks out instead of one (1) month ahead. TRiO will continue to try to schedule meetings as early as possible.
Thank you cards will be written to all offices that were visited.
CWU Professional Development Day
Fact Book / Monday April 11, 2011. Dean shared agenda. Agenda available at
Board discussed possibility of giving out awards for the following: Distinguished Service, Advocacy & Emerging Leaders. Would we like to name any of these awards after former TRiO students or staff?
It was suggested that an Upward Bound grant planning seminar be offered before or after CWU Staff Development Day.
Dean- There are thirty (30) extra TRiO Fact Books to give out. / Marc will lead the welcome and give quick overview of goals, policy seminar update and student leadership conference.
Board will acknowledge those who helped plan student leadership conference in Olympia.
Lucy may speak briefly regarding NASP conference preview.
Because of short turnaround time, Board will award this year’s recipients and will then seek votes from TRiO members through email next year. Board will add suggestions for this process and for names of scholarships to the CWU-Professional Development Day evaluation forms.
Total cost for all awards not to exceed $150.00. Aaron will look into ordering awards.
Responses of 7-8 people not enough interest to warrant workshop. Marc will talk with Deli Judal to propose a date during the summer or fall.
Email Dean people or community partners you would like fact book to be mailed out to.
Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.M.
Next Meeting / Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday April 12, 2011 at 3:00 P.M.