A Bunker Hill Middle School Educational Field Trip has been planned for students. Please read the following details and conditions carefully before you sign the Parental/Guardian Permission slip. This permission slip must be signed and returned to school by Thursday May 18th, 2017.
Class or Organization: 7th & 8th Grade Chorus, Band & Orchestra
Teacher in Charge: Nancy Dickinson, Mark P, Gene Tecce
Destination: Calvary Temple/Dorney Park
Trip Dates: Friday May 19, 2017
Transportation: Chartered Busses
Departure Time: 6:30AM (Students report to school at 6:00am)
Return Time: 7:30/8pm
Student Cost: prepaid (bring food and/or money for food)
Members of the teaching staff shall be considered as acting for the Board of Education in the performance of their duties as employees of the Board.
Student must attend school for the entire day of the trip to be eligible to participate in the trip. Money will not be refunded for an unexcused absence. Money may be refundable if the absence is verified by documentation from a physician, legal appointment or death in the family.
The Code of Conduct in effect on school property must be adhered to off school property during a Board of Education sponsored field trip. Students who demonstrate inappropriate behavior may be ineligible to participate in field trips.
Washington Township Public Schools has established guidelines and procedures for the administration of medication while on a school trip or participating in a school sanctioned activity. If your child requires the administration of medication, please contact your school nurse to discuss the available options upon receipt of this field trip permission form.
I hereby give my permission for ______to take the educational field trip on Friday, May 19th, 2017 to Calvary Temple and Dorney Park, Allentown, PA for the High Note Music Festival.
I have read and discussed the above information with my son/daughter and we agree to the terms of the trip.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
*REQUIRED* - Emergency Contact Information: