US History Syllabus

Spring 2017

Mrs. Kaufmann


Kelsey Kaufmann

Education Specialist

Credentials CSU Northridge

M.A. CSU Northridge

Email: (I will get back to you within two school days)


You can email me and I will respond within two school days. I am usually in my room at 7:30am and leave around 3:30pm. If, however, you would like to meet earlier or later than that, I am available with advanced notice.


This US History class discusses the major turning points in American history in the twentieth century. Throughout the course the application of constitutional principles to modern day issues is addressed. Topics covered are the role of the government, individual and civil rights’, the emergence of a modern economy, and the role of the United States as a major world power. The course investigates the diversity of American culture, including religion, literature, art, and entertainment.


The grading scale will be weighted in the following way:

25%- Classwork/In-class Projects

25%- Quizzes

20%- Notebook/Material Check

20%- Chapter Tests

10%- Homework

A: 100-90 Clear understanding of material and can work independently

B: 89-80 Understands material with little support and completes all work

C: 79-70 Completes most work and shows comprehension of most material

D: 69-60 Completes work and participates some but shows little comprehension on quizzes and tests.

F: 59 or less Does not understand material and does not complete work regularly. Will need to repeat the class.


Quizzes and chapter tests can be retaken within one week but must be scheduled for either before or after school. Students who miss the day of the midterm and final will have no chance to make it up without teacher approval.


In class students will be expected to participate in many group work projects. Participation and attendance, therefore, is required and greatly affects your grade for these assignments.


I will assign homework on Mondays and every week it will be due on Friday. There are no make-ups allowed for homework as students have a full week to complete it.


I find electronics can be very beneficial to use in class, however, I will not permit electronics without permission. There is a 3-strike policy in my class. Any electronic device out in class that has not been permitted will, first, be asked to be put away. If it is pulled out again, I will take it for the remainder of class. If it becomes excessive, I will give it to the dean and you can pick it up after school.


Any assignment and/or test turned in and copied from another student will result in a zero for both students.


Students who have three or more unexcused tardies of more than five minutes will get a phone call home. Students who have two unexcused absences will be required to have a parent-teacher-student conference.


Please have your parent/guardian and yourselves read, sign, and return to me no later than Friday, January 13th.

I have read and understand the grading scale and the requirements of this class that have been outlined in the syllabus.

I understand that if I have any questions I can meet with Mrs. Kaufmann before or after school by appointment or I can email her.

DATE: ______

Name of Student:______

Signature of Student:______

Name of Parent/Guardian:______

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______

Email of Parent/Guardian: ______