Minutes for the June 22, 2015 Meeting

of the

Washington Public Library Board of Trustees

6:30 PM

Library Meeting Room B

Present: Jackie Hawes, Jon Bauer, Norma Brinker, Linda Bartle, Leon Hove, Katie Schonaerts, Jeff Holtmeier, Maria Brady-Smith, Donna Kohne, Linda Sellmeyer,

Call to orderPresident Bauer

Jackie introduced the new trustees, Katie Schonaerts and Jeff Holtmeier, who will begin their terms in July 2015. Jon Bauer and Marsha Riggs will be leaving the Board as they have served their terms.

Norma Brinker moved that we approve the May 2015 meeting minutes. Linda Sellmeyer seconded and the motion passed.

Friends of the Library report

Mary Emkereported that a total of $447.47 was taken in during the months of May and June. The Friends have allocated $200.00 to purchase DVDs and purchased a two year approval license for showing movies.

They are working on the annual book sale that will take place on September 18 through September 20, 2015. Jon Bauer thanked the Friends for all of their contributions and there was a discussion on ways to promote the group.

Librarian’s Report

Jackie Hawes reported that the statistical and financial reports were in packet received. She reported that circulations are back up to last year’s numbers.

Regarding programs, there are almost 1200 signed up for the Summer Reading Program. Summer programs have been well attended. There were 650 at the Mini Comic Con, 120 at Christian the Magician, 45 at Superhero Dad Day, 30 at the Superhero Cinema and 40 people attended the talk by Ben Fainer, Holocaust survivor.

Several volunteers have signed up to help with the Summer Food Program, and Jackie is looking for more people to volunteer.

Interviewing is taking place for a new shelver with an anticipated start date of July 8, 2015.

All of the public computers that were purchased with the LSTA Tech Mini Grant have been installed and the IT department will be installing staff computers this week.

Leon Hove moved that we accept the Librarian’s report. Linda Sellmeyer seconded and the motion passed.

New business-

The 2015-16 Preliminary Budget looks similar to last year’s budget, except for a few minor changes that were pointed out by Jackie. There were no questions. Norma Brinker moved that we accept the Budget. Donna Kohne seconded and the motion passed.

Leon Hove asked about staff pay increases. Jackie reported that she is working on updating job descriptions but that the administration sets the salaries.

The election of officers and the Board of Trustees list were both tabled until the July meeting. The State Aid Compliance Forms were tabled as well.

The Board thanked exiting president Jon Bauer for his service over the last nine years. He said that a lot of changes have occurred in that time, the foremost being the building of the new library.

There being no further business, Linda Bartle moved that we adjourn the meeting. Norma Brinker seconded and the motion passed.

The next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees will be on Monday, July 27, 2015, 6:30 PM in the Library Meeting Room B.