2015 – 2016
Home of Tiger Pride
Washington Information:
Time Schedulepg. 3
Washington Staffpg. 4
General Informationpg. 5-13
Homework Policypg. 14
Parking Informationpg. 15
Media Denial Formpg. 16
State Policies and Procedures:
FERPApg. 18
KSD Attendance Procedurepg. 19-21
Washington Attendancepg. 22
WA Truancy Processpg. 23-24
Washington Elementary Disciplinepg. 25-27
Student Rights and Responsibility (Policy No. 3200)pg. 28
Student Responsibility and Limitations (Policy No. 3240)pg. 29-32
Student Exceptional Misconduct (Policy No. 3314)pg. 33-36
Child Abuse and Neglect (Policy No. 3421)pg. 37
Sexual Harassment (Policy 5013)pg. 38-42
Discipline Range of Corrective Actionpg. 43
Student Computer Usepg. 44
KSD Asbestos and Pest Management Planpg. 45-46
Non-Discrimination Statement…………………………………………...pg.47
August 2015
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to Washington Elementary for the 2015 – 2016 school year! It is hard to believe that summer is over and it is time to begin school, but the Washington staff is rested and excited to begin another school year. We look forward to working hand-in-hand with you to make this school year a huge success for your child.
Every year Washington has been amongst the leaders in the district for students who pass the MSP and are at or above grade level on the MAP test, and I’m confident this year’s results will be no different! We have a strong building-wide system that is duplicated literally across the country and is focused upon helping each child be successful.
We would like to invite you to take an active part in your child’s education by working closely with your child’s teacher and communication is the key. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come in and see us, give us a phone call or send us an email. We hope that the information inside this handbook will answer most of your questions, but if not, please contact us.
Have a wonderful school year!
Rob Phillips
FOR 2015 – 2016
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:10 - 8:40Teacher Planning and Preparation
8:40Starting Bell
8:40 - 11:35Instruction
11:35 – 12:05Lunch
12:05 – 12:35Recess
1st Grade
11:35 - 12:05Lunch
12:05 - 12:35Recess
2nd & 3rd Grade
11:50 - 12:20Lunch
12:20 - 12:50Recess
4th & 5th Grade
12:00 - 12:30Lunch
1:00 - 1:50Instruction
1:50 - 2:05Recess
2:05 - 3:17Instruction
- Same morning and lunch schedule
- No afternoon recess
- Dismissal at 2:00
Professional Work Day - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
8:05 - 3:35
Professional Work Day - Tuesday
3:27 - 3:55 - Faculty Meetings
Rob Phillips, Principal
Debbie Moore, Secretary
Cindy Dunham, Secretary
Joyce Miller Rm. #1
Kris JanoskyRm. #2
Chenoa MeagherRm. #3
Rita DudleyRm. #4
Deena LarsenRm. #5
Lori QuinnRm. #6
Bethany DownardRm. #8
Alisa OlsenRm. #7
Megan RutzRm. #11
Julie PasmaRm. #12
Randy HamonRm. #9
Susan MayRm. #21
Rachel GalpinRm. #14
Jessica PellRm. #15
Megan PalmerRm. #13
Natalie McKayRm. #17
Lynn WestermanRm. #18
Laurie LampreyRm. #16
Katie PrattRm. #22
Sean MacLellanRm. #23
Connie AchenbachRm. A
Rosie Elvbakken Resource
Alejandra PortugalRm. B
Patty EscamillaRm. C
Susan Holden-Weber
Shawna Beck
Shannon Jones
Rachel Hittinger
Developmental Therapy
Erin Garcia
Sara Hevland
Maggie Gore
Occupational Therapy
Amanda Cox
Marcy Bendewald
Physical Therapy
Wendy Brown
Amy Butts
Caryn Mears
Alan Butler
Steve Petrask
Brianne Hoopes
Megan Lindsey
Nesreen Al muzayen
Jan Cantley
Sherri Dallas
Kyle Gier
Pat Gordon
Becky Hall
Merrilee Kapsi
Mary Jo Mertens
Barb Meyer
Carla Miller
Melissa Nickolaus
Analy Pocasangre
Ellen Portlock
Kathleen Rannow
Ashlee Reddout – Cashier
Denise Robison
Jodi Schupp
Mindi Seffens
Kat Stearns
Kathleen Trotter
Angie Valdez
Laurie Welch
Wendi Woelber
Alma Medina
Inhyang Lim
Jenny Matthews
Neftali Lomeli
Washington Elementary is located at 105 W. 21st Avenue. The school telephone number is 222-6200. An enrollment of 535 students is expected for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
OFFICE HOURS:8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
SCHOOL LUNCHES: Children do not receive lunch tickets, but are credited with purchases. This system eliminates lost tickets and the need to charge. Your oldest child may bring all the money for the family to the classroom in the morning. Mark the child’s name and room number on the check and how it is to be spent. PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS FOR LUNCHES PAYABLE TO WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. For further information, call the office at 222-6200.
Student Meal Cost:Adult Meal Cost
LUNCH CHARGES:We have been told to not allow students to charge lunches this year. Therefore, be certain your child comes to school each day with either money or a sack lunch. Students will be allowed to contact individual parents for necessary assistance in the event their lunch money or sack lunch has been forgotten. Parents are urged to assist youngsters in development of such personal responsibilities.
FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATIONS: This is to be filled out and returned by all who qualify (social security number is required). Read it carefully to see if you are eligible. Please fill out the form carefully and completely. If it is incomplete, it will be returned to you. There is a free/ reduced lunch form included in this packet with a postage free envelope. The application will be processed at the Nutrition Services Department 222-6399.
BREAKFAST PROGRAM: Students may eat breakfast in the gym from 8:15 – 8:35. Please do not have your children arrive before 8:15 am if they are eating breakfast. There is no playground supervision before school.
GRADES Kindergarten – Fifth Grade
This year the Kennewick School District elementary schools will again follow the Wednesday early release schedule. The purpose for the early release is to provide our staff with planning and in-service time. The early release plan is the result of parent and staff surveys, a year-long study, and the recommendation of a parent-staff advisory committee.
Please examine the schedule closely. Ending and starting times have been adjusted to provide students with the same number of minutes in the classroom as they have had in previous years.
Please call the office at 222-6200, if you have any questions.
SCHOOL ARRIVAL TIME: Please make sure your child arrives at school as close to 8:40 as possible. There is little playground supervision available prior to our 8:40 take-up bell.
ATTENDANCE: Whenever your child is absent, YOU MUSTeither call the office letting us know, or send a written excuse with him/her. State law requires that we be notified of the reason for an absence. Regular attendance is very important in order to be successful in school.
STUDENT RELEASE PROCEDURE: On occasion, it becomes necessary to take a child out of school for dental, doctor, or other appointments. In such instances, please report to our school office and check your child out in the student release notebook. For the sake of student safety and individual parent convenience, our school secretary will report to the individual classroom for the child or give you a signed release slip to give to the teacher. Requests for the release of students should not be done by written request or by telephone. The child should be picked up at school by the authorized adult. In the case of unusual circumstances, please contact our school office.
CUSTODY PROBLEMS: In order to protect your child/ children from unauthorized adults taking them from school, we MUST have a copy (from the original) on file of a restraining order issued in the State of Washington and signed by a judge. Contact your lawyer for assistance. If you have questions regarding this, please call the school.
VISITING RELATIVES AND FRIENDS: Periodically, a student will ask to bring a visitor, friend, or relative to school for the day. We do not allow this practice. Our first responsibility is to your child and the educational program being offered. We know you will honor this policy.
SCHOOL CLOSURE: Poor weather may necessitate the closing of schools. Please listen to check our District website ( or local radio stations for all announcements regarding school operation. Please do not call the school.
IMMUNIZATION: The State of Washington has laws governing minimum inoculation standards for children in grades K-12. The purpose of the law is to protect every child from disease. Our school nurse will contact you if there are any questions about your child’s immunization record. Children may not be enrolled in school if they do not have the required immunizations.
Because of recent changes made in the laws by the legislators, our policies dealing with students’ medication have been changed. Under normal circumstances, prescribed medication should be dispensed before and/or after school hours under the supervision of the parent or guardian. If conditions require the student to receive oral medication from an authorized staff member during school hours, the parent or legal guardian must submit a written request accompanied by authorization with written directions from a licensed physician or dentist. The order shall be current and reviewed and updated as needed, but in no case shall it remain in effect beyond the current school year. At the discretion of authorized school district personnel, over the counter medication may be administered to students upon request by the parent or legal guardian. Medication must be in the original container, and if prescription medication, be labeled by a physician, dentist or pharmacist.
The following lists the procedures regarding medication at school:
- Under normal circumstances, medication should be dispensed before and/or after school hours under the supervision of the parents or guardian.
- The medication request form is to be signed by the parent/guardian and physician.
- All medication must be kept in an original- labeled bottle; envelopes and plastic bags are not acceptable. (Request an extra labeled bottle at your pharmacy.)
- Bottles must be labeled with the student’s name, name of contents, dosage, and the time of day to be given.
- All medications are to be kept in the office where they can be locked up during non-school hours.
- Medications are to be dispensed in school office only. Such medication may not be administered by untrained school personnel.
- STUDENTS are to assume responsibility for going to the office to obtain their medication at a specific time.
- Only the amount of medication needed during school hours for the course of the illness/ condition is to be sent to school, but no more than a two-week supply.
STUDENT RECORDS: Parents may set up an appointment to review records at anytime.
LOST & FOUND: This past school year, as in other years, we have given many items of clothing to charitable organizations. Protect your clothing by placing name tags in the coats, sweaters, etc.
STUDENT SAFETY: Throughout the year, we stress the importance of pedestrian, bicycle, and bus safety. Your efforts to remind your child of this will make our program all the more worthwhile.
CYCLES: Riding bikes/scooters to and from school is a great form of exercise, but please make sure the students are aware of safety rules and use extra care with traffic during the ride. Accidents do happen and we hope you will encourage the use of a bicycle helmet whenever your child does ride their bicycle/scooter. Bicycles/scooters are the only form of acceptable student transportation. Skateboards and roller skates should be left home. Be careful to properly lock the bike/scooter and leave it there until it is time to return home. No bike/scooter/skateboard riding is permitted on the school grounds.
BUS TRANSPORTATION: Bus riders are expected to conduct themselves in a safe manner on the bus so as not to distract the driver.
The following bus rules should be discussed with your child:
- Observe the same conduct as in the classroom.
- Be courteous, use no profane language.
- Do not eat or drink on the bus.
- Keep the bus clean.
- Cooperate with the driver.
- Do not be destructive.
- Stay in your seat.
- Keep your head, hands, and feet inside the bus.
- Bus driver is authorized to assign seats.
STUDENT DRESS: The school board has adopted a policy that forbids students from attending school wearing clothing that has pictures or words that show or promote tobacco, alcohol products or profanity. Please, do not send your children to school with clothing that advertises these products. Students should refrain from wearing flip flops, sandals, and shoes that lack support on days designated for PE or special athletic events. In addition, students are prohibited from attending school with temporary hair dye. These students will be required to rinse the color from their hair before returning to class. Hanging belts and/or chains are not permitted.
STUDENTS AT RECESS/ COLD WEATHER: All students should be properly dressed for the weather conditions at the time. Because of the different duties of teachers, we cannot assume the responsibility of students left in the classroom; therefore, all students will be outside during recess unless one has a doctor’s excuse.
EMERGENCIES: Occasionally, children are injured or become ill at school and need to be taken home or to the doctor. It is very important that you supply the school with not only your home number, but the number of a friend, relative, or neighbor who can come if we cannot reach you. This is especially important for parents who are in a car pool or work a long distance from the school.
PERSONAL PROPERTY AT SCHOOL: Students bringing personal property i.e. dolls, playthings, games, etc. can cause problems at school. We cannot assume responsibility for lost personal items. We suggest they are brought only if requested by the teacher. Money should not be brought to school unless for a specific purpose, such as for lunch. Cell phones should never be seen or heard at school. If they are, they will be taken and returned at the end of that day for the first offense. A parent will have to pick up the cell phone on the second offense. On the third offense, the cell phone will be returned on the last day of school and lose the privilege of carrying a cell phone on campus.
PETS: Animals can be a nuisance on the playground no matter how cute they are at home. Also, a playground full of children can be a problem for your dog. If a dog continually appears on the school grounds, the animal control officer will be called.
PARTY INVITATIONS: Birthday parties are delightful and give many pleasant memories to children. However, not being invited to a party can be a very unhappy experience for children not receiving an invitation. In consideration of the feelings of children not receiving invitations, we are requesting that you mail the invitations and that no invitations be handed out at school unless each child in the classroom is receiving one.
VISITING YOUR CHILD AT SCHOOL: Parents are most sincerely and cordially invited to visit our school. We’re proud of the learning that goes on in our classrooms; more important, active interest by parents helps to provide a child with lasting motivation towards school. The following suggestions are offered as an aid to making your classroom visit a profitable one:
- Please schedule you visit with your child’s teacher.
- The morning is usually the best time for visitations.
- Several short visits of a half -hour duration are usually better than one long period.
- Do not bring small children- even if well mannered, they usually command the attention of curious students.
- Always check in with the office before going to the classroom.
- Look at the following points as indicators for your child’s success at school:
- Ability to listen
- Independent work habits
- Success in working with others
- General attitude
- Willingness to cooperate and share
During your visit, keep in mind that you are observing only a small part of a unit of work which may have been in progress for many days, and which, no doubt, will continue for several days. Feel free to discuss your visit with the teacher. COME BACK AGAIN.
VOLUNTEERS: If you would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom, contact his/ her teacher. The extra help will be greatly appreciated. Sign-in sheets are available in the office as well as volunteer forms.
SCHOOL TELEPHONE: If you wish to talk to a teacher, please call before 8:40 or after 3:17. The pace of routine school business is such that we discourage children from using the school telephone except for emergencies. Please try to make plans with students before they come to school.
VOTER REGISTRATION: Parents, friends and new people to the area are reminded they may pick up a mail in registration to vote form in the Washington Elementary School office between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm. Registration must take place 30 days prior to election day to be eligible to vote. This applies to all political issues, candidates and levy/ bond elections. If you are unable to come to the school to register to vote, please call 222-6200.
STUDENT WEAPONS VIOLATIONS: The Board of Directors has a zero tolerance policy towards students who are in any way involved with a weapon on school property or at a school activity. When, following an investigation, if the principal of a school determines there has been a violation of the weapon’s policy, the student shall be placed on emergency expulsion status. During the investigation the student shall be suspended. All verified weapon incidents will subject the student to an expulsion hearing with the School Board. If the student is expelled by the Board, the minimum length of the expulsion will be for the remainder of the current school year. There will be no automatic return to the school district. The student may apply for readmission to a district school no sooner than two (2) weeks before the beginning of the new school year.