Summary of Annual Meeting

Hilltop House Hotel, Harper’s Ferry, WV

November 4, 2006

Board members present: Judith Schwartz, President

Jo Morrison, Vice President

Barbra Bailey Bradley, Treasurer

Sue Richards, Member-at-Large

Others: Sharon Knowles, Benefit Concert Chair

Marguerite Kearney, Getaway Organizer

Wayne Morrison, Website Coordinator

Rick Kemper, Outreach Coordinator

Debbie Eccles, Newsletter Editor

Marilyn Davis, Publicity Coordinator

Members attending Getaway event

Preliminaries. President Judi Schwartz called the annual meeting of the Washington Area Folk Harp Society (WAFHS) to order at 7:30 p.m. and determined that a quorum was present.

Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Barbra Bradley reported that WAFHS income was $14,443.70 and expenses were $8,974.14forthe year that ended October 31, 2006. She mentioned that the current net balance of $34,294 does not reflect outstanding expensesfor the 2006 Getaway, Tent and Newsletter expenses for 2006. She urged members to pay their annual dues by the end of December in order to be listed in the WAFHS Directory.

Charlotte Roe asked if the Board was looking into investing a portion of the fund in an income producing account. Judi Schwartz mentioned that the WAFHS Board will review alternative investment possibilities and is also looking for uses for our surplus fund, including replacing some of our rental harps; but wants to make sure that we maintain a cushion in the fund to keep the organization solvent in case of a downturn.

Judi Schwartz asked members present to send ideas on how to grow and suggest new activities that WAFHS could provide. She also mentioned that this year’s food at the Getaway was better.Sue Richards moved to give a special tip to both chefs of $50 each. Jo Morrison seconded the motion which then passed unanimously.

Coordinators’ Reports. Publicity Coordinator Marilyn Davis reported that she worked on creating a WAFHS informational brochure. Judi Schwartz thanked her and mentioned that it was well-received. Marilyn also mentioned that she worked closely with Sharon Knowles on the publicity efforts for the 2006 Benefit Concert.

Debbie Eccles is stepping down as newsletter editor;Marilyn Davishas agreed to be the Newsletter Editor for 2007. Judi stated that the Publicity Coordinator position is now open and asked for a volunteer.

Benefit Coordinator Sharon Knowles reported that the 2006 Benefit Concert was a big success despite the rain storm. The 2007 Benefit Concert is scheduled for May 12, 2007 at Knox Presbyterian Church in Falls Church, VA. Performers will include: Frank Voltz, Karen Ashbrook, Paul Orts and Sue Richards, Port Righ with Jo and Wayne Morrison, Cheryl Crow, Caroline Kemper and Jamie Lyon and our traditional Grand Finale with 20 harps to be conducted by Barbra Bailey Bradley.

Workshop Coordinator Sue Richards reported that a WAFHS workshop conducted by professional WAFHS members is being considered for 2007. Outreach Coordinator Rick Kemper described the WAFHS presence at several recent Celtic festivals and games.

Getaway Organizer Marguerite Kearney announced that she is will continue in the Getaway role for one more year and that is looking for someone to take over the role for 2008. She said that this year’s attendance was 66 and that although good, it was pushing the limits that can be properly accommodated. She continued that 60 attendees should be the maximum and with 50 attendees we break even.

Website Administrator Wayne Morrison reported that the music for the 2007 Benefit Concert Finale was up on the WAFHS website. He added that the Bylaws and Articles are now up on the site. He mentioned that one member had obtained a $250 gig from being listed on the website. He said that he was working on putting in sound clips of folk harps only, 4 minutes maximum, one per person, mp3 format. Debbie Eccles volunteered to write up a contract for people to sign when they put their music clip on the website. Wayne said that he is also working on adding Pay Pal as a way to pay dues and join the organization via credit card. There is a transaction cost that would reduce the net amount that WAFHS receives. This will be discussed by the board before this service is implemented. WAFHS will still get the full amount if paid by cash or check.

Scholarship Coordinator Sue Richardsdid not have any news to report.

New Business.

Elections. Judi Schwartzindicated that three terms on the WAFHS Board expire as of this annual meeting: President, Treasurer and Secretary. Sue Richards reported that she received 22 ballot replies for the election. The three Directors up for election where unopposed and the membership voted unanimously to reelect Judi Schwartz as President, Barbra Bailey Bradley as Treasurer and Daniel Jones as Secretary.

2007 Getaway. Judi announced the date of the next Getaway event as November 2-4, 2007 and scheduled the next WAFHS annual meeting for November 3, 2007.

Judi and Barbraled the award of fun gifts to several attendees in categories such as “smallest playable harp” and “farthest distance”; and the raffle ofseveral WAFHS CD “The Song of the Selkie” for members who had paid their 2007dues .

Adjournment. Marilyn Davismoved that the meeting be adjourned,Ellie Holsoppleseconded, the motion passed, and Judi adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted – Marilyn Davis for D. Jones, Secretary