Contact Number:
E-Mail Address: / VENUE DETAILS:
Venue name:
Contact Number:
Contact name:
Set up date & arrival time...... Set down date & arrival time......
Tick to left of unit/s booked:
6m Yurt Empty £425 6m Yurt with g-sheet and matting £500 6m Yurt Glamping £550 6m Yurt Wedding Night £650
Bell Tent Basic £110 Bell Tent Glamping £150 Bell Tent Wedding Night £225
Unless a size is specifically requested by you AND confirmed by us, your Basic and Glamping Bell Tent will be 4m, 5m or 6m. Weddng Night Bell Tent is 5m or 6m.
Additional detail such as optional extras not included in price (see website for details) :
Yurt Hire £
Bell Tent Hire £
Optional extras £
(Delivery is 70p per mile for the yurt and 50p per mile for the Bell Tent/s from CV31 1UX for 2 round trips.)
Non refundable 50% hire deposit received to secure booking: £ Payment Type: BACS CASH CHQ
Balance due at set up: £
Delivery charge due at set up: £
Damage deposit due at set up: £250 (refundable should no loss or damage happen to the unit/s)

Declaration: By signing this Booking Form I confirm that I have received, read and understood a copy of Warwickshire Yurt Hire Terms and

Conditions of Hire. (see reverse) The details above are correct and I have received a copy of this form. I understand my deposit is non refundable. The venue is suitable as per the Terms and Conditions received and there is access for a 4x4 vehicle and trailer within 15 metres of the set up area.

Name: Signed: Date:

Warwickshire Yurt Hire Name:Signed: Date:

"The business" trades as Warwickshire Yurt Hire and is referred to here as Warwickshire Yurt Hire.
"The Hirer" is the person hiring Equipment from Warwickshire Yurt Hire.
"The Equipment" is all items provided to or hired by the hirer including the entirety of a Yurt, Bell Tent and additional items provided.
"The period of hire" means the time commencing with the arrival of the Equipment on site, and terminating when the Equipment is removed by Warwickshire Yurt Hire.
"A Booking" is the contract entered into by the hirer and Warwickshire Yurt Hire.
These terms and conditions apply to all contracts entered into by Warwickshire Yurt Hire unless otherwise stated in Warwickshire Yurt Hire written quotation. Any offer of Equipment is subject to stock being available on receipt of a deposit at time of Booking.
Warwickshire Yurt Hire will provide Equipment. The number of people accommodated within each Equipment is a matter of personal choice according to your preference on personal space.
Payment Terms
Quotes are provided on the basis that a Booking is not confirmed until a deposit is received. By making a Booking the hirer is accepting our Terms and Conditions.
A NON-REFUNDABLE hire deposit of 50% of the total hire cost is payable on booking with the full balance to be paid on delivery.
A damage deposit of £250 is required at delivery which is refundable post event if no damage has been done to the equipment or its contents. If the equipment or interiors are damaged the cost of repair will be retained from the damage deposit, or invoiced in the event that the amount is in excess of the damage deposit paid.
In the event of cancellation by the hirer for ANY reason and at ANY time up to 3 days before the hire date, Warwickshire Yurt Hire will retain 100% of the hire deposit. For cancellations of less than 14 days prior to the hire date, Warwickshire Yurt Hire will retain 100% of the hire deposit and the full balance for hire will be invoiced to the hirer and due for payment within 7 days.
Warwickshire Yurt Hire retain the right to cancel a booking if they believe the wind-speed, ground holding conditions and site exposure result in an unsafe environment for the equipment and hirer. A 50% refund of the deposit will be made to the hirer.
Installation and De-rig
Warwickshire Yurt Hire cannot be held responsible for damage to buried/hidden pipes and cables unless these have been clearly pointed out prior to erection of the equipment on site. Warwickshire Yurt Hire does not provide power supply or distribution as standard. The Hire charges do not include attendance by Warwickshire Yurt Hire personnel except during the actual processes of installing and de-rigging the Equipment.
Hirer's responsibilities
Warwickshire Yurt Hire quotation for hire charges is dependent on the hirer's provision of a firm level, well drained site with reasonable access for commercial vehicles. The hirer shall agree in advance, or indicate on site, where Equipment is to be installed and arrange to be present (or provide a representative) on site to confirm details with the Warwickshire Yurt Hire crew at the beginning of the installation. In the case of Warwickshire Yurt Hire having to proceed with an installation at the agreed time and in the absence of the hirer ( or the hirer's representative) Warwickshire Yurt Hire reserves the right to charge for the re-positioning of Equipment should this be required. / The hirer must guarantee adequate access for the size of vehicle indicated by Warwickshire Yurt Hire in the booking process.
The hirer must provide hard standing parking for the delivery vehicle/s. If hard standing is not available there must be means to remove the delivery vehicle/s safely from the site should they become irremovable on both installation and de-rig days.
The hirer must guarantee that the instillation site is no further than 15m from the delivery vehicle unless previously arranged during the booking process. The hirer may incur a surcharge if the distance is more than 15m.
The Hirer shall take all reasonable measures to keep Warwickshire Yurt Hire Equipment closed, dry and secure while not in use during the period of hire.
The Hirer should not tamper with the structure or any part of the Equipment and in particular not affix or suspend from the Equipment any item whatsoever without written consent of Warwickshire Yurt Hire.
The Hirer should not use any lighting, heating, cooking or other gas or electrical appliances of any kind without the previous consent in writing of Warwickshire Yurt Hire.
The Hirer is strictly forbidden from smoking within the Equipment and within a 5 metre proximity of the outer walls that could cause damage to the Equipment including the canvas, supporting ropes and ground pegs.
The Hirer is responsible for obtaining any site permits that may be necessary.
Loss or Damage
The Hirer shall during the period of Hire be responsible for the maintenance and safe custody of Warwickshire Yurt Hires equipment from completion of erection until dismantling.
The Hirer must be satisfied with the Equipment before use and should notify Warwickshire Yurt Hire of any miscounts, incorrect deliveries or unacceptable Equipment before use.
Warwickshire Yurt Hire expects the Hirer to take reasonable care of Equipment supplied. Damage, loss, or excessive soiling and the resulting loss of potential earnings due to this damage will be charged for in full. Either retained from the damage deposit or invoiced in the event that the amount is in excess of the damage deposit paid.
Third Party Liability
Warwickshire Yurt Hire will not be responsible for, and the Hirer will indemnify Warwickshire Yurt Hire against, all claims for injury to persons, or loss of, or damage to, property, however caused, unless it be proved that such injury or damage resulted from faulty materials, workmanship or negligence on the part of Warwickshire Yurt Hire.
Warwickshire Yurt Hire will use its best endeavours to supply the Hirer with the Equipment ordered but where this is not possible Warwickshire Yurt Hire will notify the Hirer as soon as possible with details of alterations to the design and specifications of the Equipment. Where alteration is fundamental the Hirer may terminate this contract and any deposit paid will be refunded.
Force Majeure
While every possible effort will be made by Warwickshire Yurt Hire to complete an order, Warwickshire Yurt Hire cannot be held liable for non-completion of orders due to matters beyond its control. The Booking is subject to cancellation or variation due to acts of god, war, strikes, riots, extreme weather conditions such as flood, storm or gale or restrictions on the use of transport or any other cause beyond the control of Warwickshire Yurt Hire. In the event of frustration of the Booking due to any of the above causes the Booking shall be deemed to be complete and upon written notice by Warwickshire Yurt Hire to the Hirer to that effect Warwickshire Yurt Hire shall refund to the Hirer any monies received in respect of the Booking less 10% which shall be retained by Warwickshire Yurt Hire in respect of costs and expenses.

BACS DETAILS: Account No: 62239698 Sort-code: 403911 Name: Mrs LM Evans T/A Warwickshire Yurt Hire

CHEQUES: Payable to Mrs LM Evans sent to our registered address at 2 Bush Hill Lane, Flecknoe, nr Rugby, Warkwickshire.CV23 8AX

tel: 07546 222900 contact: Louise Evans