Warsop Parish Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Market Warsop, Mansfield, Notts.NG20 0AL Tel: 01623 846011


MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on MONDAY15th September, 2014at 6.30pm upstairsin the Council Chamber, Town Hall.

Present: Cllrs. S. Moody, (Chairman), P. Crawford (Vice-Chairman), J. Kerr P. Shields,J. Allin (NCC),H. Kochanowski andM. Needham.

1 member of the public and CHAD reporter.

Apologies: Cllrs. D. Harrison, M. Ellis, J.S. Dale, A Wetton (MDC) and T. Barlow (Clerk).

In response to a question from Cllr Crawford, the Chairman apologised for forgetting the Chains of Office and promised to wear them at future meetings.

9183. CRIME AND DISORDER – PC2658 Booler attended. He reported that no public had turned up to the Priority setting meeting on 28th Aug 2014. However the was advertised on the police website as 17th Aug 2014, at least one member of public had attempted to attend. No councillors had been notified of the date. The next meeting was due in January as they are now only held 4-monthly, however in light of the confusion over dates, councillors felt that the next should be brought forward and held in October. PC Booler said he would report back WPC’s feelings to Insp Webster. Although no public were present at the meeting it was decided that ASB would still be the priority for the area – dedicated patrols on Fridays in the Longdon Terrace and Carr Lane areas continuing. There is now 1 PC and 3 PCSOs in the team – Dee Eyre, Catherine Darby and Andy Hardy, but Dee is off sick and Catherine is on leave at present. In October they will be joined by a new PC Geoff Bacon though he will only be part-time.



9184. DECLARATIONS BY MEMBERS OF PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTEREST - The Chairman drew the attention of Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests related to agenda items. Remove D. Evans from Carnival Committee. Registers of Members’ Interests forms to be returned by councillors by the end of the month.

Big Warsop Partnership – Cllr. H. Kochanowski, P Shields, S. Moody and M. Ellis.

Warsop Town Hall Management Group – Cllrs. S. Moody, J. Allin, P. Crawford, J. Kerr and H. Kochanowski

Warsop Carnival – Cllrs. S. Moody, P. Shields, J. Dale and D. Evans.

SOS – Cllrs. S. Moody, P. Crawford, J. Kerr and H. Kochanowski

CCTV – Cllr. J. Allin

Age Concern – Cllrs. J. Allin, P. Crawford and H. Kochanowski

Welbeck Colts - Cllr. A. Wetton

Market Warsop Players – Cllrs. S. Moody

Meden Vale the Future – Cllrs. J. Allin and J. Kerr

Warsop Footpaths & Countryside Group & Unit 2000 – Cllr. H. Kochanowski, S. Moody (Unit 2000)

Warsop Youth Club– Cllrs. S. Moody and Kochanowski

Friends of the Carrs – Cllr. P. Shields

Warsop Vale Village Association – Cllr. P. Crawford

Assoc of Labour Councillors– Cllrs. A. Wetton, J. Allin, S. Moody, J. Kerr and P. Crawford.

9185. MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – Monday 21st July 2014.

Cllr Crawford pointed out that there was no reference in the minutes to a letter concerning the churchyard. He requested that the minutes should be more detailed in future.

Otherwise the minutes were accepted as a true record.

9186. WARSOP FIRE STATION –Cllr Allin reported that the final decision of what cuts would be made would be taken at a meeting of the Fire Authority on 16th Sept. The report by Big Warsop had been well-received by members even though they all had to pay excess postage. Mansfield members are in favour of keeping Warsop open above keeping the retained unit at Mansfield.

9187. CASUAL VACANCY – The deadline for an election has now passed and the Casual Vacancy may now be filled by co-option. Clerk to check dates and arrange advertisement of co-option opportunity.

9188. TOWN HALL – Still awaiting quotes for the roof.

Contract for electric to be renewed, Cllr Crawford agreed to phone for quotes.

CAB – face to face service discontinued due to lack of volunteers however the phone service not a success – people are reluctant to use and have problems with getting through if they do. Cllr Shields and Needham are both willing to undertake training to become volunteer advisors for Warsop. Cllr Crawford pointed out that WPC had agreed to a 3 month trial period for the phone service and that manager Simon Hartley-Jones is scheduled to attend the next WPC meeting.

9189. WARSOP AND DISTRICT NEWS –Cllr Shields queried whether advertising for W&DNews should have VAT added as he believes the revenue is above the threshold. Agreed that the Clerk should check with the auditor – this issue has not been raised by them.

9190. CARNIVAL –Cllr Shields requested that this be removed from the agenda until planning for the next event commences next year. The theme for the next carnival will be the medieval period.

9191. BIG WARSOP –A review of project co-ordination is underway at the moment. Plan to have a dedicated admin worker – request for WPC to be employing body on behalf of BW. Agreed to consider if a formal proposal is received.

9192. WARSOP YOUTH CLUB – Capital bid for Eastwood site – WYC one of 20 projects out of 120 bids submitted is selected for a site visit held in August, £3M to be allocated between final 8-10 projects, should know if successful by end Sept.

Currently working on vacating Unit 2000.

9193. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Going ahead – not waiting for local plan to be completed. Confirmed that £10,000 lottery funding had been received for the project. Cllr Shields requested a breakdown of the invoices submitted by Mylocale.

9194. WELBECK COLLIERY THE FUTURE – Solar panel farm is now in place – it will soon be connected to the grid. Still plans for an anaerobic digester on site which would produce gas and compost as a by-product. 3 local people have found work at the site. There are two other solar farms proposed, both outside Warsop Parish but on adjoining land. It is still proposed that the remaining pit tip will be restored as recreational land and footpaths re-instated.

9195. F&GP meeting Monday 8th September – minutes and items to be ratified.

Recommendations are:

5% rental increase for town hall tenants – members agreed

A request for Section 137 funding from Warsop Athletic FC was postponed, pending further information.


Lloyds TSB Current Account – 15 September 14 - £21,664

PC queried increase over last month – funding received for Neighbourhood Plan. NP project funding not held as a separate account but as a separate item on the ledger.

Payments already made:

V1260. Amanda Cooper – wages 4 weeks..………………………£428.40

V1261. Chris Wilson – wages 4 weeks.……………..……………..£293.60

V1262. Delivery of Warsop News Sept edition……………………£360.00

V1263. Petty Cash- stamps…………………………………………..£60.00

V1264. T. Barlow – mobile phone allowance………………………...£8.75

V1265. Mortons – W&DN Aug…………………………………….£1,226.00

V1266. Minster Cleaning – Aug……………………………………..£531.72

V1267. Amanda Cooper – wages 5 weeks………………………...£535.50

V1268. Chris Wilson – wages 5 weeks……………………………..£367.20

V1269. Delivery of Warsop Fire Station leaflets…………………...£360.00

V1270. Yourlocale – Neighboorhood Plan……………………….£8,469.60

Payments due to be paid:

V1271. Delivery of Warsop News Oct edition………...... £360.00

V1272. Petty Cash – stamps …………………..…………………… £60.00

V1273. T. Barlow – mobile phone allowance …………………………£8.75

V1274. Mortons – W&DN Sept.…………………………………….£1,163.00

V1275. Minster Cleaning – Sept………………………………………£531.72

V1276. Notts County Supplies Cleaning & Stationary……………….£68.14

V1277. Swift – Intruder alarm…………………………………………£866.40

V1278. Warsop Infotech – paper………………………………………£43.23

S137 – Warsop Athletic FC……………….To be carried over to next FCM


  1. Thank you letter received from 521 Singers (137 payment)
  2. Invite for 2 attendees to NALC AGM – agreed for Chair and Vice to attend, if convenient.


Fire Station –there are negotiations in progress with EMAS to station an ambulance on standby at the fire station, if it is not closed.

Zebra Crossing on Church Street by the Carrs to be made a pelican crossing (pedestrian controlled lights).

Bus – new bus stop proposed on Burns Lane for No 10 service.

Hedge cutting will start soon. Hedge on Wood Lane has been attended to.

Residents of George Shooter Court have requested that a bench be sited on Burns Lane to provide a resting point for the less mobile on the route to the town centre. Cllr Allin to investigate potential sites.

Cllr Shields queried the number of streetlights not working.

The chairman queried the change of political balance at NCC due to resignation – no change as of yet.


a.Planning applications:

  1. 12 St Peters Avenue – proposal for bungalow to be built in grounds.

Planning committee members were asked to leave the meeting to allow discussion. The chairman proposed that the council object to this application on the grounds that the application is not in keeping with the area. Cllr Peter Crawford seconded. It was agreed that the clerk is to send WPC’s objections to MDC.

  1. The Carrs – General consensus that the Mill Dam is looking good - though concerns about all the trees on the island being felled. A male swan has been transferred from Shirebrook Woods to the Mill Pond.

Cllr Kochanowski expressed her concern about the dumping of the silt on a part of the Carrs which had Local Wildlife Site (formerly known as SINC) status as well as the Local Nature Reserve designation, which MDC as local authority has duty of care to protect. There was no consultation prior to this taking place and the attitude in subsequent correspondence from MDC officers is that this land had no “amenity” value and as land owner they could do what they want. Cllr Phil Shields reported trhat there was to be a site visit to look at how the habitat that had been destroyed could be re-established.

9200. Cllr Kerr announced prososals for a new build of the Meden Sports Centre – either a complete new build at a cost of 8M or a dry facility only for 5M. There is still a joint use agreement in place for the Sports centre but Meden Academy will not put any money into a new facility. Cllr Shields said that these were not “new” plans but the result of many years of work at the Council. The gym and the swimming pool at the Meden Sports Centre remain closed following safety concerns over fire resistance in the building.

9201. DATE OF NEXT MEETING–Monday 20th October, 2014

Signed ………………………………. Date ……………………..

Chairman Warsop Parish Council