Update oN Working GroupsAUGUST 2015

Working Group / Status / Timelines / Next Steps / Link to Other Working Groups
Special Needs / National Special Needs Advisory Council (NSNAC)
Establish Advisory Committee
Schedule first meeting of Council / Completed
30 Nov 2015 / Recruitment of 2 CAF service providers.
Distribution of draft policies and toolkits to members for review
Working Group
Work plan development for 2015
Definition of special needs finalized
Inclusion policy statement developed
Special needs toolkits developed
Training developed for Strengthening Resilience
Develop Webex training sessions for MFRC staff
Training resource index developed
Provincial legislation resource developed
Special Needs Facebook Page / Completed
31 Dec 2015
1 Sept 2015
1 April 2016
31 Mar 2015 / Distribution to MFRCs with Inclusion Policy Statement
Pilot project for inclusion coordinators at MFRCs
Drafts to be reviewed by NSNAC
Develop 3 days of training for 2015 event
Work on these will commence after Cornwall training
Set up private page and populate with information / Introduction of Inclusion Policy at MFRCs and Coordinators must be considered by Funding Working Group and Parameters Working Group
Support to Parents / Working Group
To be initiated at Strengthening Resilience Conference
Terms of reference developed
Work plan developed
Compilation of list of services available to parents
Development/addition of toolkits for parents
CNA question development specific to parent’s needs / Completed
29 Jan 2015
31 Mar 2015
31 Dec 2015
31 Dec 2015 / Based on input from meeting of Jan 13th
Obtain resources from MFRCs / Parameters Working Group may want to consider reference to parents as a group requiring supports and services
Child Care / Working Group
Child Care Report finalized
Child Care policies completed ready for implementation
Child Care enhancement options drafted
Face to Face meeting of working group at Strengthening Resilience (Cornwall)
Face to Face meeting of working group in Ottawa / Completed
30 Sep 2015
Completed / Development of Child Care Toolkit
Child Care awareness strategy development / Child care policy implementation must be considered by Funding Working Group and Parameters Working Group
Parameters for Practice / Working Group
Developed nine-step action plan with set deliverable points
Development of context document (outcomes vs outputs)
MFSP - current versus proposed service matrix
Members of the group met for a full day of work in Ottawa with the assistance of Marc Rouleau in early March to reach a consensus on a set of characteristics the new resource must have
Final version submitted to MFS for review and edits / Completed
31 March 2015
July 2015 / Continuing with the nine established steps for project completion
Presentation to MFS mid-March 2015 on Parameters recommendations
WGs final draft to be reviewed by MFS, edits to be processed, communications cell to review for formatting and graphics content reflecting national look and feel / Revised Parameters document will need to be reviewed by most other working groups to ensure alignment
Final content review to be completed
Communications and Marketing / Working Group
In-person meeting 17-19 September
Terms of reference developed
Recruiting Board and CAF member involvement
Assessed communications challenges and opportunities / Completed
15 October
Completed / Convening monthly teleconference with Working Group and MFRC comms staff
Reconsideration of name MFRC (for 25th anniversary)
Inclusion of families with special needs and parents of military members in imagery and digital media products / Communication approach to be included in revision to Parameters
Communication as an identified priority to be recognized in new funding approach
Communications and Marketing Plan
Tactical Action Plan and MFS Narrative
Social Media Guidance
Three sub-groups have been created to tackle: FamilyForce convergence and launch of new site; 25th Anniversary; and Branding / Completed
Ongoing / Developing plan and activities related to 25th Anniversary
Developing approach for branding sub-group
Continue with convergence implementation with potential launch in October 2015 / All resources available at

R2MR / Working Group
Development of 5-year plan for enhancing resources
Modularized / chapter based R2MR curriculum
Expanded working group / Completed
R2MR Curriculum
Create WebEx session explaining changes to R2MR Development of military parents package by Esquimalt and Halifax
Develop WebEx version of military parents package
R2MR Staff Training (Halifax) March 24-26
Youth R2RM program piloted in Valcartier / Completed
Completed / Revised train-the-trainer model (Sept 2015)
Enhanced marketing plan/best practices (Sept 2015)
One-on-one R2MR training package (2015-16)
Community Engagement / Working Group
Face-to-face meeting 12-13 June
Produced 2-year plan
Established lines of operations and action strategies / Completed
Completed / Development of community engagement education and awareness packages and tools
Establish key documents to guide the implementation, evaluation and reporting / Identifynational partnerships and potential conduits between Community
Incorporate community engagement into Parameters
Community Engagement Teams
Leadership Involvement
EBulletin / November
Completed / Monitor and evaluate of pilot phaseat the 3 BC MFRCs
CAF/DND provided with background information on systemic issues facing military families to support enhanced dialogue with provincial and territorial governments on special needs access, child and healthcare, spousal employment, and education
Kudos: A Network of Support for Canadian Military Families is an on-line bulletin that features collaborations between national and provincial organizations in support of the military family constituency. / Inclusion of Community Engagement as a program foundation within the revised Parameters For the Military Family Services Program.
Resources available at
Organizational Accreditation / Working Group
Each location currently in the self-assessment period.
Letters were sent out extending our end dates to March 2016. Currently on target with most locations to have a final outcome by then.
Mental health accreditation was revoked, currently each location is focusing on governance and programs (their choice of programs) accreditation / To be completed by March 2016 / Review of results of pilot implementation
Revisit accreditation options for Mental Health programs / Link of accreditation requirements to
Parameters(with roll out to more MFRC’s) and funding processes
Accreditation Pilot Project-ongoing
Monthly Webex for pilot sites to share information/best practices and seek guidance / Ongoing / Expand pilot implementation to more MFRCs
Funding Working Group / Working Group
Conduct informational teleconferences on new funding model
Participate in 3-year funding cycle pilot / Completed
Funding Model and Processes
New funding model and processes launched
Finalized funding notifications and allocations
Finalization of contingency funding processes
Finalization and distribution of new MOU
Finalization of financial and performance reports and process / Completed
Completed / Pilot 3-year funding cycle
Link new funding model with audit and CNA cycles
Finalize French version of Funding Guide and post on Website – English version complete / Revised funding model has been incorporated into deliverables from
Parameters Working Group
3-year funding cycle to be linked to accreditation processes
Performance Management Tiger Team / Tiger Team
Webex meetings with Tiger Team in Jan-Mar, produced draft MFRC dashboard and Service Delivery data
Webex meetings with 34 participants to discuss MFRC dashboard and Svc Delivery Data; all docs on website, including glossary, checklist, TOR, updated FAQs, sample stats gathering sheets, copies of videos of Webex sessions
Updated MFRC dashboard / Completed
Completed / Local level: Statistics gathering
National level: Ongoing troubleshooting, support to MFRCs and updates to FAQs; Svc delivery stats to be inputted into MFRC and Family Dashboards in May 2016, once all MFRCs have submitted all data for FY 15-16 / Operational and service delivery statistics will be collected by MFRCs on an annual basis through the MFSP funding process in accordance with new Parameters for Practice.
Mental Health Strategy / Communities of Practice
Clinical Professional Technical Advisor
Caring for the Caregiver
Increasing Mental Health Awareness Strategies
Best practice Database Compilation and Exchange
Community of Inquiry on Mental Health Research
Increasing Access to Mental Health Services
Child and Youth Mental Health
Community Partner Education Programs / Commenced
Sept 2015
Oct 2015
Nov 2015
Dec 2015
Jan 2016
Feb 2016 / On-going communications around best practice sharing and strategy development