Page 1 Warrick County Council Meeting Minutes April 11, 2013
Boonville, Indiana
April 11, 2013
6:00 P.M.
The Warrick County Council met in regular session in the Boonville Public Library, Boonville, Indiana.
Council President, Gary Meyer called the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Gary Meyer: Roll Call.
Krystal Powless: Gary Meyer?
Gary Meyer: Here
Krystal Powless: Charlie Christmas?
Charlie Christmas: Here
Krystal Powless: David Hachmeister?
David Hachmeister: Here
Krystal Powless: Allan Holweger?
Allan Holweger: (He was there; not seated)
Krystal Powless: Brad Overton?
Brad Overton: Here
Krystal Powless: Greg Richmond?
Greg Richmond: Here
Krystal Powless: Paul Rudolph?
Paul Rudolph: Here
Approval of Minutes
March 7, 2013 Regular Minutes
Gary Meyer: Okay, um, I’d like to apologize to the public for moving our meeting but we had an issue with the Courthouse elevator and I’m glad you all found us. Hopefully everybody that wanted to come to the meeting did get the message and did find us okay. Even on a rainy night you found us so… Okay, approve minutes of March 7th. I would like to say if you’re going to address us for some reason you can stay where you are but we have a handheld tape machine so speak up as much as you can so that it’s on record please.
Al Holweger: Hey Krystal, I’m here.
Krystal Powless: Okay.
Gary Meyer: So, okay, Approval of Minutes, March 7th, Regular Meeting.
Paul Rudolph: Anyone else (cannot understand) long this one?
Greg Richmond: Page twenty one (21)…
Gary Meyer: Say what?
Paul Rudolph: I said long.
Gary Meyer: Yeah. I’m sorry, Greg, page what?
Greg Richmond: Twenty one (21).
Gary Meyer: Twenty one?
Greg Richmond: There’s no vote for tabled that I can see. I have David Hachmeister making a motion, seconded by Charlie Christmas, six (6) to one (1), Paul Rudolph.
Krystal Powless: I missed it, what was it about?
Greg Richmond: Let’s see…Parks and Recreation. Almost down at the very bottom.
Gary Meyer: You say there was no vote taken on that?
Greg Richmond: I don’t see a vote recorded.
Gary Meyer: Okay.
Greg Richmond: There was a vote taken.
Krystal Powless: It was taken; it was six (6) to one (1).
Gary Meyer: Okay, it was not recorded.
Paul Rudolph: And I was the ‘nay’ you’re saying?
Greg Richmond: You were the ‘nay’, yes…to table.
Paul Rudolph: That sounds right.
Charlie Christmas: Yeah.
Greg Richmond: That is what I had recorded here.
Krystal Powless: Hang on, I’ll tell you what I have…
Paul Rudolph: That was a vote on whether or not to table?
Gary Meyer: Yes.
Krystal Powless: Yeah, I had Paul Rudolph was a ‘nay’.
Al Holweger: Yeah, yep, he was.
Paul Rudolph: That sounds right to me.
Al Holweger: Cause he first said seven (7), one (1) and then you said no, six (6), one (1) because you voted against it.
Charlie Christmas: That’s right.
Gary Meyer: Any other additions, corrections? Motion.
Charlie Christmas: Make a motion to approve as amended.
Brad Overton: Second.
Gary Meyer: Motion made by Charlie and seconded by Brad to approve as amended. All those in favor? Opposed? Motion carried seven (7), zero (0).
Parks & Recreation Business
Additional Appropriation
Parks & Recreation1219-000-4314.00 Contractual Services $5,500.00
Total Parks & Recreation $5,500.00
Gary Meyer: Item two (2) has been asked to be tabled so I need a motion I guess.
Brad Overton: Motion
Paul Rudolph: Motion…
Gary Meyer: Motion made by Brad and seconded by Paul to table. All those in favor? Motion carried seven (7), zero (0).
EMA Business
Joint Resolution
Gary Meyer: Also the same thing with item three (3).
Al Holweger: Make a motion.
Brad Overton: Second.
Gary Meyer: Motion made by Al and seconded by…I heard Brad…to table… All those in favor? Opposed? Motion carried seven (7), zero (0).
Superior Court Business
Additional Appropriation
Adult Probation Superior2002-000-4442.00Equipment$6,265.00
Total Adult Probation Superior$6,265.00
Gary Meyer: Item four (4), we addressed that at the last meeting so that’s already been approved.
EMS Update
Gary Meyer: Item five (5), EMS Update and discussion of new ambulance.
Tony O’Neal: Tony O’Neal with St. Mary’s Warrick EMS. I got the Operation and Financial Report for February, 2013. February, 2013 we had three hundred sixty six (366) emergency runs for the county, one hundred ninety five (195) of those runs went to local hospitals, we had fifty (50) refusals, sixty four (64) hospital transfers, sixty two (62) of those were out of Warrick Hospital, two (2) to out at Gateway. We had twenty seven (27) others which are disregards, no patient, dead onscreen and we had thirty (30) private runs for the month. All of our Customer Satisfaction Reports came back positive and we had a ninety seven percent (97%) success rate on our response time for the county, under fifteen (15) minutes. Regarding the new ambulance I would ask if we could actually table that conversation too until we can talk with the commissioners again. Last month I addressed the commissioners and they tabled if for a month so until we can get back with the commissioners…
Gary Meyer: That’s fine. What about Financials?
Tony O’Neal: Yes, I’m going to go over that.
Gary Meyer: Okay.
Tony O’Neal: Financials for the month we were twelve thousand six hundred dollars ($12,600.00) over budget on collectables so we had a good month on collectables. We were sixteen thousand four hundred sixteen dollars ($16,416.00) under budget, our monthly expenses which puts us at forty seven eight hundred seventeen dollars ($47,817.00) under budget year-to-date on financials.
Gary Meyer: Any questions from the Council?
Al Holweger: Good job.
Tony O’Neal: Thank you.
Gary Meyer: Thank you very much.
Tony O’Neal: You’re welcome, thank you.
Economic Development Business
Tax Phase In – Compliance Euro Properties 2006-10 and 2010-01
Gary Meyer: Economic Development Tax Phase In, Compliance Euro Properties 2006-10 and 2010-01. That doesn’t make sense.
Larry Taylor: I’m not sure, is there anybody here from Euro Properties? I know Scott talked to me today and they’re really…they’ve been really busy and I know that they’ve been meeting their employment goals as well as their investment goals and their business has continued to be good. If the Council would like to wait until he’s available we can table it and then he can come next month. But I think everything’s pretty much in line with… What’s nice about that business is they’re the one business that’s outside of this area. It’s not just here, they have some in Louisville, they did a lot of the stuff over with North High School and some in Evansville business, it’s our county getting some of the jobs so…
Greg Richmond: One of them is in the third (3rd) year and the other is in the seventh (7th) year is the way it looks to me.
Gary Meyer: Is that what that meant? I couldn’t understand.
Greg Richmond: Yes, and I would make a motion that we go ahead and approve the compliance…both.
Brad Overton: Second.
Gary Meyer: Motion made by Greg and seconded by Brad to approve. Any further discussion?
David Hachmeister: They are well above their compliance as far as their promise to us.
Gary Meyer: All those in favor of the motion? Opposed? Motion carried six (6), one (1). (Nay: Gary Meyer)
Larry Taylor: Thank you.
Gary Meyer: Thank you.
Unknown Speaker: Gary Meyer would be the one (1)?
Gary Meyer: Yeah. Every time I vote for one they don’t show up.
Commissioner Business
Additional Appropriation
Edit Construction 4903-000-4397.13Paving Projects 2013$620,000.00
Gary Meyer: Commissioner Business, Additional Appropriation, Edit Construction, Paving Projects 2013, six hundred twenty thousand dollars ($620,000.00).
Roger Emmons: Good evening, Roger Emmons, County Commissioners Office. Our County Engineer, Bobby Howard, gave me this figure. I think there’s something like eighty thousand ($80,000.00) in the balance right now so it’d put it up around seven hundred thousand ($700,000.00). In the past we would normally ask for a million dollars but this year due to obligations we have with federal aid road projects and the fact that you also approved a new line item last year for the fuel, that’s another hundred thousand ($100,000.00), we’re only asking for six hundred twenty thousand ($620,000.00) for this year.
Gary Meyer: Okay and that would leave eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.00) left in that…?
Roger Emmons: No, there’s a balance of that.
Gary Meyer: Oh, what their balance…I’m sorry.
Roger Emmons: So this would add to that to make it about seven hundred thousand ($700,000.00).
Gary Meyer: I gotcha, okay.
Greg Richmond: I make a motion to approve.
Brad Overton: Second.
Gary Meyer: Motion made by Greg and seconded by Brad to approve. Any discussion? All those in favor? Opposed? Motion carried seven (7), zero (0).
Roger Emmons: Thank you, Gentlemen. Could I maybe ask for a couple more minutes of your time?
Gary Meyer: Sure, anything for you, Roger.
Roger Emmons: Thank you. I think Krystal sent you some information or forwarded an email regarding the DotNetNuke Agreement that was for the new county website that the Council graciously paid for last year, I think it was twenty nine ninety eight ($2,998.00) something like that, um, we just learned from Erik Frazier, our Computer Resource Manager, that the annual cost of that, for the support and the new additions for his to work on, is going to increase five hundred dollars ($500.00) so if we lock it in before April the 15th, in four (4) days, we can save that five hundred dollars ($500.00). So regardless of who pays for it, you know which we would love it if the Council would pay for it again but at this point it’s basically a question of do we want to save the five hundred ($500.00) right now by spending now or figure it out, include it in next year’s budget whether it be…you know, with Commissioners budget, so we can budget for that so… Erik did say that if the Commissioners do approve this to save the five hundred ($500.00) then the twenty four ninety nine ($2,499.00), which is what it will be, would be due now so if the Commissioners paid for it would have take it out of our contractual services line item. The current agreement expires December of this year, around December the 10th.
Gary Meyer: Have the Commissioners approved it?
Roger Emmons: No.
Gary Meyer: Not yet.
Roger Emmons: They have not approved it, I just was…going to bring it up tonight to see if the Council would pay for it again if not then it’s something that if the Commissioner okay it then it will have to come out of our budget.
Gary Meyer: Yeah. Well, I don’t know how everybody feels, I don’t have a problem with us paying for it but I don’t want to appropriate the money until they approve it.
Roger Emmons: I understand that.
Gary Meyer: Yeah, okay. Are we going to be able to make the fifteenth (15th) deadline by doing that?
Roger Emmons: Well, as long as we know how we…
Gary Meyer: How we’re going to pay for it?
Roger Emmons: You can move forward with it then we can get that done.
Gary Meyer: Okay. Don, I’m sorry, Commissioner Williams.
Don Williams: I’m the Commissioner President I can tell you that I support it.
Gary Meyer: Okay. Well, but that’s not a recorded minutes and so…that’s the old famous consensus deal that we…it’s a bad deal.
David Hachmeister: Yeah, but look at those honest faces.
Gary Meyer: They are politicians you know, same as us.
Roger Emmons: Well, all three (3) Commissioners are here tonight.
Gary Meyer: I know…
Roger Emmons: So…
Gary Meyer: I don’t know, the Council can voice their opinions; I don’t have any problem with us paying for it.
Greg Richmond: What budget do you want to take it out of?
Gary Meyer: Our budget.
Greg Richmond: Council? Okay.
Charlie Christmas: I’ll make a motion we approve it…
Gary Meyer: I don’t know if we want a motion yet.
Roger Emmons: I think that’d be perfect.
Gary Meyer: Can we do that?
Krystal Powless: Yeah.
Charlie Christmas: Pending the Commissioners accepting.
Krystal Powless: It would come out of your budget.
Gary Meyer: Okay, alright. Motion made by Charlie, is there a second?
Al Holweger: Second.
Gary Meyer: And seconded by, Al.
Paul Rudolph: Repeat the amount of money.
Roger Emmons: Two thousand four hundred ninety nine ($2,499.00).
Gary Meyer: Any further discussion? All those in favor of the motion? Opposed? Motion carried six (6) to one (1). (Nay: Paul Rudolph)
Roger Emmons: Thank you very much, I appreciate it.
Greg Richmond: Who’s the one (1)?
Krystal Powless: Paul.
Gary Meyer: Paul.
David Hachmeister: Was it Al second on that?
Gary Meyer: Yes.
Auditor Business
Vacant Position
Gary Meyer: Auditor Business, Vacant Position.
L.B. “Dixie” Dugan: Dixie Dugan, Warrick County Auditor. I believe all of you received the memorandum which I sent, I don’t have anything to add to this except right now in the plat area we have two (2) people and I, if I was a betting person, I’d bet that it won’t be long until that’ll be one (1) person because one (1) of the people there will get their degree shortly. Their degree will be in Human Resources, H.R., and I’m sure that person will be offered jobs elsewhere for much more money and when he leaves we’ll be down to one (1). And I realize how tight you are on money but I also realize that if somebody comes in, a big contractor, and no one’s there that can take a new development or a split or what-have-you and I tell that person he’s got to come back sometime later there will be, I’m sure, some very negative remarks made. Now, I just lay it over, there’s nothing I can do about it, it’s all in your hands.
Paul Rudolph: Mr. Dugan, I haven’t seen your memo, can…or I don’t seem to have a copy with me, can I see a copy of it?
Krystal Powless: It was in your email packet.
Charlie Christmas: I do remember reading it.
Krystal Powless: I just wanted to clarify that, I did send it.
Charlie Christmas: I do remember seeing it and reading it.
Krystal Powless: I think some of you…I tricked you maybe this time, I didn’t mean to, I…in the title I didn’t title it the way I normally do because I titled it the meeting date change and I think some of you missed…sorry.
Charlie Christmas: I print everything out.
Gary Meyer: That was me, I missed that.
L.B. “Dixie” Dugan: I will say one (1) thing…the most stressful position in the Auditor’s office is probably the Payroll Deputy because if something happens and she doesn’t get the money at the bank on time you’ve got three hundred and sixty (360) people that’s going to be storming the office. But the toughest job to learn is the Plat Area. If you’re not working in it day to day…Patty Mauck is very good and she used to work in it and she went out about three (3) or four (4) months ago and was going to help cause we got pretty busy in the plat area, she come in and she said ‘Dix, they’ve changed my stuff’ she said ‘I’m totally lost, I’ve been out of it too long’. So, if you try to put somebody…and there again if you try to put somebody in the Tax Area over there… Starting July the 1st that Tax Area is going to be snowed under because we’re having a Tax Sale this fall. We have a lady in the Tax Area that probably will be working two (2) days a week and she’s taking chemo and this will be her third (3rd) trip, and she’s tougher then a pig’s nose, she comes and never complains but she can only be there when she can be there. That’s all I have, I’ll answer any questions.
Gary Meyer: What’s the feeling of the Council?
David Hachmeister: And your request is to fill one (1) position, correct?
L.B. “Dixie” Dugan: Correct.
Al Holweger: I’ll make the motion that he gets to fill that one (1) position.
Gary Meyer: Motion made by Al. Is there a second?
Charlie Christmas: I’ll second that motion.
Gary Meyer: Seconded by Charlie. Any further discussion?
Paul Rudolph: Do you need this position filled this month?
L. B. “Dixie” Dugan: I’ll probably not fill it this month because I’m looking at my budget and I will wait until I make sure I’ve got budget enough to carry it through the year.
Paul Rudolph: I would prefer to wait on the approval until after…until when we need the position. I just wonder if maybe it makes sense to hold off and table for a month. Look at our financials and look at what we’re doing with the hiring freeze all together.
Al Holweger: Yeah, but then you pushed him back another month when he does need a person so it’s just…it can be snowball effect and like anything else the gentleman’s got a business to run and he’s going to losing two (2) and wanting to replace one (1)…
L.B. “Dixie” Dugan: After the tax bills goes out this position, this place, everybody will be coming in correcting their addresses, checking this, screaming because they didn’t get their Homestead deduction, they didn’t fill out their pink sheet, and everybody is going to be busy.