Minutes of the
Warrensburg Village Board Meeting
February 21, 2017
CALL TO ORDER: President C. Maloneyopened the meeting at the Warrensburg Village Hall on Tuesday, February 21, at 7:30 p.m. reminding those in attendance that the meeting was audio taped.
ROLL CALL:Present: President C. Maloney, Trustee D. Fisher, Trustee S. Mills, Trustee L. Hackl, Trustee F. Musick, Trustee K. Musick, and Trustee T. Werren. Also present were Attorney J. Jankowicz, Chief Wheeler, Public Works Director D. Hadley, Clerk S. Brown and Assistant Clerk P. Doolin.
Absent: None
MAYOR’S COMMENTS: Any personnel of the Village of Warrensburgare invited to take a tour of the Enbridge Substation on Friday, May 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Casey’s will be expanding their store and will be closed for a week to a week and a half. Not sure of the exact start date.
Latham will be accepting donations for the people that were displaced because of the fire that occurred on Saturday, February 11. They will receive clothes, furniture and monetary donations.
Monetary donations can be dropped off at the Village Hall.
PUBLIC COMMENTS:Mr. Phillips said that care packages are being put together for the foster kids that DCFS have removed from their homes. Logan County has a used clothing store that offers clothes to those children and it was completely destroyed in the fire.
Phil Marquis asked that the Trustees put their opinion and positions about Home Rule on the Village Facebook page. He also would like something to be put in the newsletter that goes out in the water bill.
Cheryl Rayburn asked if there were any children that lived in the facility that burned down. President Maloney said that the older couple were the only ones that lived there and donations would be taken by their granddaughter, Sarah Diehl. President Maloney said he would get the contact information.
Harold Hawkins asked Attorney Jankowicz about the Personal Property Replacement Tax.
Attorney Jankowicz said there was a meeting in which the Township gave its calculation which differs from the Village of Warrensburg. Attorney Jankowicz said that he received a letter to review to see if he agreed with the calculation and he will address it at the next meeting.
Jack Pugh received the letter about Home Rule in the newsletter. He said that if the letter came from the Village of Warrensburg, he feels that it should be neutral and felt like it had one person’s opinion on it. Trustee K. Musick said that there were questions asked and she was trying to address them.
REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of February 6, 2017 were presented for review. Motion by Trustee T. Werren, seconded by Trustee D. Fisher to approve the February 6, 2017 regular session minutes. Upon voice vote, motion carried.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK: Village Clerk S. Brown presented the bills, balance and transfers sheet for the February 21, 2017 board meeting for review. Motion by Trustee F. Musick, seconded by Trustee K. Musick to accept the bills, balance sheet and transfers. Upon roll call vote, the trustees voted as follows – Yes: F. Musick, K. Musick, D. Fisher,L. Hackl, T. Werren and S. Mills. Motion carried.
ENGINEER: Mr. Bainbridge distributed a bid tabulation sheet for the 200,000 gallon water tower. (see attached) There were 10 bids submitted, which ranged from $92,565.00 to $224,900.00 which includes 1) Bond, insurance and mobilization, 2) Clean, prep and paint exterior, with two color logos and block letters, 3) Clean, prep and paint interior wet with food grade paint, and disinfection and 4) Clean, prep and paint interior dry. Mr. Bainbridge recommended to the board that that they accept the bid from Jetco, LTD for $92,565.00. He said that the Village has the right to delete any of the paint systems. Mr. Bainbridge said that if the board approved the bid, he would issue the contractor a notice of award at which time they would get their bond insurance papers together and get with Danny to coordinate a time. Trustee F. Musick asked about the antennas. Mr. Bainbridge said that they would be undisturbed.
Motion by Trustee F. Musick, seconded by Trustee T. Werren to accept the base bid from Jetco, LTD of Lake Zurick, Illinois for the base price of $92,565.00 even to prep and paint the water tower along with the logos. Upon roll call vote, the trustees voted as follows – Yes: K. Musick, S. Mills, F. Musick, D. Fisher, L. Hackl and T. Werren. Motion carried.
WATER:Trustee F. Musick received a phone call from Matt from Boulder Designs and said the marker stone is finished. It will probably be installed next week.
Trustee F. Musick said that he would like to make sure there are carbon monoxide and smoke detectors in every building that has a gas furnace. President Maloney said that it is code to have them in every government building.
BUILDING: Trustee Werren asked if there had been progression on the property that we have roped off at 224 W. Main St. Both President Maloney and Attorney Jankowicz said that they had not heard any updates. Trustee Werren said that he would check into it next week. Trustee Werren discussed several properties that have violations which include: 1) there are two trucks and a car with no plates at 125 Powers, 2) there are 3 cars with no tags at the old school apartments, 3) there is a car with no tags, and a propane tank at the Simpson property that needs to be removed. An ordinance letter will need to be sent, 4) there is a mattress in front of a car that has no tags at 225 Durfee St. 5) the Farmers Grain elevator is looking junky and feels a letter needs to be sent. President Maloney said that since it is a commercial property, he does not feel that sending a letter would be appropriate, and feels we should contact them to see if they would be willing to clean it up. 6) there is trash including an oven that is in the front of Beth Hughes property. Trustee Werren said that he could also smell the house from the street and feels we need to write her an Ordinance letter. Trustee K. Musick suggested that we get Macon County involved. Chief Wheeler said that the county feels it falls on the Village to take care of it, but have been involved before so would probably do so again, 7) there is a wrecked car that has been at C-D auto for some time and we need to ask him what he plans to do with it.
Trustee Werren asked Chief Wheeler about a door that is leaning against the Police Dept. building. Chief Wheeler said that is a cage that came out of a car and that he would take it to the scrap metal place the next time he goes.
Trustee Werren said that there are a couple of properties on N. Main St. that he needs to look at.
Trustee Hackl said that there is no law that says that vehicles with no plates or tags cannot be on private property. He believes that they should also be personally contacted instead of writing a letter.
FINANCE: Attorney Jankowicz said that the trustees should have a copy of the letter that was sent to the Finance Committee Chair requesting that his hourly rate be changed from $100/hour to $120/hour. He said that there has not been an increase since 2008 and because of the increase of overhead expenses in his office, he would like to ask the board to approve said increase. Motion by Trustee T. Werren, seconded by Trustee K. Musick to increase the legal fees for Record and Jankowicz from $100/hour to $120/hour effective March 1, 2017. Upon roll call vote, the trustees voted as follows – Yes: S. Mills, F. Musick, D. Fisher, L. Hackl, T. Werren and K. Musick. Motion carried.
POLICE: Chief Wheeler said that there have been some documented reports of some Ford Explorers having emission problems. He had a carbon monoxide detector in his vehicle for about a week and there were no changes so he returned it to the Fire Department.
Chief Wheeler said that he now has a puppy that will replace the current K-9 in 8 months to a year. He said that he will be getting him acclimated to being around people and certain places and will continue with the drugs and tracking that the current K-9 has done along with being an ambassador for the Police Dept. He said Dino has done a tremendous job interacting with children and adults.
Chief Wheeler asked that the board approve the ACS yearly land use agreement renewal for the range. President Maloney asked if they are still having classes. Chief Wheeler said that he still does classes occasionally. Trustee K. Musick asked who the officers are. Chief Wheeler said that the officer for Resolute is Jim Owens and the officer for ACS is Kevin Mante. Trustee Musick said that he has not turned in an I-9 to the Village and she feels that because he is an employee of the Village that he has the responsibility to make sure all forms are turned in. Attorney Jankowicz explained that legally it is two separate unrelated issues concerning because he is an ACS independent contractor, however he does have a contract with the Village to use our land at the discretion of the board so if the board is displeased with something he is doing, the board could vote against renewing the land agreement.
Motion by Trustee L. Hackl, seconded by Trustee F. Musick to accept and approve the Private Access Land Use Agreement with Kevin Mante through the Village of Warrensburg and the Applied Combative Solutions, LLC for the Warrensburg gun range. Upon roll call vote, the trustees voted as follows – Yes: F. Musick, D. Fisher, L. Hackl, T. Werren and S. Mills. No – K. Musick. Motion carried.
SEWER:Trustee Hackl said that he will be giving Cody his one year evaluation.
He said that Danny was voted runner-up for “Sewer Operator of the Year” by Illinois Rural Water.
Danny got a name of someone who will be looking into the sewer lagoons so they will be checking into it. They said Illiopolis has put in a new system so that will be taking a look at theirs in the near future.
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: Danny said that the generator is now in operation.
Michelle Cornett asked for an update concerning the ditch that runs in the front of her property. Danny said that it needs to be dug out, but couldn’t give her a timeline because the soil needs to settle. He estimated that it would be sometime in April. She also asked about the creek in the back of her property and Danny said that we don’t have anything to do with the creek because it is privately owned. Trustee Hackl said that she could contact Bruce Bird of the Macon County Hwy. Dept. and he may be able to give her information about who would be responsible.
OTHER AND/OR OLD BUSINESS: Trustee Werren told Phil Marquis that he needs to have a meeting with the zoning board. Clerk Brown said that there is an opening on the zoning board and that they also need a chairman.
Trustee D. Fisher asked if they had ever gotten the laptop back from Jim Sarver. Trustee K. Musick said that it had not been returned and she does not get an answer when she has tried to call.
James Phillips said that he felt Danny had not responded properly to Michelle Cornett. He said he believes as a citizen she should be able to get answers. He also commented that he felt that the trustees should not talk about employees in a public meeting and that the supervisors should be able to take care of situations of the employees under them.
President Maloney said he did get from the Zoning Dept. of the Board of Appeals a couple of addresses that are not in the Village of Warrensburg corporate limits and are actually in the Illini Township. He also said that he had not heard anything about the cleanup day. He said he will follow up to get a specific date.
Asked about the protocol of the Ordinance letters. President Maloney said that the letters are sent out first and if there is no response in a timely matter, the attorney will then send them out.
Michelle Cornett said she would like to enter statement as a matter of public record that as the owner of the property at 140 Illinois Street that information was refused to me today by Danny for a time line to make a correction to the water ditch in front of my property. She said regardless of if you spoke to my husband and shared information with him, I feel I have a right to know and ask as a matter of public record.
Motion by Trustee F. Musick,seconded by T. Werren to adjourn.Upon voice vote motion carried unanimously.
PresidentMaloney adjourned the meeting at8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sherrie D. Brown
Village Administrative Clerk