WORK/PUBLIC MEETING October 17, 2012


Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy thereof on the

Municipal bulletin board, a copy to the Township Clerk, The Courier-News, The Star Ledger and the Echoes-Sentinel all on February 1, 2012 as prescribed by the Open

Public Meetings Act.

Roll Call: Mr. Vetter, Mr. Kaufman, Mr. Checchio, Mr. Paolella, Mr. Truglio, Mr. Reeder. Mrs. Garafola absent.

Executive Session: Resolution 12- 108

Administrative Communications - Attorney-Client Communications

- Part time held during winter break -

- Computer Software Upgrade -

B. Hillcrest Road Properties – Attorney-Client Communications

C. Watchung Hills Wrestling Center -- Attorney-Client Communications

D. Chelsea Senior Living

E. Contract 50 -- Maple Construction Co. Bond Claims -- Attorney-Client Communications

II. No Discussion or Action Necessary, unless there are questions regarding the following:

F. Sewer Backup at 57 Mountain Blvd/Verizon Sewer Line Break - Attorney Client Communication

G. Harris Software Contract- Contract Negotiation and Attorney-Client communication

H. Electricity Bidding -- Attorney-client Communications

I. Capacity Allocation for Green Brook Connections -- Contract Negotiation and Attorney- Client Communications

J. Second Meters/Summer Water Usage Adjustment -- Attorney-Client Communications

K. Berkeley Aquatic Center -- Attorney-Client Communications/Litigation

L. K. Hovnanian -- Attorney-Client Communications - Potential Litigation

M. Amicus Brief in Connection Fee Case -- Attorney-Client Communications - Litigation

N. Berkeley Heights Agreement and Availability of Capacity in the Stage I&II Sewer Service Area -- Attorney-Client Communications/Contract Negotiations

O. Stage I-II Permit Renewal - Attorney Client Communication

P. Appeal of Phosphorus TMDL -- Attorney Client Communications - Litigation

Q. Stage IV Permit and Stage V Permit - Pending Litigation

It is anticipated that the above stated subjects will be made public in 2012.

* * * * PUBLIC SESSION * * * *

Flag Salute

Kevin Page Engineering- Present on behalf of various residents who reside on Dead River Road. The Dead River Road possible sewer extension could only be done by connecting into the Broken Arrow Road manhole. He explained that this can only be done by a low pressure system. Mr. Page explained that this would need to be able to work on both sides of the street. He is proposing to put this in the shoulder of the road. Some neighbors don’t have failing septics but are nervous about the potential. He is asking if the board would consider this practice that is in place in other municipalities. The only thing in the ROW would be the two inch force main. He will be submitting one application for the homeowner who is nearest and downhill by Broken Arrow. He is designing an E 1 design. He designed this for a future extension if other people would be interested. Mr. Page said this might be a public health issue because some people do have failing septics.

Mr. Reeder said he would like to see an application. We are looking at another E 1 system and Mr. Reeder said he was not aware the there was one on King George Road that Mr. Page mentioned. Mr. Page explained that system to the board. He explained that the homeowner is responsible for the pump, not the Township. They will also be required to maintain the system .Mr. Page said this is a proven system and is approved by the DEP. PS & S had no questions. Mr. Wancho said he is familiar with system but will need to look at the application for further review. The current Rules and regulations have a pretty detailed explanation of the requirements of a low pressure system. Mr. Wancho said he would like to see the design of the future line; they would like to see that evaluation to see if that piece they would be putting in would accommodate the others.

Debbie asked where this flows, from Dead River Road to the Mountain view Road pump station? She asked, can the Mountain View pump station handle the additional flow of the proposed homes. Mr. Page said you are right, they will investigate this.

Minutes: August 15, 2012 Motion to accept by Mr. Truglio, second by Mr. Reeder. Roll call, Mr. Vetter, Mr. Kaufman, Mr. Truglio, Mr. Reeder, Mr. Paolella, all yes.

Executive Session August 15, 2012 Motion to adopt by Mr. Reeder, second by Mr. Truglio.

Roll Call: Mr. Vetter, Mr. Paolella, Mr. Truglio, Mr. Kaufman, Mr. Reeder, all yes.

September 19, 2012 Motion to adopt by Mr. Reeder, second by Mr. Truglio. Roll Call: Mr. Paolella, Mr. Checchio, Mr. Reeder All yes.

Plant Report- Peter Kavalus, Applied Water Management

August and September reports are included in the packets. Pete explained a high effluent of Phosphorous in September. It was confirmed with the lab and it was correct. They did look at their in house analysis and it was 3.28. However this was one time and has not occurred again. They are not sure of the reason for this. Additional chemicals were added and able to bring down the level and checked additional samples which brought down the monthly average.

The Dog wood pump station controller is scheduled to be replaced next week.

Mr. Reeder asked about the William Penn pump station. Pete said that they had to pull rags from there three times. There were also brief power failures.

Mr. Goodsell said that they submitted quite a few Casks and not all are for approval tonight. Mr. Goodsell will send a memo on some questions they have.

The generators at Tech Dr and Heather Lane were authorized to replace. Kathy said they sent a memo recommending to replace. Debbie said they have approval to move ahead with this for obtaining them and installation.

Applications- Mr. Wancho PE , PS &S All site plans displayed for the board members. Mr. Wancho introduced Kathy Corcoran, PE is also here tonight also.

1.  Application #080912-P-0681

Block 82 Lot 9

Chelsea Senior Living

274 King George Road and 256 Mountain Avenue

First Review

Recommending preliminary approval for construction of proposed sanitary sewers and permit to construct the proposed facility in the Stage IV sewer service area. As discussed this application will be for 31 EDUS based on DEP criteria calculated flow is done by the bedrooms, not by square footage. A TWA will be submitted by the applicant. This facility will be age restricted one and two bedroom apartments.

2.  Application 091112-SC-0685

Block 201 Lot 2

Township of Warren a Municipal Corporation of the state of New Jersey

And Watchung Hills Wrestling Association

114 Stirling Road

First Review

Recommending preliminary and final approval for this single connection with one EDU in the Stage I/II sewer service area, subject to resolution of potential flow and capacity issues. A connection will be made into Mountain Ave. The BOE transferred this to the Township. The BOE had a priority connection and counsel is satisfied that one EDU is being used for this application. The Town will be leasing this to the wrestling center.

3.  Application #092412-P-0687

Block 86.01 Lots 28.04, 29 and 30

San Road and Mount Bethel Road

The Hollows at Warren, LLC

First Review

Recommending preliminary approval for the construction of sanitary sewers to serve a proposed ten lot subdivision located in the Stage IV sewer service area with seven additional EDUS. Lot 30 located on block 86.01 currently had three approved EDUS. The structures on that lot will be demolished.

Mr. Reeder asked the size of the lots, Mr. Page, the applicants engineer said they are ½ acre lots.

Mr. Wancho said we are only approving this for the sewering. A wastewater plan amendment would be necessary for this one lot to be transferred into Stage IV based on the proposed extension.

Mr. Reeder asked if any additional approvals would be needed to be given by the Authority. Mr. Wancho said that the construction of the sewer extension and the signing of a TWA, Regarding the process for the TWA Mr. Goodsell made note that they would need an approving resolution from the Authority for submittal.

Land use permitting would go through the Township’s other Departments. The Authority only has jurisdiction regarding the sewering is in conformance with the Rules and Regulations. These other issues do not impact the WTSA, stated Mr. Wancho.

4.  Appl #083012-SC-0684

Block 33 Lot 2.19

Wayne Carlsen

25 Christy Drive

First Review

Recommending preliminary and final approval for this one single family dwelling that is now connected to the sanitary sewer system in such a manner that is not conforming. In order to conform to the Authority rules and regulations, the existing lateral will be abandoned and a new force main will be constructed with an E 1 pump to connect into the line in front of the dwelling on Christy Drive.

5. Appl#101012-G-0689

Block 74 Lot 6

Byron Salazar

51 Mount Bethel Road

Recommending a change in use for this unit that is connected to various other use retail/office space located in the Flag Arch Plaza. The proposed fast food restaurant will use the existing 1 EDU that was previously allocated to the TCBY Yogurt shop that was vacated. Additional review of the mall will be recommended for correct allocation of the number of EDUS that it occupies. Currently 2 EDUS are allocated for the entire complex.

Mr. Goodsell stated that the last two applications were added on late and not included on the agenda. However approvals are recommended and a memorializing resolution will be adopted at the next work meeting of the Authority.

Motion to approve these two resolutions was made by Mr. Truglio and seconded by Mr. Reeder.

Roll Call: Mr. Paolella,yes, Mr. Checchio, yes, Mr. Vetter, yes, Mr. Kaufman, yes, Mr. Truglio, yes Mr. Reeder, yes.

Consent Agenda Resolutions:

Resolutions No. 12-109 through 12-117 were submitted to the Sewerage Authority for review and may be adopted by one motion. These resolutions are listed on the agenda for review and a complete copy made available in the Warren Township Sewerage Authority office.

Motion to adopt Resolutions No. 12- 109 through 12- 117 second, roll call.

Motion to adopt made by Mr. Truglio, second by Mr. Reeder.

Roll Call: Mr. Paolella,yes, Mr. Checchio, yes, Mr. Vetter, yes, Mr. Kaufman, yes, Mr. Truglio, yes, Mr. Reeder, yes.

Two applications were added to the consent resolution, a memorializing resolution will be done for the November meeting.

25 Christy Dr. Recommending approval for a single connection in the Middlebrook sewer service area. This will be served by an individual pump station.

51 Mount Bethel Road Flag Plaza – A change in use from a TCBY Yogurt shop to a fast food Surf and Turf restaurant with no change in EDU is recommended. There will be 18 seats. An analysis of the Plaza will be undertaken for an actual calculation of EDUs

Resolution #12-109 Resolution authorizing payment of operation expense from Account #056253 for a total of $296,581.68.

Resolution#12- 110 Resolution authorizing payment of escrow bills from Account #999-091433 Accutrack for a total of $ 2688.02.

Resolution #12-111 Resolution authorizing payment of certain invoices from the construction fund by Bank of New York, Trustee and paying agent of the series 2006 bonds.

Resolution #12-112 Resolution authorizing the return of escrow for certain accounts in the amount of $1575.69.

Resolution #12-113 Resolution approving cost substantiation certificates numbered #285 through #291,#293,#294,#301,#302,#304,#306 submitted by the operator of the Authority’s wastewater treatment system.

Resolution #12-114 Resolution granting preliminary and final approval of the application of the Township of Warren and the Watchung Hills Wrestling Association for connection via sewer extension and gravity lateral and one EDU of capacity to serve a proposed 6600 SQ. FT. recreational facility located at Lot 2, Block 201 at 114 Stirling Road in the Stage I/II sewer service area.

Resolution #12-115 Resolution granting preliminary approval of the application of The Hollows at Warren for construction of two sewer extensions and seven new EDU’S of capacity to serve a proposed ten lot residential subdivision located at Block 86.01, Lots 28.04 ,29 and 30 at San Road and Mount Bethel Road in the Stage IV sewer service area.

Resolution #12-116 Resolution granting preliminary approval of the application of the Chelsea Senior living for construction of a proposed sanitary sewer extension and thirty one EDUS of capacity to serve a proposed two story senior living facility have 31 Age restricted apartments on Block 82 Lot 9 at the intersection of 274 King George Road and 256 Mountain Avenue in the Stage IV sewer service area.

Resolution #12-117 Resolution accepting proposal from Harris Computer Systems for upgrade of the Authority’s current billing software system and associated data conversion and training and authorizing execution of contract for such software upgrade and training in the amount of $12,971.00.

Engineer’s Report Mr. Wancho

A detailed report is included in the monthly packet. Mr. Wancho reminded the members that if they have any questions prior to the meeting that they can call his office for clarifications.

Mr. Wancho stated that PS & S is working on Contract #52- Stage IV oxidation ditch project and has been given the approval to move ahead with the design of the project. There are funds set aside in the 2006 bond issue for some improvements but not the entire project. Therefore other improvements will be made later.