To all members of the Planning Committee (Cllr’s M Standley, Ballam, O’Reilly, Reed, RStandley)

Your attendance is requested at a Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE to be held in Fletcher’s Lea, Ware Priory, High Street, Ware, on Monday 27 March 2017 at 7.30pm when the following business will be transacted:

This meeting is open to the Public and Press. The Council provides opportunity for members of the public to speak or ask questions at every meeting of the Committee on any item on the agenda.

1. To receive Apologies for Absence

2. To receive Declarations of Interest

3. To receive and approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 27 February 2017

4. To consider current Planning Applications received from East Herts District Council as listed below and on the schedule (attached):-

3/17/0290/HH - 4 Hoe Lane Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9LS
Triple storey front extension incorporating garage conversion to habitable

room. Raising of roof height and loft conversion to habitable room with rear

dormer window, 1 rear rooflight and 3 front rooflights inserted.

3/17/0340/ADV - Broadmeads Pumping Station Hertford Road Ware SG12 9LH

1no. freestanding non-illuminated pole sign (Retrospective)

3/17/0383/FUL - 16 Little Acres Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9JW

Erection of 2m high fence parallel to the western flank wall of the house and

continued to the southern border of the property. Change of use of 0.5m strip

from scrub land to garden land and relocation of existing 2m fence closer to the

western flank wall of the house.

3/17/0398/HH - 21 Bowling Road Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7EF

Proposed single storey side extension and alterations to ground floor fenestration.

3/17/0421/HH - 13 Widbury Gardens Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7AT

Proposed first floor front extension - joining of 2no. flat roofed dormers to create 1no. large dormer.

3/17/0427/HH - Tasham 16 Widbury Gardens Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7AT

Two storey side extension and rear conservatory.

3/17/0442/LBC - 10 Baldock Street Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9DZ

Application to regularise internal and external works to the Listed Building.

3/17/0447/HH - 8 Millbrook Court Collett Road Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7JN

Rear dormer loft conversion, 3 front velux windows and 1 rear velux window and new window to side gable.

3/17/0455/HH - 32 Lower Clabdens Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7EU

Proposed single storey rear extension and internal alterations

3/17/0460/HH - 17 Fanhams Road Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7DG

Two storey side extension and single story rear extension

3/17/0462/HH - 8 Cedar Close Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9PG

Demolish existing detached garage. Proposed single storey front, side and rear

extension. New pitched roof front porch.

3/17/0486/ADV - The Roebuck Hotel Baldock Street Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9DR

To display 8 no. advertisements: 1 no. Externally illuminated Home name

(Snowdrop House) in engraved enamel plaque mounted on brickwork plinth

complete with uplighters sunk into ground. 7 no. on site directional and advisory free standing powder coated aluminium totem signs fixed into the ground or wall mounted and on site directional and advisory wall mounted aluminium powder coated signs.

3/17/0512/HH - 29 The Hawthorns Ware Hertfordshire SG12 0XY

Single storey front extension, garage conversion to habitable accommodation

and alterations to fenestration.

3/17/0547/HH - 4 Sandeman Gardens Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7WN

First floor side extension and extension and alterations to garage.

3/17/0574/FUL - 4 Francis Road Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9HB

Erection of six dwelling houses. Demolition of existing single storey side kitchen. Proposed single storey side extension and alterations to fenestration of existing house.

3/17/0587/LBC - 19 The Carriages Station Road Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9PL

Regularisation of the siting of two air conditioning units adjacent to the


3/17/0616/FUL - Tim Wells Nurseries Ltd Hoe Lane Ware SG12 9NY

Retrospective: Temporary Portakabin for an office.

3/17/0626/HH - High Ridge 5 Chadwell Rise Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9LA

Two front dormer windows, one velux window to front elevation and one velux window to side elevation (west).

3/17/0631/HH - 1 Vicarage Road Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7BG

Single storey rear extension and creation of new ground floor side entrance door.

5. To receive and note the Decision Notices received from East Herts District Council as set out on the attached schedule (attached)

6. Listed buildings - to consider a progress report

7. Any Other Planning Matters for information only

8. To note the Date of the Next Meeting – Monday 24 April 2017 at 7.30pm.

Ware Priory,

High Street,

Ware. SG12 9AL

www.waretowncouncil.gov.uk Jill Rowlinson, Town Clerk

01920 460316 21st March 2017