OFSTED September 2014 rated the school as “GOOD”.
· A8 in 2017 was a C (APS 4.1)
· In comparison sites for schools with similar KS3 entries we have the best progress outcomes of any school within a 75-mile radius(2015-16)
· Warblington School is the 34th best performing school nationally when compared to schools with a similar KS3 starting point.(2015-16)
· The school appeared in the Parliamentary Review 2017 due to these improvements
· The school can now show a 4-year rising trend of 18% in overall outcomes as well as Maths and English.(2013-16) In year progress in years 7-10 is secure and despite a period of national turbulence in education the stable majority achieved in line with national averages given a sig- starting point.
· There is sufficient evidence from LLP visit to support the self-evaluation that the school meets the current criteria for a good school. (LLP report June 17)
· Embedded systems for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning and structures for sharing good practice are established. Responsibilities are discharged amongst the senior leadership team and are supported by the head teacher who leads the school with clarity and purpose. The head teacher grows and nurtures her team and this is a strength of the school. (LLP report June 17)
· The capacity and progress so far since the last Ofsted inspection would indicate that the school would be best described as currently low priority for the deployment of Local Authority (LA) resources.(LLP Report Nov 17)
2 Leadership & Management : 2 / D Overall 1234 +/- : 2+· Quality of teaching is good or better.
· Middle leaders continue to write accurate and reflective SEFs and development plans to improve outcomes.
· SLT has repeatedly demonstrated capacity to drive improvement.
· Due to a coaching culture, staff regularly reflect on their practice and share best practice with others. They are deeply involved in their professional development
· Governor strategic plan is in place following annual off site governor away days. Governance is informed and robust with the ability to challenge the school leadership.
· Greater number of governor visits and regular termly governor /SLT meetings are now evident.
· The head teacher is fiercely protective of her school and safeguarding the future of it. This nurturing culture of growth and development is pervasive across the school. (LLP report June 17)
3 Quality of Teaching, learning and assessment 2 / D. Overall 1234 +/- :2· 85% good or better teaching
· 10% outstanding
· Highly effective CPL programme built on action research led by teacher teams with foci identified through analysis of strengths and weaknesses during lesson observation. NPQML and NQT development programmes are running alongside as well. A teaching and learning group made up of good practitioners across a range of subjects has been developed into the CPL team leader group.
· Further training is provided during twilight and dedicated inset for example, cluster inset focussing on outstanding teaching and learning.
· Regular Leadership and Middle Leadership book ‘looks’ (unannounced) with results shared whole school and by department.
· Coaching used as a tool to underpin all practice. Clear coaching protocol and time available for coaching at all inset and staff meetings.
· The majority of lessons are good or better with high levels of pupil’s engagement. Teachers clearly articulate the learning objectives and activities. (LLP report June 17)
· Lessons were purposeful, break time and transitions were orderly and routines well established. ‡Good lessons were seen, which were well prepared and well structured. .(LLP Report Nov 17)
4 Personal development, behaviour and welfare / 2· Inclusion team has a big impact on supporting vulnerable students to make progress
· FTE are minimal and no PEX since January 2012.
· The great majority behave well and do not disrupt learning.
· In lessons, behaviour is typically good and teachers use systems consistently to deal with any issues.
· Reward system based on PRIDE. HOY posts having a significant impact in terms of systems, structures, effective parental communication and speed of response
· Behaviour was impeccable around the school with no poor language heard, nor any unruly behaviour. Pupils were calm and polite at all times, including transitions. Pupils were happy to show and discuss their work. (LLP report June 17)
· All staff have good, positive relationships with the pupils. The school is a happy and caring school. (LLP report June 17)
· Throughout the visit behaviour was excellent. .(LLP Report Nov 17)
· The school is an inclusive school and offers a variety of opportunities for the pupils to grow outside of normal curriculum activities, such as raising money for charities, trips, and school productions (LLP report June 17)
5 Outcomes for pupils / :2-· 2016, an 18% improvement in 4 years.
· The school’s Progress 8 score was -0.11, which places it in the average band of approximately 40% of school in England. The schools disadvantaged cohort achieved -0.26. The schools Attainment 8 figure was 49.7, which is on par with England state schools at 49.9, the schools disadvantaged cohort achieved 43.3. The schools basic measure of pupils achieving a grade C or better in English and maths was 61% above the average for England, which is 59.3%, the schools disadvantaged cohort achieved 43%. The school is proud that when compared against schools across England whose KS4 pupils had similar achievement at the end of KS2, Warblington were the best performing school within 75 Miles. (LLP report June 17)
· We are an inclusive school who did not exclude students and did not enter large groups for exams without curriculum time attached.
· In 2017, the APS of the year group was 0.7% below national. The cohort had 11% lower high attainers than national and 12% more low and middle attainers than national.
· 2017, A8 was 4.1
· 2017 P8 was -0.43
· 2017 4-9 Basics was 52%(2% below National)
· 2017 5-9 Basics was 22%
· English achieved 65% standard pass and 49% strong pass.
· Maths achieved 57% standard pass and 25% achieved a strong pass.
· An unstable minority of 12 who we continued to include within the school adversely affected the schools results. Without these students our P8 = -0.22
8 SMSC 2 / 222D. Overall 1234 +/- : / 2· Students understand the concepts behind SMSC are beginning to reflect on these within lessons.
· A rights respecting agenda is at the heart of the school’s inclusion programme and features throughout the assembly programme.
· Students regularly provided with opportunities, which equip them and prepare them for the future as caring and thoughtful citizens in school and with both the local and wider society.
· Equality and diversity are promoted across the school and the school is confident that students and staff do not accept prejudicial behaviour.
· Students repeated tell us that they feel safe and are prepared to keep themselves safe, both physically, mentally and on-line.
School is looking to achieve Level 1 Rights Respecting Award with UNICEF during 2018.
School Context / Revision date: DECEMBER 2017 / Author: Julia VincentStudents
Any specific features of the student population on entry, particularly the range of ability, proportions with disabilities and SEN, proportion entitled to Pupil Premium. The extent of non-standard admissions. Keep this section simple, short and factual. / Literacy levels have traditionally been below average.
The student profile is skewed due to our non-disadvantaged students mainly entering close to average and above and most of our disadvantaged students entering below average on the standardised scoring system from sept 16.
Large proportion of students (usually a third of each year group) from below average socio economic backgrounds, we are the seventh most deprived school in Hants(IMD)
Just under a third of the school are FSM
The Havant Federation operates a system of managed moves for any students at risk of exclusion in the area.
Year 6/7 leakage across border to C of E school and single sex schools in Chichester also to independent schools in Portsmouth.
The school is inclusive with no PEX since 2012 and very low FTE.
Any specific features of the staffing of the school. For example, recruitment, turnover/stability, part-timers, non-specialists, experience, absence/extent of supply cover. Again, keep it short and factual. Comments to do with teaching belong in ‘Teaching’ below, not here. / The current head came in to post in January 2012
Reduced SLT starting Sept 17 due to budget constraints.
Non replacement of 3FTE due to budget constraints
Curriculum and Timetable
Any particular organisational features of the school. For example, setting, time allocations and length of teaching sessions. You could also include a brief summary of your curriculum here, including extra-curricular and non-standard provision, but your evaluation of its impact belongs in ‘Leadership’ below. / The school operates a 2-week timetable, consisting of 5 x 55 minutes’ sessions each day bar Tuesday when the school finishes at 2pm allowing for staff CPD.
The school curriculum encourages students to achieve their potential and ensure that the full range of subjects offered delivers a broad and balanced timetable for all.
Varieties of extracurricular options are on offer weekly including PE, Music, Drama and Dance. There are frequent opportunities for students to show case their creative talents via school productions, concerts and activities such as Rock Challenge. Alongside this is an intensive range of sports teams and sporting activities across the year.
There are also opportunities for revision sessions across a range of core and option subjects.
The school is operating a 3-year KS4 wef September 2016.
Other features
Any other features which affect your school but which are largely outside your control. / The school buildings lacked investment over a number of years. The school was subject to BSF planning when the offer was withdrawn.
School land was sold and resulted in the full receipt of the land made available to the school for the purposes of improving sporting provision on the site. A new STP, cricket nets and athletics area completed in November 2013 and a new sports hall with dance studio/gym refurbishment completed in October 2015.
A school re clad project commenced in July 2016
The school has had significant budget cuts over the last 2 years.
18% rise in 5A*-C inc E/M over 4 years.
The school will be participating in the 2017 and 2018 Parliamentary Review.
1 Overall Effectiveness / D. Overall 1234 +/- :2 / F. Last revision date: DECEMBER 17 / G. Author: Julia Vincent
E. Summary
The main reasons for choosing this 1234 are…..
(if + or -, explain why) / OFSTED September 2014 rated the school as “GOOD”.
In comparison sites for schools with similar KS3 entries we have the best progress outcomes of any school within a 75-mile radius (2016)
Warblington School is the 34th best performing school nationally when compared to schools with a similar KS3 starting point. (2016)
The school appeared in the Parliamentary Review 2017 and will do so again in 2018.
The headteacher drives the school with vision and purpose. She is a grower of people and is well respected by staff. Her presence and calm manner is evident across the school. Leaders grade the school as good across the board, a view the LA would agree with.(LLP Report Nov 17)
In 2016 the school had a 4 year rising trend of 18% in 5A*-C inc M/E. In 2017, an unstable minority adversely affected results.
The stable majority achieved in line with national averages given a sig- starting point.
Where outcomes and progress are weaker in Geography, MfL, and Maths support is in place.
Coaching, CPL and the inclusion team are providing capacity to improve.
Student voice/RRR/SMSC is providing an added dimension to school improvements and initiatives such as student leadership strategy are supportive of the drive for improvement.
Literacy across the school is benefitting from greater support from strategic leadership and a focus in CPD.
Accurate monitoring and self-review identifies that 80%+ of teaching is good.
Rates of progress in some subjects have increased bringing them in line with FFT 20.
Warblington School is not yet Outstanding because;
· Maths and English outcomes has a negative P8
· Not all students that are more able make accelerated progress.
· MFL and Geography outcomes and progress are below national average
· Ensure whole school focus on strategies for making rapid progress with disadvantaged students.
· Consistent, marking, feedback, and regularly set homework with time given in class for students to act on feedback. (TRIM)
· All staff to develop strategies to ensure independence and greater resilience in learners.
· All staff to embed writing and communication across the curriculum and reading widely across subjects,
· To accelerate progress using target flight path and KS3 Mastery curriculum.
Sub-criterion / A. Judgement from
other sections / 1234 / B. Brief summary of main strengths and areas for development2
Leadership and management / All other key judgements are likely to be good or outstanding. In exceptional circumstances one of the key judgement areas may require improvement, as long as there is convincing evidence that the school is improving it rapidly and securely towards good / 2 / Leadership is consistent and ML views themselves as part of the leadership team of the school as do Governors.
Leadership team is a strong robust driver for improvement.
Performance management policy has proved to be very robust with a comfortable transition to the new pay policy
Governor strategic plan is in place following annual off site governor away days. Governance is now informed and robust with the ability to challenge the school leadership.
Greater number of governor visits and regular termly governor /SLT meetings are now evident.
Annual Governors and staff workshop allow further development of the school vision and enhanced levels of understanding.
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment / Is at least good. / 2 / Quality of teaching is good/outstanding., with decreasing RI practice and no inadequate practice