NSW eTendering - Loading RFT’s
Date: November 2017
NSW eTendering - Loading RFTs
This quickguide contains information on:
- Request for tenders
- Logging in
- Navigating
- Loading RFT’s
- Further information
Request for tenders
The term Request for Tender (RFT) is used generically for any type of invitation released via eTendering for suppliers to submit some type of response to the NSW Government. The generic term ‘RFT’ can therefore refer to:
Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
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NSW eTendering - Loading RFT’s
- EOI for Pre-qualification
- EOI for Specific Contracts
- Funded Services
- Invitation to Respond
- Notice
- Open Tender
- Pre-Qualified/Invited
- Requestion for Proposals
- Selective Tenders
- Single Invitation
Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
P: 1800 679 289 E: |
NSW eTendering - Loading RFT’s
Definitions for the listed types are available fromthe eTendering website in the Help[1] section, except for funded services. This type refers to specific activities delivered by Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) or Local Government authorities that are funded by the State or Federal Government to provide support services to individuals, families and communities.
Logging In
The eTendering administration zone can be accessed through any web browser. The Username and Password are entered in the left hand panel. Agreement to the conditions of use, which are available on the main pane, form part of the logging in process.
The administration homepage provides links to all the elements assigned to you by the agency administrator. Some users have the ability to only load RFT’s while others have additional responsibilities such as publishing RFTs, opening tender responses or publishing
Contract Award Notices.
Loading RFTs
- The process of loading an RFT begins with selecting the ‘Loading RFT’ link in the RFT section of the administration homepage and then selecting ‘Add RFT’.
- If the RFT is linked to the agency procurement plan then it will be highlighted at this stage.
- Once the RFT Loader selects ‘Continue’, the RFT Details page comes up and the RFT information is added. The option exists to either use a system-generated RFT number or enter an Agency-specific RFT number. The long description field provides the opportunity to provide information about the nature of goods/services sought or any special instructions that should be brought to the attention of the public.
Please note that the question mark next to each field provides additional help information about that particular field.
- The Multi Agency access fields help identify if multiple agencies will be able to access services from the final contract through a ‘piggyback’ clause.
- The RFT Access identifies whether the RFT is an open or restricted tender. If it is restricted then it must also be identified whether it will:
- be withheld from public view
- have a limited view or
- be fully available to view but will have a password protection installed so that only those supplied with the password will be able to respond.
- Zipped files can be uploaded if you have more than eight documents to be provided as part of the RFT information.
- The contact person must be able to answer queries while the RFT is open.
- If the RFT is not leading to a Contract Award select the checkbox so that the default message displays in the RFT.
- The RFT can be saved as a draft at any time during the process. Once all the information has been added the RFT can be submitted to the Publisher, who is responsible for checking all the details and compliance prior to approving and releasing the RFTon the public-facingeTendering website.
Further information
Further information is available via email from the NSW Procurement Service Centre[2] or on 1800 679 289.
Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
P: 1800 679 289 E: |