President Steve Henderson called the meeting to order at 7:30pm on June 1, 2015 at 701 Parlette Court with the following members present: Jim Neumeier, Daniel E. Lee, Bonnie Wurst, Chad Doll, Randy Fisher, Rachel Barber and Dan Graf. Also present were Mayor Rodney Metz, Service Director Bill Rains and Law Director Dennis Faller. There were 6 visitors present.

Motion by Lee, second by Fisher to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2015 Council Meeting as submitted. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays.

Utilities Committee – a meeting was held on 05-27-2015 and the following was discussed:

The meeting opened with Mr. Rains giving a status report of all Enterprise Funds and reported that all funds are healthy. Council should have received these reports for further study. It was noted that the Refuse fund has improved considerably thanks to council’s actions on trash bags.

The committee agreed that the cost of service on water should be discussed at our next meeting.

The committee next discussed dumpster rates and it was agreed that the current committee has ever looked at our current dumpster policy and will do so at our next meeting.

We then went through a list of upcoming projects.

  • The burying of electric lines behind downtown is on schedule and arrangements are being made with both TSC and Time Warner Cable to bury their lines at the same time.
  • Meter upgrades throughout the city are virtually complete with only a few remaining
  • The possibility of expanding the solar field was discussed and will need further study.

Ms. Barber asked for further explanation of a ‘dumpster policy’. Mr. Fisher advised that the policy states the cost and timeframe of the rental. Ms. Barber suggested that the Committee also review how this is marketed compared to commercial haulers.

Mr. Neumeier asked where the dumpster rental money goes. Mr. Rains replied that he will find out.

Unfinished Business -

Mr. Neumeier asked for an update on the Josh Mandel letter regarding OhioCheckbook.com. Mrs. Wurst advised, no update.

Ms. Barber asked that the City Building have an ‘after hours’ phone messaging system for citizens to call with their concerns. Mr. Rains will look into this.

New Business -

Motion by Doll, second by Fisher to appoint Mike Walter to the Waste Minimization Committee. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed.

Ms. Barber asked for the current status of filled positions on the Waste Minimization Committee. Mayor Metz advised that 4 or 5 members have been appointed, and that he will check with the chairperson for further information.


The Mayor gave the following report:

  1. Participated in one Department Supervisor’s meeting.
  2. I read a proclamation prepared for Arbor Day celebration held at Auglaize Acres.
  3. Attended AMP Legislative Day held in Columbus with our State Legislators.
  4. Attended two community policing activities held by our local Police Department at two locations in the city. (Downtown Parkway and Church of the Nazarene, Church Street)
  5. Participated in review of the damaged trees on West Auglaize Street. A complete report from the Urban Forester, recommended by Stephanie, will be available this week.
  6. Gave a presentation on local government to the second grade class. Everyone met at Wapakoneta Council Chambers. The students had some very good questions for me at the end of the program.
  7. Participated in a fundraiser for Sister Cities. The Chambers Party in the Parkway.
  8. Attended Wapakoneta City Board of Zoning Appeals meeting.
  9. Attended Wapakoneta City Councils’ Utilities meeting.
  10. Participated in Children’s’ Home Town Holiday program meeting. The group is meeting to organize the fun time program for the youth of our community.
  11. Presented Kenneth Poplar with his retirement plague for over twenty two years of service to the City of Wapakoneta Waster Water Plant.

Ms. Barber asked for a written job description for those wishing to be a member of the Planning Commission. Mayor Metz and Mr. Rains advised to reference the Ordinance regarding the Planning Commission’s responsibilities.

Ms. Barber asked how the public is being notified that a Planning Commission position is available. Mayor Metz replied, in the newspaper and possibly on the City’s Facebook page.

Ms. Barber relayed a compliment from a citizen regarding the care of Evergreen Cemetery.

Mr. Doll complimented the Wapakoneta Police Department on the PACT events being held throughout the community.

The Service Director gave the following report:

Mr. Rains noted that the City of Lima has an Ordinance that prohibits parking vehicles on lawns, and asked for the Health & Safety Committee to review it. President Henderson assigned the matter to the Health & Safety Committee.

Grass seed has been sowed at the Breakfast Optimist Park, and more sprinklers will be used as needed, with additional seeding this fall.

Due to utility work in the area, weed spraying and reseeding of grass needs to be done on East Auglaize Street in some areas. Mr. Neumeier noted that citizens are confused about whether to pull the sprayed weeds or not. Mr. Rains will look into this.

Ms. Barber asked for an update on the weeds growing downtown around the tree pits. Mayor Metz advised that these have been sprayed.

Ms. Barber noted that many trees in the first block of Willipie Street are dead, and asked when they will be removed. Mayor Metz agreed to check on this.

Mrs. Wurst relayed a citizen complaint about possible hard water on Pine Street. Mr. Rains advised that the City can test the water for the citizen if necessary.

The Law Director gave the following report:

Ms. Barber asked for an update on the suggested testing of the Gibson house property. Mr. Faller replied that there is no update, and that he recommends waiting until the Auglaize Street project is complete.

Ms. Barber asked if an auction has been scheduled at the Harrison Street property. Mr. Faller replied that he is waiting on an auctioneer’s proposal regarding costs and timeframe.

Ms. Barber asked if tree selection along the Auglaize River is occurring. Mayor Metz agreed to investigate this and check with the Tree Commission.

Ms. Barber asked for the plan regarding the trees that will die due to the sewer construction. Mayor Metz advised that if said trees are within the easement, the City will take care of it.


Parks & Rivers Committee will meet on June 4th at 3:30pm at City Hall.

Finance Committee will meet on June 4th at 4:00pm at City Hall.

Health & Safety Committee will meet on June 4th at 4:30pm at City Hall.

Utilities Committee will meet on June 11th at 4:00pm at City Hall.

Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to adjourn at 7:59pm. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays.

PresidentClerk of Council