Wanted: local people who go the extra mile
The Lammy Awards are NHS Lambeth CCG’s health and care awards to recognise people who go the extra mile to provide exceptional health and care support and services.
Launched by NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group in 2015, it seeks to recognise NHS and council staff, health and care teams and individuals who live and work in the borough who go the extra mile to support the health and care of others.
Local heroes make Lambeth a great place to live and work and ensure the best health outcomes for Lambeth people.
The first ever Lammy Awards ceremony will take place after the Annual General Meeting of NHS Lambeth CCG on the afternoon of Wednesday 16 September 2015 at the Imperial War Museum and will celebrate the work and achievements of our local heroes.
People living and working in Lambeth are encouraged to nominate in any of the eight award categories.
If you know an individual who provides care and support to a family member, friend or neighbour who would otherwise struggle to manage on their own due to health care needs but doesn’t get paid – nominate the person for the Unpaid Carer of the Year award. Or perhaps nominate for the Kindness award where judges will be looking for examples of how patients, carers or service users have met kindness, thoughtfulness and sensitivity in their dealings with a health and care professional or local health service.
Here’s the full list of categories:
- Unpaid Carer of the Year
- The Putting Patients First Award for healthcare professionals
- The Innovation in Lambeth Award
- The Award for Best Use of Patient Experience
- The Working Together Award
- The Outstanding Contribution Award
- The Lifetime Achievement Award
- The Kindness Award
The LammyAwards categories
You can find out more about the criteria for each category and how to nominate below.
All nominations need to be submitted by Friday 21 August and will be shortlisted by the judging panel made up of senior and influential figures from the health and care sector. Entrants for all awards will be judged on their commitment to the CCG values and vision.
1. Unpaid Carer of the Year
This award celebrates the contribution of carers to Lambeth’s community. The award recognises an individual who routinely goes out of their way to provide exceptional care and support to a family member, friend or neighbour who would struggle to manage on their own due to health or care needs.
This award is open to people who live in Lambeth or who care for a Lambeth resident. The person nominated may be of any age. They must not be paid for their caring role. Applications should state how the person has made a positive difference to the life of the person they care for.
2. Putting Patients First Award for healthcare professionals
This award recognises an NHS worker or team that has empowered individuals to have more control over their own health and care.
This award is open to individuals and teams who provide or commission health care services for people in Lambeth. Judges will be looking for examples from the last year of:
- initiatives to support people with long-term conditions to manage their own health
- shared decision-making between patients and clinicians
- care planning and co-ordination that provides genuinely personalised options and support.
3. Innovation in Lambeth Award
This award seeks to acknowledge and celebrate innovation in Lambeth, whether by an individual, team, or service, within the last two years. The innovation must genuinely represent ‘breaking new ground’ and demonstrate the benefits for the users of the service.
The best entries might include inspiring examples of local projects that use social media and/or technology to help achieve change, and will be working closely with a range of partners and individuals to deliver high impact in their own community.
The winning individual, team or service will show they are meeting an identified need in the community, tackling issues, and helping to transform the care and support patients and service users receive.
4.The Award for Best Use of Patient Experience
This award recognises a healthcare provider, commissioner or any other organisation or group that has acted on patient, carer and service user feedback. The winning entry will have used what patients and service users have said about their care and treatment to measurably improve quality and to improve the experience of patients or service users.
Judges will be looking for detailed evidence of the link between patient experience and service improvement from the last year. Services must be based in Lambeth.
5. The Working Together Award
This award seeks to acknowledge and celebrate a team or partnership that has worked effectively and efficiently to deliver clear benefits to the health of Lambeth people. This award is open to groups of individuals sharing the same goals and working together on a particular service or project. Members of the team may work within the same organisation or may be drawn from a range of organisations and groups. They may include service users or carers.
The best entries will demonstrate how the team as a whole has represented NHS Lambeth CCG core values* over the past 12 months, and will include what underpins the success of that team.
*Our CCG values:
- We will always tell the truth
- We are fair
- We are open
- We recognise our responsibilities to service users and the wider public
- We act responsibly, with and for our member practices, as a public sector organisation.
6. The Outstanding Contribution Award
This award seeks to acknowledge and celebrate an individual who has substantially grown in their role within a relatively short period of time. This individual must have exhibited dedication to their workplace and/or Lambeth.
The winner will be able to show how their recent work has impacted on service users, patients, carers and/or staff.
7. The Lifetime Achievement Award
This award seeks to acknowledge and celebrate an individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to the health of Lambeth in their chosen field of work – whatever and wherever that may be. Nominees may work in front line care, behind the scenes, or be involved in training or motivating staff. People who have retired in the last year are eligible for this award. The winner will have a strong track record over a number of years and their work will have had a positive impact on service users, patients, carers and/or staff.
Judges will be looking for evidence of:
- how the nominee has contributed to health in Lambeth during their career
- the impact the nominee’s contribution has had on service users, patients, carers and/or staff
- the sustainable legacy that has been left by the nominee.
8. The Kindness Award
This award recognises and rewards healthcare services for Lambeth people that have shown exceptional kindness towards patients and carers in the last year. Judges will be looking for examples of how patients, carers or service users have met kindness, thoughtfulness and sensitivity in their dealings with this person or service.
Entrants for all awards will be judged on their commitment to our CCG values and our vision. Each award has an additional description with criteria that will help the judges decide. Please consider these criteria when filling in your form. And remember to give us contact details in case we want to find out more – or to invite you to the awards ceremony if you’re shortlisted.
Our CCG values:
- We will always tell the truth
- We are fair
- We are open
- We recognise our responsibilities to service users and the wider public
- We act responsibly, with and for our member practices, as a public sector organisation
Our vision for clinical commissioning:
- People centred - we will work to co-produce services, built around individuals and population needs, enabling people to stay healthy and manage their own care.
- Prevention focused - we will prioritise prevention of ill health and the factors that create it, enabling people to live longer and healthier lives.
- Integrated - we will commission services in a way that brings service provision together around the needs of people and reduces boundaries and barriers to care.
- Consistent - we will promote high quality, accessible, equitable and safe services and reduce variation and variability in provision.
- Innovative - we will use 21st century technologies to provide better services, better information and to promote choices.
- Deliver best value - we will ensure we live within our means and use our resources well.
Nomination form
Please include as much information as possible and make sure you add your contact details and those of the person you are nominating. You can nominate more than one person or team, but please use a separate form for each nomination.
Nomination forms should be returned to:
The Lammy Awards, NHS Lambeth CCG, 1 Lower Marsh, London SE1 7NT
or emailed to . Any queries should be sent to the same email address.
Please make sure we receive your nomination by 5pm on Friday 21 August.
People shortlisted will be notified by the first week in September.
Your name, address and contact details:
I would like to nominate (add name and position – eg, Dr Joe Bloggs from Anytown Medical Practice or Mary Jones, a carer from Tulse Hill):
Contact details for person you are nominating (include phone number and email address if possible):
Reasons you are nominating this person (tell us how you know this person, and why you think they deserve to win this award – remember to tell us how they meet the criteria for the award. Maximum 500 words (continue on a separate sheet if necessary):