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Employee Conference Record

Type of Conference:Attendance Performance Misconduct

Employee:______Employee ID: ______

Job Title: ______Hire Date: ______

Immediate Supervisor: ______Department: ______

Conference Date: ______

Type of Action:______

PREVIOUS CORRECTIVE ACTION:(Include previous coaching(s), corrective action(s), and other documented discussions with employee.)

No previous corrective actions are on record.

Mr. XXX did acknowledge and sign the Emergency andEssential Personnel Memo, dated December 7, 2010

Facts:(Describe what happened to cause you to take action. Facts are objective statements about what you or others witnessed in relationship to the employee conduct. Facts include your conversation with the employee.)

Mr. XXX refused to come to campus and take corrective actions while “on-call” during the weekend of May 5 and 6, 2012.

Mr. XXX was contacted by Customer Service dispatcher multiple times on those two days but refused to come to campus and resolve those issues stated to him by the dispatcher.

Mr. XXX acknowledged:

1)He did sign the Emergency and Essential Personnel memo

2)He is aware of the MAPP Policy #02.04.02, Section III. B., and

3)He did admit he refused to come to campus multiple times on those two days

Objectives: (Identify the type of improved behavior you expect the employee to exhibit and/or the change that needs to occur.)

Mr. XXX is expected to:

1)Be On-Call periodically

2)Respond to calls, emails, voicemails and/or text messages from Customer Service dispatchers and/or campus supervision to repair, modify or change temperatures where customers are affected and is notified by calls, emails, voicemails and/or text messages

3)Fix issues and/or problems on campus when On-Call

4)Provide appropriate feedback to Customer Service as to the resolution of each problem or issue he has responded to

Solution(s):(Outline suggestions to help the employee reach the objectives you have established. Include the employee’s commitment.)

Mr. XXX must respond within 30 minutes to phone calls, emails, voice messages and/or text messages and discuss the problem with Customer Service.

If the problem cannot be resolved remotely, Mr. XXX must fulfill the obligation of being On-Call and go to campus to resolve issues.

Mr. XXX will ensure his time On-Call is noted on his time sheets for proper reimbursements.

Action(s):(Identify what corrective action you are taking now and what steps will be taken if the employee’s behavior does not change.)

Refusal to serve in an “On-Call” capacity, refusal to come to campus when On-Call, refusal to answer calls, emails, voicemails and/or text messages when On-Call may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Time Frame for Improvement: During the next three monthsFollow-Up Date: August 15, 2012

I acknowledge receipt of the above employee conference record. My signature does not necessarily indicate my agreement with this personnel action.


Employee title, nameSignature Date


Supervisor,nameDateHuman Resources ReviewDate


Assistant Director, name Date