Walton County Tourist Development Council
Guidelines and Application


Pursuant to Florida Statutes, the Council is to be comprised of nine (9) members appointed by the Walton County Board of County Commissioners, with the following requirements:

  • A member of the Walton County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) as designated by the Chairperson of the BCC.
  • Two elected municipal officials,
  • At least one of whom is from the most populous municipality in Walton County or sub county special taxing district where the tax is levied;
  • Six individuals who are involved in the tourist industry and who have demonstrated an interest in tourist development,
  • Not less than three, nor more than four, shall be owners or operators of motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks, or other tourist accommodations in southern Walton County that are subject to the tax,
  • Not less than two, nor more than three, shall be individuals who are involved in the tourism industry and who have demonstrated an interest in tourist development, but do not own or operate motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks, or other tourist accommodations in southern Walton County that are subject to the tax.
  • All members must be electors (registered voters) of WaltonCounty, Florida.

Terms shall be staggered of four (4) years each, with the exception of the BCC appointed seat.

Approved by WCBCC 1-28-2014

Updated 9/21/2016 with changes approved by the BCC on July 12, 2016


  • Meetings to be held quarterly, or as requested by the TDC Director or the Board of County Commissioners.
  • The Chair of the TDC will be appointed by the Walton County Board of County Commissioners.
  • If an individual holds seat 1, 2, or 3 and for any reason is no longer an elected official, they no longer qualify for appointment and are therefore automatically removed from the Council. The process of replacing this member will begin immediately upon determining that seat will be vacated.
  • If any Council Member has a change in employment, position or Company they are required to notify the Executive Director of the TDC and BCC immediately for evaluation of their qualifications to remain in said seat.
  • The TDC, it’s Council Members, and all activities of the TDC are required to comply with the Florida Sunshine Law. All appointed Council Members will receive detailed information and instruction regarding operating in the Sunshine Law.
  • All Council Members are required to attend a Council Member orientation and training on BCC/TDC policies before they can take their seat.
  • The Council and Executive Staff will meet in the spring of each year to reviewthe goals of the strategic plan and create new goals/budget for the next
    fiscal year.
  • All TDC Council Meetings will be recorded and minutes taken.


Pursuant to the criteria enumerated in Section 125.0104(4)(e), Florida Statutes and the policies of the Walton County Board of County Commissioners (“BCC”), the BCC shall appoint qualified members to serve on the Tourist Development Council (“Council”) of which three members shall be elected officials (one member from the BCC and two elected municipal officials). The remaining six members shall be qualified individuals from the community. The following is a recommended selection process for the six non-elected seats:

  • Upon Board approval of the process, notice shall be posted on the County’s website seeking qualified individuals interested in serving on the Council (seats 4-9) who meet the following criteria:
  • Registered voter in Walton County; and
  • Has not previously served on the Council for two full terms (8 years); and
  • Is either:
  • An owner or operator of a motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park, or other tourist accommodation in Walton County that collects or remits the tourist development tax; or
  • An individual that is involved in the tourism industry and who has demonstrated an interest in tourism development, but does not own or operate a motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park, or other tourist accommodation in Walton County that collects or remits the tourist development tax.
  • Individuals meeting the above requirements that are interested in serving on the Council shall submit a resume and completed application (“Application Package”) to the Tourist Development Council Executive Director no later than 4pm on October 14, 2016.
  • The Board of County Commissioners shall appoint a selection committee to review the Application Packages.
  • The selection committee shall be comprised of a County Commissioner, the TDC Executive Director and one additional member appointed by the Board.
  • The selection committee shall be subject to Chapters 119 and 286, Florida Statutes. Selection committee meetings shall be duly noticed, open to the public and minutes of the meeting shall be taken.
  • The selection committee shall meet to review the Application Packages insure professional backgrounds correspond to the requirements and allocation of Council positions. (see “TDC Membership and Terms” below) on or about October 25,2016.
  • The selection committee shall attempt to balance the geographic dispersion of its recommended slate of council members to ensure that both the Sandestin/Miramar Beach and 30A communities are sufficiently represented on the Council.
  • The Board will conduct public interviews to select the candidates at which time the candidates will present their backgrounds and overall level of expertise to support the TDC.


  • The member of the Board of County Commissioners selected by the Chair of the BCC who shall serve through December 2018; subsequent appointments for this seat shall be for two (2) year terms.
  • South Walton Fire District Board Member to be selected from and by the South Walton Fire District Board of Directors and shall serve through December 2018; subsequent appointments will be for four (4) year terms.
  • South Walton Mosquito Control District Board Member to be selected from and by the South Walton Mosquito Control District Board of Directors and shall serve through December 2020; subsequent appointments will be for four (4) year terms.
  • Lodging Industry Owner/Operator representing large (more than 50 units) bed tax collector shall serve through December 2018; subsequent appointments will be for four (4) year terms.
  • Lodging Industry Owner/Operator representing small (50 or fewer units) bed tax collectors shall serve through December 2020; subsequent appointments will be for four (4) year terms.
  • Lodging Industry Owner/Operator representing rental management companies shall serve through December 2020; subsequent appointments will be for four (4) year terms.
  • Tourism Related Industry in the areas of retail, restaurants or recreational services shall serve through December 2018; subsequent appointments will be for four (4) year terms.
  • Tourism Related Industry in the areas of cultural or professional services shall serve through December 2020; subsequent appointments will be for four (4) year terms.
  • Lodging Industry Owner/Operator or Tourism Related Industry shall serve through December 2018; subsequent appointments will be for four (4) year terms.


The mission of the Walton County TDC is to direct and manage activities that will strengthen the position of the South Walton brand in the tourism marketplace, in order to increase the tourism economy of Walton County. The TDC will manage and maintain our beaches as a primary attraction and serve as a responsible industry organization to take a leadership role in addressing issues that affect tourism and the quality of life in Walton County.


It is with the help of community minded people, that the Walton County Tourist Development Council has been successful in its role as the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) in South Walton.

Council members must act with the best interest of tourism success in South Walton and uphold the direction of the statute as his/her sole charge. This includes oversight of expenditures to insure they are in line with the statute.

The Council shall continuously review expenditures of revenues from the tourist development trust fund and shall receive, at least quarterly, expenditure reports from the BCC or its designee. Expenditures which the Council believes to be unauthorized shall be reported to the BCC and the Department of Revenue. The BCC and the department shall review the findings of the council and take appropriate administrative or judicial action to ensure compliance with this section.

Outlined below are some of the responsibilities that come with the title of Council Member.


Council members are expected to attend all council meetings including strategic planning sessions and council members shall also make every effort to attend the annual meeting and any TDC workshops. Members are required to attend 85% of the scheduled meetings (emergencies of illness will not be counted as absences) or it will be grounds for removal.

Council members will be required to participate in an annual extended planning session for the purpose of participating in the budgeting, marketing plan and goal setting process.

Council members will serve on a minimum of one TDC committee and the same attendance requirements apply.

Meetings are public meetings and are publicly noticed with minutes recorded.

The Council must have a quorum (a majority of the Council) present at a properly scheduled meeting for official action (a vote) to be taken. Lack of a quorum will result in no action being taken.


  • Recommend and present the Annual Budget to the Board
  • Support and give input into the performance of the Executive Director
  • Recommend and present the Annual Marketing Plan to the Board
  • Recommend and present the Annual Capital Budget to the Board
  • Approve and monitor financial statements of the TDC
  • Recommend and present the TDC goals to the Board
  • Attend the Bi-Monthly Council meetings and one annual planning session
  • Monitor Visitor Service Results
  • The Board Liaison and Executive Director will present the plans and goals on an annual basis to the Board.
  • Council members are encouraged to participate in community meetings.


Council members are regularly asked to attend openings, cut ribbons, participate in community events, and spread goodwill in the name of the TDC. Council members should always be an Ambassador of Goodwill on behalf of the TDC.


The Council will adopt a communication policy that will direct all press responses and outreach to the Council Chair and Executive Director. This will insure there is a consistent and proactive message for the media. Council members will not speak on behalf of the Council without express permission from the Council or the Executive Director. This does not preclude a council member speaking to the media or in a public hearing as a member of the community.

When speaking to the public and the media, members of the TDC shall not represent their personal view as the view of the TDC. While all members may express individual opinions on action that has been taken by the TDC, any member doing so should clearly qualify that statement as a personal opinion, and therefore not necessarily reflective of the views of the TDCor the Walton County BCC.


1. Although a Council member may be drawn from a specific interest group, Council Members must represent the interests of the entire area of South Walton and tourism community as a whole.

2. Council Members shall not take any action that would undermine the actions of the TDC or the Walton County BCC.Regardless of their personal viewpoint, Council Members shall not speak against, or in any way undermine TDC solidarity once a vote has been made.

3. Council members are expected to attend all council meetings including strategic planning sessions and council members shall also make every effort to attend the annual meeting and any TDC workshops.

4. Council Members shall avoid, in fact and in perception, conflicts of interest and disclose to the Chair & the TDC Executive Director, in a timely manner, any possible conflicts, assuring compliance with state statutes.

5. Council Members ‘contributions to discussions and decision making shall be positive and constructive.

6. Council Members' interactions in meetings shall be courteous, respectful and free of animosity.

7. Council Members shall know and adhere to the TDC/BCC's governance and financial policies, as well as those established by the State of Florida

8. Council Members shall be prepared for meetings, having read pre-circulated material in advance of the meeting.

9. Council Members shall not attempt to exercise individual authority or undue influence over the TDC, other Council Members or staff. The TDC staff reports to the Executive Director andthe Executive Director reports directly to the Walton County Board of County Commissioners. It is the Executive Director's responsibility to hire, terminate and delegate the TDC staff to fulfill the TDC's goals and mission.

10. Council Members must notify the Executive Director once they have filed their intent to run for any political office.

11. Council Members shall conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner at all times, and shall be governed by all practices and policies pertaining to the Walton County TDC adopted by the Walton County BCC and by Florida's Code of Ethics.

12. Council members will review and make recommendations with the state/county required cent allocation in mind.

13. Council members must immediately notify the Director in writing if they should leavetheir current employment that qualifies them to hold their seat, and shall additionallyimmediately notify the Director in writing upon any event that results in an individual no longer qualifying as an elector of Walton County.

14. At all times, members of the Tourist Development Council shall be current in the payment of any and all tourist development tax assessments (“bed taxes”). This requirement shall apply to members both individually, and to any entity of which the member is a part of or conducts business with. Additionally, this requirement shall apply to any entity of which the member is an owner or operator. This prohibition against delinquency in paymentshall not require the TDC or staff thereof to specifically notify Council Members in any method beyond standard delinquency notifications issued by the Clerk of Court.

15. All Council members must complete 4 hours of ethics training each calendar year which addresses, at a minimum, section 8 Article II of the State Constitution, the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and the public records and public meeting laws of the State of Florida.

Noncompliance with any of the above provisions shall constitute grounds for removal from the Tourist Development Council, upon majority vote of the Walton County Board of County Commissioners.

TDC Council Member ______



Council Membership Application Process:

Applicants will submit the application form (See attached). Only one applicant per bed tax collector or organization shall be allowed. The applicant must meet the Council appointment criteria listed above.

All open seats will be publicly noticed that applications are being accepted for a two week period of time. Applicants will be presented for each of the qualifying seats to the BCC for appointment.

Each time a seat is open the process of public notice will occur no later than August 31st in order to place new Council Members by the beginning of their term October 1st. In the event an opening occurs prior to its scheduled expiration date, such notice and selection will be made as soon as possible/practical.

Resignation/Termination of Membership:

A Council Member's terms shall be concluded upon the expiration of theappointed term, if such term is not renewed for a new term by the BCC; uponresignation; upon an individual's no longer conforming to the statutory criteria to hold the seat to which they were appointed; upon vote of the BCC to remove a member for violations of any laws of the State of Florida, the United States or for the violation of any code of conduct outlined by the TDC.

In the event a member should wish to resign from their seat, or should no longer meet the statutory criteria to hold such seat, said individual shall forward a letter to the Executive Director and the BCC stating these facts, and shall additionally tender a letter of resignation along with this submittal.

Council Members shall not take any action that would undermine the actions of the TDC if such action has been approved by the TDC Council or the Walton County BCC.

Appointment of new member in the event of seat vacancy

If any seat of the TDC Council should become vacant for any reason, the BCC may appoint an individual qualified to hold said seat for the remainder of the term that the departing Council Member was serving.