Present: Christopher Baxter, Amanda Trewin, Misty Lemon-Rogers, Mary Rose-Williams, Donita Cartmill, Regina Pauly, Qiong (June) Li, Charles Cornett, James Swenson, Amy Nemmetz, Mike Sharkey, Nathanial Forrest, Laura Anderson, Frank King, Jr, Staci Strobl, Joanne Wilson, Lucas Frey, Lisa Merkes-Kress
Absent: Kevin Bernhardt, VettrivelGnaneswaran, Evan Larson, Kory Wein, Dennis Shields,
Guests: Barb Barnet, Melissa Gormley, Dale Murray, Brandon Fetterly, Annette Kuhlman
I / Opening of the MeetingThe meeting was called to order at 4:02 P.M.
The minutes of Tuesday, March 13, 2018 approved as circulated.
II / Reports
1. / Academic Planning Council: Recommendations for Summer 2018 Review of New Program Proposals
Chair Anderson presented the Academic Planning Council (APC) report, in accordance with the recommendations in the committee’s report the following action was taken:
MOTION: Lemon-Rogers moved and Williams seconded to forward the recommendations to the provost office. Motion carried.
It was noted that the recommended programs once approved by the provost would still need to go through the full approval process.
2. / Appointments and Elections Committee: 2018-19 Faculty Committee Appointments
MOTION:Swensonmoved and Baxter seconded that the Faculty Senate approve the recommendations. Motion carried.
3. / Collaborative Integration and Faculty Bylaws: Reports from Academic Planning Council, University Budget Commission, University Undergraduate Curriculum Commission, University Rank, Salary, and Tenure Policy Commission (includes University Promotion Committee), Academic Information Technology Commission, Assessment Oversight Commission, General Education Committee, and Appointments and Elections Committee, with Additional Reports from UW-Richland and UW-Baraboo/Sauk Co.
Chair Andersonpresented the conclusions and findings of the committees; report was accepted; furtherreview will be under new business 2.
4. / Provosts Office: Update on Search for Vice Chancellor of Strategy and Planning and on Search for Campus Dean at UW-Richland and UW-Baraboo/Sauk Co.
Interim Provost, Joanne Wilson reported that the Chancellor closed the search for Vice Chancellor of Strategy and Planning due to not having a very strong pool of candidates. The search for the Campus Dean has begun, they have interviews are beginning;the deans will be chosen by May 1, and the position will begin July 1. The new Vice Chancellor of administrative services, Paige Reed will begin on Monday, April 16.
III / Unfinished Business – No unfinished business brought to the table for discussion.
IV / New Business
1. / Future of Advising Project Final Report
Director of Retention and Academic SupportPrograms, Karen McLeer was not in attendance to report, but forwarded the report to Chair Anderson for review. Discussion ensued about URSTPC reviewing the report in the fall. No action taken.
2. / Review of Recommendations for Representation of Branch Campuses in UW-Platteville Faculty Governance and Review of UW-Platteville Faculty Bylaws
See the above under reports 3. Chair Anderson began discussion about the changes that will need to take place in the bylaws to incorporate the branch campuses. Anderson drafted some changes and presented to the senators for feedback. The branch campuses were givin time to share their comments, questions, and concerns. Branch campus representatives stated that each campus have different cultures and they would like to have a representative from each campus on Faculty Senate but that may not be necessary on committees, councils, and commissions. The seats for senate as well as the other committees, councils, and commissions should be reviewed in two-years. There was extensive discussion regarding the bylaws and various other issues regarding the integration. Chair Anderson charged the senators to review the bylaws and be prepared to take action at the next meeting.
V / Announcements
The provost has forwarded the Notice of Intent for the Soil and Environmental Plant Sciences onto the next level of approval and the emphasis Masters Project Management has been approved.
VI / Close Meeting
1. / Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 24, 2018
2. / There being no further business come before the body the meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary) and Amanda Trewin (Secretary)
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Faculty Senate Minutes, April 10, 2018