Mission Statement

Walter Infant School is an equitable, safe, secure and happy place to learn; our children grow as individuals in a stimulating and exciting environment which values respect, care and concern for oneself and others.

Walter Infant School is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

The School Business Manager is the school’s leading support staff professional and will work as a member of the Senior Management Team to assist the Headteacher in their duty to ensure that the school meets its educational aims.
The School Business Manager promotes the highest standards of business ethos within the administrative function of the school and strategically ensures the most effective use of resources in support of the school’s learning objectives.
The School Business Manager is responsible for managing the day to day function of:
  • Financial Resources
  • Human Resources
  • Premises
  • Health and Safety
RESPONSIBLE TO: The Headteacher
LINE MANAGER FOR:Site Controller, School Secretary,Finance Assistant and School Administrator
  • To prepare for the approval by the Headteacher and Governors the annual estimates of income and expenditure.
  • To obtain agreement of budgets, and to monitor accounts against budgets. To prepare regular management accounts for budget holders and to report on the financial state of the school to Governors.
  • To maintain sound financial systems and controls in line with the requirements of SFVS, including the principles of best value, preparing for SFVS standard and reviewing the School’s Finance policies.
  • To manage the end of the financial year procedures for the school budget, prepare the school fund accounts annually for auditing and complete budget monitoring returns for the local authority.
  • To advise the Headteacher and Governors on investment and financial policy, preparing appraisals for particular projects, preparing a 3 year cost & income projection and business plan for the future development of the school.
  • To actively seek income opportunities for the School.
  • To attend Governor Finance meetings and form positive working relationships with the Chair of the Governors and Chair of Finance Committee
  • To manage the collection, reconciliation and banking of any monies received by the school either from the local authority or other sources, or monies related to educational visits.
  • To oversee the ordering of supplies and equipment for the school including the issuing of invoices and ensuring settlement of accounts.
  • To manage the preparation of the school fund account for annual auditing and monitoring returns (CFR) for the local authority.
  • To evaluate and review service contracts in conjunction with the Headteacher and where appropriate investigate alternative providers to ensure value for money and best service
  • To use financial management information, especially benchmarking tools, to identify areas of relative spend, assess trends and directly advise SLT/SMT and governors accordingly.
  • To evaluate and review personnel and payroll service contracts in conjunction with the Headteacher and investigate alternative providers to ensure value for money
  • To carry out annual inventory checks, maintain an asset register and engage in the management of a School ‘Business Continuity Plan’
  • To perform an annual review of Financial Competency for key school staff and where appropriate offer advice and seek training opportunities

  • To provide leadership and guidance for non-classroom based support staff, including direct line management responsibility where appropriate – administrative, financial, technicians, premises, cleaners and caterers contracts.
  • To conduct performance management of staff who are directly line-managed by the School Business Manager including the Site Controller and Finance and Administration Assistant.
  • To manage the school personnel data base, records and files ensuring strict confidentiality boundaries.
  • To process Schools Workforce Census.
  • To input all pay data onto the payroll system and liaise with the payroll provider on all matters relating to payment of staff. To action any staff queries relating to pay, pensions, contracts, procedures, claims etc.
  • To manage the recruitment administration process and the induction of all new staff with support from the administration and teaching teams.
  • To ensure a fully compliant DBS procedures are in place for all staff and volunteers and to maintain a Single Central Record.
  • To monitor the financial implications of the appointment of new staff as well as other staffing matters including maternity leave and sick leave.
  • To liaise with Human Resources to obtain advice on employment law issues.
  • Oversee all statutory training for staff and ensure up to date and accurate registers are in place for:
  • Safeguarding training
  • First aid training
  • Health and Safety training
  • Fire safety training
  • Restraint training

  • To oversee any letting agreement of the school premises to outside organisations including extra-curricular activities.
  • Manage service contractors as required including, school grounds, waste, maintenance and caretaking.
  • To co-ordinate purchase, repair and maintenance of all furniture and fittings including redecoration.
  • Ensure the supervision of relevant planning and construction processes is undertaken in line with contractual obligations.
  • Seek professional advice on insurance and advise the SMT on appropriate insurances for the school and implement and manage such schemes accordingly.

  • To assist the Headteacher with the formulation and implementation of the school’s Health and Safety policy.
  • To act as the school’s Health and Safety Coordinator in partnership with the Headteacher.
  • Ensure systems are in place for effective monitoring, measuring and reporting of Health and Safety issues to the SLT, governors and where appropriate, the Health and Safety Executive.
  • In consultation with the Site Controller, oversee the planning and records of fire practices, routine checks and alarm tests.

  • Comply with policies and procedures relating to Child Protection, Health and Safety and security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person.
  • To be a member of the Senior Management Team.
  • Participate in training and other learning activities and Continuous Professional Development as required.
  • Any other duties that reasonably fall within the purview of the post which may be allocated after consultation with the post-holder.

Enhanced level of DBScheck is required for this post.
H&S Responsibilities are applicable to this post (training will be given)
Level 2 Safeguarding Responsibilities are applicable to this post (training will be given)