Evaluation Report Template

Attachment Two

Use this template for writing your evaluation report. Following this template are detailed instructions to guide you in developing your plan. You can use this template in conjunction with the Evaluation Guide. It can be used as guidance notes and a template by deleting the text.

Author: / Tammy Holmes:
Kim Donoghue:
Version: / 1
Date: / 1 February 2012


Department/Organisation name

Project Title



Project Lead:
Project Team:



Executive Summary / 4
Introduction / 4
Aims / 4
Objectives / 4
Methods / 4
Sample / 4
Evaluation Design / 4
Data Collection Methods / 5
Data Analysis Methods / 5
Results / 5
Discussion / 5
Unexpected Outcomes / 5
Lessons Learnt / 5
Conclusions / 5
References / 5
Action Plan / 6
Appendices / 7

Executive Summary

An executive summary may not be required for all evaluation projects but can be a useful way, either as part of the full report or a stand-alone document, of presenting relevant data in a quick and easy to read manner for a chief executive, medical director, director of nursing, operational manager, practice manager, committees etc.

Some people may only read this section therefore it is important that the key points and messages from your evaluation are included in this section. This will also help the reader to identify whether they need to read the full report.

The executive summary should be a summarised version of the full report and follow the same structure so that anyone reading it will be able to find more information easily if required.


Identify how this evaluation builds on previous work, what was achieved and why this evaluation was necessary. Include information regarding the context within which this project took place. Use empirical evidence where applicable.


In this section list the aims of your evaluation project, your aims will address what you want to achieve by conducting this evaluation and what was the purpose of the evaluation.


List your objectives in this section, your objectives are the things that you needed to do in order to achieve your aims.

(Section 2.6 of the Evaluation Guide)



In this section you need to include all of the details about the population that you are including in your evaluation;

  • Who will be included in your evaluation – criteria for inclusion and exclusion
  • How many participants – include a sample size calculation
  • How will you recruit participants?
  • Where will this evaluation take place?

Evaluation method

You will need to include details of the design of your evaluation e.g.:

  • Qualitative, quantitative or both
  • Benchmarks or baselines

Data collection methods

In this section you will need to detail what your primary and secondary outcome measures are and the methods that you will use to collect data to measure these e.g, questionnaire, interview or clinical case notes.

Be clear about how you will collect the data e.g. by posting a questionnaire, face-to-face interviews or using a data extraction form for online data.

Data analysis

Details of the data analysis techniques that will be used should be included here.

(Section 3 of the Evaluation Guide)


In this section report the results of your data analysis. Follow a logical order and use tables and figures where appropriate. Do not duplicate the data reported, if it is reported in a table refer to this table in the text and indicate in the text the key trend or results that data convey. Ensure that all tables and figures are labelled in numerical order with a clear, explanatory title e.g. the evaluation question being addressed.


In this section, refer to the objectives of your evaluation in turn; describe whether each objective was met and what data support this. Include a discussion about why the outcome occurred and refer to empirical evidence from your introduction if applicable.

Unexpected outcomes

Describe any unexpected outcomes from your evaluation and whether they are positive or negative. Also how these would be avoided or repeated.

Lessons learnt


  • Any methodological limitations to your evaluation and how these may have had an impact on the results of your evaluation.
  • Include whether you do things differently next time and the reasons why.
  • Describe any key learning points for others


This section should summarise the key achievements of your evaluation and any strengths and weaknesses.


This should include key messages about what the impact and consequences of this evaluation. Include any areas where changes should be made or where further resources are required. Overall, the recommendations can help inform improvements to services and inform future service decisions.


Include all references used in the report, including the reports of other evaluations you may have used to support your work.


Action Plan

Ensure that the recommendations detailed in the action plan mirror those recorded in the “Recommendations” section of the report. All updates to the action plan should be included in the “Comments” section.

Project Title:

Project Lead:

/ Version No:
Recommendation / Action Required / Completed By / Person Responsible / Comments / Action Status
The introduction of a structured education programme tohelp manage type 2 diabetes to be rolled out to local GP Practices. /
  1. Identify willing GP practices to implement the intervention.
  2. Arrange training workshops and materials to enable roll out.
/ October 2011 / Dr Black / Presentation to be given at Clinical Commissioning Group to identify two GP practices / 2.

KEY (Change status)

1Recommendation agreed but not yet actioned

2Action in progress

3Recommendation fully implemented

4Recommendation never actioned (please state reasons)

5Other (please provide supporting information)




  • Copies of questionnaires and interview schedules