Rivers Primary Academy

Attendance Policy


At Rivers Primary Academy we expect all children on roll to attend every day, when the school is in session unless there is a very good reason why they cannot do so. We do all we can to encourage the children to attend, and to put in place appropriate procedures. We believe that the children at this school have a right to their education, but in order to access it they must have continuity and progression in their learning. Regular and punctual attendance is essential if children are to have a successful experience in school and achieve their full potential.

We will reward those children whose attendance is very good but we recognise that it is only with your support that the children will be able to attend every day and on time. We will also make the best provision we can for those children who are prevented from coming to school for a genuine reason.

Under the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006, the governing body is responsible for making sure the school keeps an attendance register that records which pupils are present at the start of both the morning and the afternoon sessions of the school day. This register will also indicate whether an absence was authorised or unauthorised.


Authorised absence

An absence is classified as authorised when a child has been away from school for what the school believes to be a legitimate reason and the school has received notification from a parent or carer. For example, if a child has been unwell, the parent writes a note or telephones the school to explain the absence as early as possible on the first day of absence. Only the school can decide on whether an absence is to be authorised:- parents and carers do not have this authority. Consequently, not all absences supported by parents and carers will be classified as authorised and evidence may be requested to prove an absence is justified, for example a copy of a prescription, an appointment card etc:-

The following absences are those that may be authorised:

Illness (as stated above, evidence may be requested for this especially if there have been a number of occurrences).

Unavoidable medical appointments (Parents will be expected to provide appointment cards and it is requested that, as far as possible, appointments are made outside school hours. If the appointment is during a morning or afternoon, the child should attend as normal for the other session)).

Recognised religious observance for only the prescribed period of time.

Funeral of a close relative.

Traumatic event

Wedding of close relatives (parents or siblings)

Family holidays – can no longer be authorised following the removal of the option by the Department of Education in September -2013. Leave of absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. An application form MUST be filled in and there MUST be supportive evidence for the absence to explain why the absence should be authorised. Permission can only be given by the Headteacher. Copies of flight or other travel details should be given where applicable. A return date must also be agreed and parents should be aware that, if the child does not return within 10 school days of the agreed return datae, he or she may lose their school place. In view of the change in regulations, it is highly unlikely that leave of absence will be authorised. In the event of the absence being taken without permission, a penalty notice will be issued which is currently £60 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days rising to £120 per parent/carer per child if paid after the 21st day but within 28 days. Non payment will result in court action.

Unauthorised absence

·  An absence is classified as unauthorised when a child is away from school without the permission of the school.

Absences will not be authorised for any of the following reasons:



No uniform; - if the exact uniform is not available then the nearest clothing to it should be worn until the correct uniform can be purchased.

No school approved shoes; again, if shoes are not available, then alternatives will be accepted for the short period.

  • Looking after other family members;
  • When other members of the family are ill especially siblings.

Waiting in for trades people;

Unapproved sporting events;

Hospital visits other than for themselves;

Holidays – can NOT be authorised as ratified by the Governing Body as stated above.

Truancy/parental condoned absence which includes:-

Unexplained absence; (no note, telephone message, or contact from parents/carer)

An unacceptable reason for absence is provided

Lateness after the class register has closed, (put time in)

If a child is absent

1.  When a child is absent, the class teacher will record the absence in the register, and will inform the school office, which will endeavour to contact a parent or guardian to ascertain the reason where none has been given.

2.  When the child returns to school, a note should be brought from a parent or carer to explain the reason for the absence.

3.  A note may be sent to the school prior to the day of absence, e.g. if a child has a medical appointment. As stated above, this should be avoided as far as possible and time taken only for the duration of the appointment not the whole day to minimise lost learning time.

4.  If there is any doubt about the whereabouts of a child, the class teacher should take immediate action by notifying the school office. The school will then be in contact straight away with the parent or carer, in order to check on the safety of the child. If no information can be obtained the police may be informed.

5.  The Family Liaison Officer or Attendance Officer will carry out first day calling on the first day of a child’s absence if the school has not been informed. If after 3 days there is no contact with the parents or carers then the Attendance Officer and Family Liaison Officer will carry out a home visit. They will then report back to the school their findings. If there are any concerns about the safety of a child, a referral will be made to children social care.

Long-term absence

1.  When children have an illness that means they will be away from school for over five days, the school will do all it can to send material home, so that they can keep up with their school work.

2.  If the absence is likely to continue for an extended period, or be a repetitive absence, the school will contact the support services, so that arrangements can be made for the child to be given some tuition outside school where available.

Responding to non- attendance

If a pupil is absent, or has returned to school after being absent, and no notification has been received by the school, we will respond according to individual circumstances.

Action will include:-

·  First day calling as stated above if no information is received.

·  If the child has a previous attendance figure of below 90% he or she will be on the Family Liaison Officer and Attendance Officer’s target and his or her attendance will be closely monitored and possibly referred to the local authority attendance department for advice. (The Family Liaison Officer’s target list is updated each half term).

·  If the child arrives at school after a period of absence and no explanation has been received from the parents/carers then the school secretary will send a letter and pro-forma to the child’s home seeking a valid reason for the absence. Failure to provide an explanation within 5 school days will result in the absence being unauthorised.

·  Children with an unacceptable attendance pattern, who fail to respond to the outlined procedures described so far, will become subject to the Five Stages of Legal Action.

Five Stages of Legal Action

Stage 1: The school will explore all of the reasons for the child’s absence and try to put in support to rectify the problem if possible. If the school considers that the absence is unauthorised and persistent over a reasonable period of time and has not improved following offers of support, we will refer the case to the Education Welfare Service who will conduct their own preliminary investigation. This may include home visits and/or requests for attendance at parents meetings.

Stage 2: The Education Welfare Officer or Attendance Officer will make contact with the family, ascertain the reasons for the non- attendance and submit a report back to the school.

Stage 3: Following the initial investigation:

(a)  In the event of social or other issues the case may be referred to the relevant agency eg Children’s Social Care:-

(b)  EWO or AO will show evidence of trying to re-integrate the child back into school.

(c)  If there is no co-operation from the family:-

·  EWO or AO will send warning letter 1.

·  Further contacts will then be made as necessary. If attendance does not improve a second and a final warning letter will be sent.

·  If there is still no improvement, the case will be referred to the EWS Attendance Panel which is the last chance for the parent/carer to identify problems causing absence and co-operate with an action plan to address them.

·  EWO will prepare the case for the Panel.

Stage 4: Case at EWS Attendance Panel. The Panel will decide on one of the following available options:

(a)  Suspended option if attendance has improved.

(b)  After visit to the Panel, EWO monitors pupil’s progress for six weeks and issues attendance target at the Panel hearing.

(c)  Attendance Panel issue final warning and suspend/defer decision.

(d)  If no or little improvement after the six weeks monitoring period, the matter will be referred to the local authority for legal action to be taken.

Stage 5: Case taken to court.

The case is taken to court.

The legal remit

Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 states parents or guardians of a child who does not attend the school at which they are on roll regularly, may be liable for prosecution. It is unauthorised absence, which could result in legal action being taken which is why it is important to only allow your child to miss school when it is absolutely necessary.


We will reward children who achieve good attendance in the following ways:-

·  The winning class for the week has 10 minutes extra playtime.

·  Points are awarded each week to individual classes that move them up the attendance league. The winning class for ½ term gets a lolly for each child. The winning class for the term has a DVD and popcorn. The winning class for the whole year has a class party.

·  Children with 100% attendance have their names put into a draw and a winning child from each class is pulled out and receives a chocolate bar.

·  Children with 100% attendance for a whole term will receive a gold attendance certificate and a prize from the golden table;

·  Children with 99 – 99.9% attendance for a whole term will receive a silver attendance certificate and a prize from the silver table;

·  Children with 98 – 98.9% attendance for a whole term will receive a bronze attendance certificate and a prize from the bronze table;

Attendance targets

The school sets attendance targets each year. These are agreed by the senior staff and governors. The targets are challenging yet realistic, and based on attendance figures achieved in previous years. The school considers carefully the attendance figures for other similar schools when setting its own targets and also has a responsibility to meet government target figures.

Monitoring and review

1.  It is the responsibility of the governors to monitor overall attendance, and they will request an annual report from the headteacher. The governing body also has the responsibility for this policy, and for seeing that it is carried out. The governors will therefore examine closely the information provided to them, and seek to ensure that our attendance figures are as high as they should be.

2.  The school will keep accurate attendance records on file for a minimum period of three years.

3.  Class teachers will be responsible for monitoring attendance in their class, and for following up absences in the appropriate way. If there is concern about a child's absence, they will contact the school office or Family Liaison Officer immediately. If there is a longer-term general worry about the attendance of a particular child, this will be reported to the Head Teacher, who will contact the parents or guardians.

Date Written: April 2012

Review Date: April 2015

Policy Approved by Governors:

Signed: ______Chair of Governors

Date: ______