

UpperJosephCreek Watershed

NRAC’s first watershed for implementing a community planning process for watershed assessment and project implementation. Completed 2005.

Contact: Nils Christoffersen

/ Participants:NRAC, Wallowa Resources, Forest Service, NPT & County and the public.
Purpose:Todevelop a community-led approach to working across land ownership, provide a consistent program of work for contractors, and test new opportunities and tools for their usefulness/effectivenessat community and watershed scales. / Project Implementation
BVine – 128 acres –harvest complete
Red Vine – No work during this time frame
Fire Ridge – Finished harvest activities. Completed 101
acres, most of work done in 2011.


LowerJosephCreek Watershed

This project is the second watershed planning process and beganin 2006.
Contact: Nils Christoffersen / Participants:NRAC, Wallowa Resources, Forest Service, NPT & County and the public.
Purpose:To adapt lessons learned from the Upper Joseph Creek Assessment and implementation and to further explore our community-led approach to working across land ownership, provide a consistent program of work for contractors, and test new opportunities and tools for their usefulness/effectiveness at community and watershed scales. / Funding
$74,621 Title II funding has been spent. Jenny is being paid from NFF Grant and US Endowment Grant.
Received $15,000 from National Forest Foundation can be used where needed.
Subcommittee Progress
Range- C&T and Eco Plots,IIRH and Weeds reports in
Multiple methodology & protocols for Appendix
Riparian- Filling in missing data.
Hydrology- Have received PFC-MIMs report and
Multiple maps and appendix information. Remaining
info is being edited.
Fires and Fuels - Completed
Botany/Rare plants-Completed with edits
Watershed- Data Collection, Monitoring and Mgmt
Recommendations are turned in. Received reports
on Needlegrass and Pyrrocama Scaberula, gleaning
out key info. Received misc. tables on surveys and
plant counts found.
Fisheries –Draft Complete.
Forest –Draft Complete
Roads –Draft Complete. Information and maps for Appendix in.
Recreation – Outfitter and Guides, Administrative and
Commercial facilities: Info has been provided.
Wildlife –Write ups in with edits.
Issues/Recommendations –Table Input received
  1. Botany – In progress
  2. Cultural – In progress
  3. Hydro – using table from Integration till all data in
  4. Fuels/Fire – Done
  5. Forestry – Done
  6. Range – In progress
  7. Recreation/Roads – Done
  8. Wildlife – Done
  9. Weeds (part of Range – In progress

NRAC Education
Contact: KWVR-- John Williams
Website-- Bruce Dunn / Participants:NRAC members involved in various projects being highlighted
Purpose: To provide updates and information to the public as to NRAC’s activities and contribution in the community / January – Presentation of Salmon Plan, History and
May – NCAIS Elk Nutrition Research
Working on special meeting set for Nov.; Look at
Salmon Plan Monitoring by varies agencies
Salmon PlanImplementation Updates
Contact: Cynthia Warnock / Participants:NRAC Standing Committee members
Purpose:To maintain the Salmon Plan as a current working document and track its impact over time / Ongoing.
Wallowa County/Forest Service MOU
Contact: John Williams, Ken Gebhardt, Bruce Dunn / Participants:NRAC, FS
Purpose:To update existing MOU for a better working relationship. / Completed
Accepted by Wallowa Co Commissioners
Waiting for Forest Service approval.
USFS Travel Management Plan
Contact: John Williams or
Rod Childers / Participants:FS, NRAC
Purpose:To have input on the closure of Maintenance Level I roads / March – Final decision came out.
April – Monica Schwalbock withdrew the decision.
Looking for feedback. County has 300+ roads in
June – Meeting was held; 4 members of ID team, 3
members of NRAC, Mike Hayward and Susan
Roberts, planned how to move forward
2012 Title II Projects
Contact: Ken Gebhardt, USFS,
Cynthia Warnock / Participants:NRAC Technical & Standing Committees
Purpose:Projects rated based on priority and social & economic impacts. / Project WA-UMA12-649 (Coordinated Weed Control Grande Ronde) was mistakenly not recommended for funding by the RAC. To correct the mistake:
- $22,005 will be transferred to the Umatilla NF
- Cancel the Hells Canyon Overlook Rehab project,
freeing up $14,421.
-Use $7,584 from the Forest overhead account to cover
the remaining funds to transfer to Umatilla.
-Transfer surplus $5,700 from the Lick Creek Riparian
Fence project to the Buck Mink Hardwood Restoration
Old/New Photos
Contact: Bruce Dunn,
John Williams / Participants: NRAC Standing Committee
Purpose: Comparison of old photos found at the Museum
showing watershed conditions late 1800 and early
1900’s compared to today. / Suggested we talk with Spirit Printing, (Skip) indicated interest in helping.
Forest Plan Revision Process
Contact: John Williams,
Nils Christoffersen / Participants: NRAC
Purpose: Taking the existing plan and reviewing what has
been working and what is not working, it will
become more of a general document rather than an
allocating document on hard acres, addressing
ecosystem need and land repairs. / -Have not heard final decision
-Working on a draft (based on alternative W) for our County Land Use plan
-Bruce is working on suitable timber acres
-John working on verbiage for Riparian Management
Massive Sediment in Streams due to Storms, NMFS Recovery Plan
Contact: Bruce Dunn / Participants: NRAC, WR, NMFS, USFW
Purpose: To acknowledge that natural causes contribute to a portion of the sediment in streams. / Have not heard anything.
Working on Riparian section of Wallowa Co Alternative which will be part of Co. Land Use Plan.
Lower Imnaha Range Analysis
Contact: Rod Childers,
John Williams, Nils Christoffersen / Participants: NRAC, USFS
Purpose: To keep vacant allotment permits viable and healthy. To see range conditions improve and to retain grazing on those permits. / March -Draft sent to SO Office.
County gave input.
April - Moved to EIS due to listed plants.
June – Range is looking a Stream Bank Alteration. Jamie
McCormick is looking at selecting some streams to
monitor to set some standards.
Wallowa Whitman National Forest Collaborative
Contact: Bruce Dunn / Participants: Co Commissioners from Wallowa, Union, Baker and Umatilla are Co Conveners. Participants selected from each county. Wallowa Resources is facilitating. Those that have participated from NRAC are Bruce Dunn, Rod Childers, and John Williams
Purpose: Forest wide collaborative to see if projects can be moved forward by creating a advisory committee to the Forest Service. / First meeting – working on developing tentative goals.


Cynthia Warnock - Resource Conservation

- Landowner

Ken Gebhardt – FederalLand Management

Mary DeAguero- Federal Land Management (alternate)

John Williams- OSU Extension

Rod Childers - Water Conservation

Jeff Fields - Environmental

Bruce Dunn - Logging

Nils Christoffersen - WR Community Forrester

Ira Jones- Nez Perce Tribe

WC NRAC Standing Committee page 1 of 4