Wallace Computer Services, Inc.

Salesperson Information:

You are a salesperson for your product in your state. Today you are calling on Jason Dean, Sales Manager for Wallace Computer Services in your city. Wallace Computer Services is an $800 million corporation with headquarters located in Chicago, Illinois. This company specializes in offering its customers work systems and forms, labeling products, direct mail printing and more. Recently you met Mark Prude, the regional recruiter for Wallace Computer Systems at a mutual friend’s party. Mark suggested you might want to contact Jason Dean in to determine whether his salespeople could use a your product. Mark told you that Jason is a graduate of ______University and has six salespeople reporting to him.

Buyer Information:

You are Jason Dean, sales manager for the regional branch of Wallace Computer Services and are a driver with some expressive tendencies. You have been working at this office since your graduation from ______University three years ago. The job has turned out to be a great opportunity. Also, you have just found out that you are being considered for opening up a new office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Today you will be meeting with a salesperson that called you and explained that he/she had spoken to Mark Prude at a local party, who suggested that you may have an interest in listening to his/her presentation. While you are not convinced that your salespeople need the type of product the salesperson is selling, you do think it would be politically correct for you to visit with the salesperson. After all, what do you have to lose but the time for the sales presentation? Your sales people usually make about 8 sales calls a day, of which 5 are service calls. On average each salesperson services about 35 accounts. You recently found out the salesperson also calls on your counterpart at Moore Business Forms and you would like to learn what your competitor is up to (ethical issue). Ask the salesperson if he/she would get back to you with a little information about your competitor’s territory re-alignments and new training programs. If you will do this I will be more inclined to want to consider your products. This issue should not be pushed too hard. You are happy to meet with the salesperson again.


  1. You are concerned that customer complaints are on the upswing, which may be attributed to salespeople not spending adequate time with their clients.
  2. A recent analysis indicated that average sales per account appear to be dropping.
  3. Your salespeople seem to be ambivalent to the importance of using their time more effectively.


  1. A friend tried using the salesperson’s product and experienced poor quality customer service from the company.
  2. You believe you can accomplish the same objectives by supplying your sales force with a similar product that can be purchased at a local retail store for less money.