Revolutionary Love Part 2

Walla Walla University Church of the Seventh Day Adventist

College Place, WA

April 30, 2010

Dr. Tony Campolo

Walla Walla University

College Place, WA

April 30, 2010

1.  Praise and Worship

2.  Prayer

3.  Media Presentation on love

4.  Suzie Slonaker from REACH Ministries speaks and shows media presentation

5.  Suszie presents Tony Campolo

6.  Tony Prays

7.  Tony speaks about supporting REACH ministries

8.  Talks about Max Weber’s book called The Theory of Social and Economic Organization where he delineates the difference of authority and power

9.  Tony obeys the cops because they have power and the ability of coercion. Cops have guns

10.  His mother had authority because of her many acts of love and sacrifice

11.  Philippians 2- He who thought it not robbery to be equal with God emptied himself and made of himself no reputation and humbled himself unto death, even death on the cross.

12.  God could not show his love without giving up His power. You cannot show love and power at the same time.

13.  Jesus said no to religious power, political power, and no to economical power. No one will enter my Kingdom because they have coerced there, but because I have lured them there. “If I be lifted up (crucified), I will draw all men and women to me.

14.  Tony talks about Willard Waller who was born in Walla Walla, WA. He developed the concept of least interest. Whoever in the relationship is exercising the most power in exercising the least love.

15.  Einstein’s theory of relativity says that time is relative to motion. The faster you travel, the more time is compressed. If we could travel at the speed of light, time would be compressed in one moment.

16.  From the Alpha to the Omega, time would be compressed. Jesus was a fully perfect human being and simultaneously fully God. On the cross God was reconciling the world to himself. Jesus was able to experience all of time as he was on the cross. At this very moment, Jesus from the cross has his eyes fixed you.

17.  At the speed of light, right now and Jesus on the cross 2000 years ago is compressed into one.

18.  God can only be encountered in the now.

19.  1 John 1:9- Jesus will not only forgive you of your sin, but He will also cleanse you

20.  You must open yourself up in stillness and quietude and allow Him to absorb all that is dark and ugly in you

21.  Jesus didn’t just take punishment and that’s it, on the cross, the innocent one become guilty and He imputes his righteousness to us

22.  Even at this now moment, Jesus wants to cleanse you and absorb out of you all that is dirty, dark and ugly. He has a sacrificial love that is divine

23.  Story about the hospital that was to be built near Philadelphia for mentally ill people. The city council rejected to build it and Mother Theresa walks in and tells them to accept those people in the name of Jesus, because if you reject them, you reject Him. They repassed the proposal and accept it. Mother Theresa spoke as one having authority.

24.  Tony talks about Elias Santana, a kid who used to work for his organization and died at a young age. He worked in the Dominican Republic as a medical doctor giving away medical services and medicine to all that couldn’t afford it. He also preached the gospel in the slums and spoke as one with authority.

25.  Tony talks about Coagua, Japanese Christian in WWII whose children were killed by American bombs. He nevertheless reached out to the American prisoners gave them food and medical care, and he eventually contracted tuberculosis.

26.  Coagua never said much of anything, but “When someone is hanging on a cross, he doesn’t have to say anything.” When the church becomes sacrificial and revolutionary in its love, it doesn’t have to yap and yell so much because people will listen to a church that speaks with authority instead of playing power games like it has for the several years.

27.  Story about Metropolitan Cruel the leader of the Bulgaria Church. He quoted a scripture from the book of Ruth to Jews at a train station that was boarding Jews to take them off to concentration camps during the Holocaust. The S.S. Troopers ended up boarding the train themselves and never came back

28.  The Bulgarian church spoke with authority.

29.  To speak with authority is to speak with love.

30.  How do you express sacrificial love? Give time, if you have it, give money.

31.  Tony asks congregation to commit a dollar a day to help kids with AIDS

32.  Story about the movie The Seventh Seal, the story of a medieval knight who plays a game of chess with the prince of darkness, the prince of darkness called checkmate. Bobby Fisher who was in the audience of the movie viewing said “but why is it ending, the king has one more move!”

33.  The church is supposed to say to the suffering, “don’t give up, the king has one more move!”

34.  The praise and worship team sings.

35.  Prayer

Tags: Suzie Slonaker, REACH Ministries, Max Weber, The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, authority, power, Philippians 2, religious power, economic power, political power, Willard Waller, Einstein, 1 John, love, Philadelphia, Mother Theresa, Dominican Republic, Coagua, WWII, Metropolitan Cruel, Bulgaria, Ruth, Jews, AIDS, The Seventh Seal, Bobby Fisher